Becoming the Luna

Chapter 269

Chapter 269

Hayden isn't sure what the time is, hell, he'd be hard pressed to figure out what day it was.

He was sure it had rained sometime today or was that the day before?

He could still smell the wetness, adjusting to his new abilities hadn't been much of a task considering that it had just been him and Virgil.

Talking about his mate who's rut had finally broken and refusing to let Hayden cook, had made his way downstairs to grab some kind of late lunch.

It was still too early to eat dinner but it was fine.

He rolls over to his stomach, drowning in one of Virgil's sweaters, legs bare.

He was all cleaned up and surprisingly not as sore as he had been expecting, considering how hard and often Virgil had gone but the moment that stuck the most of of the blur of the past couple days was giving Virgil a matching mating bite.

He felt strangely empty which was a new feeling that he was going to blame on the side effects of getting turned into a supernatural creature, at the moment though, he was nothing but a bubble of soft warmth waiting for his doting mate to come back with food.

He had wanted to order something greasy but Virgil was having none of that, going on about how Hayden needed to eat healthy to replace lost calories.

It hadn't even been a couple hours since the haze of Virgil's rut had receded and he was already back to being his overprotective self, he wouldn't say he didn't miss the reckless side of his mate.

it just hit him that he hadn't spoken to his mom yet and a lot of important things had gone down, he was also sure that no one would call up his mom until after he did which should be right about now.

He couldn't wait to hear her reaction, he also wanted to find out as much as possible about his dad, although he was willing to bury that knowledge because it obviously caused his mom pain to remember about him.

He wouldn't exactly say pain, more like his mom had erased his dad from her life and Hayden had made his peace with that but with something like this happening, they couldn't just pretended like his dad never existed.

He crawls out of bed and gingerly tries his legs which are a bit wobbly but they hold his weight and he slowly makes his way to the living room where his cellphone should be, hopefully.

He had a long list of people he needed to talk to but his mom easily topped the list, he calls her number, surprised when it just rings and she doesn't pick.

He tries the second and third time and hopes that she perhaps forgot her phone in one of the numerous rooms or is fast asleep and the device is on silent.

He restrains himself from calling his Grammy or his Aunt, if this waited for almost two days, it could definitely wait for another.

As he had suspected, it was already Tuesday and the get together had been on Sunday so two days had easily gone by so fast.

The notifications coming in nearly crashes his phone and he half groans, uninterested in dealing with so much demanding for his attention at that moment.

He just wanted, maybe pizza and a movie, something to ease him back to reality.

The door opens at this point and he sees Virgil come in with a covered tray, a smile on his face.

"Hey, baby, you're out of bed." He notes.

Hayden hums, following his lead to the kitchen. "I tried calling my mom, she's not picking."

Virgil glances at him, the top buttons on his shirt undone to proudly show off his mating mark. "Maybe she's not with it at the moment or asleep, she'll call you back."

"Yeah." He murmurs distractedly, pushing his hair out of his face. "Or I could go down to town tomorrow, it'll be better if I tell her to her face."

The spoon in Virgil's hand nearly slips to the ground but he catches it in time. "Oh, really?" He mutters, eyes unfocused.

Hayden doesn't see this, occupied with helping Virgil out with the food. "Yes, wait is this all for me?" He asks with a frown, noting that there was just one serving of everything. "Or we are eating together."

"I'll grab something for myself, this is all for you, you should make sure you finish it." Virgil says seriously.

Hayden makes a face. "Why are there so many vegetables?"

"It's good for you." Virgil says simply, helping him in his seat.

"You sound like my grandfather." Hayden grouches.

The Alpha gives him a warning look which goes over Hayden's head, fork easily bypassing the salad to the chicken. "Hay?"

Hayden waves away Virgil's warning. "I'll eat it, okay."

"Better." Virgil sighs. "I'll come with you tomorrow.

Hayden stops eating, a furrow between his brows. "You're going to be busy, aren't you? You already have enough work piled up for you, adding another day to that will just stress you out."

Virgil ignores his mate's worries, leaning over to kiss Hayden's forehead. "That's not for you to worry about, baby, I'll be fine."

Hayden watches him leave with a frown, knowing that his annoying mate was about to go work himself to the bone.

He throws his fork down on the tray, it was ridiculous, all he would do was quickly go to town, talk to his mom and come back before evening.

There was no reason for Virgil to come along if it would just add to his workload, he was just driving down to town for heaven's sake.

He was more worried than upset because he knows that there's no changing of Virgil's mind, with a faint sigh he picks his fork back up again.

Here he was thinking that things would change if he became a Werewolf but it just seemed to get worse, at least before he found out he was one of them, he was pretty sure Virgil would let him go alone even if he had to send Leon to tag along.

It was exasperating even if it seemed like he had a nack for attracting trouble but considering that for the four years that Virgil and Dale had gone to college, nothing out of ordinary had happened.

He could factually deduce that he wasn't the magnet pulling all the trouble and drama in.

His previously bubbly mood dissipates so fast he teeters on the edge of tears.


Virgil's inner turmoil is visible on his hard face as he strides down the hallways, it was just past five o'clock and although the day was almost over, Jaxon should currently be in his office, waiting with his report.

He had to admit, it was so easy to get used to keeping Hayden in the house all the time, at least then he knew he was safe and happy.

Nothing to pop his bubble by finding out that his mate not only planned to leave the house but the entire goddamned town as well.

He could understand Hayden's urgency but it didn't make enough reasonability for his protective instincts to calm down.

Contrary to popular opinion where people thought Hayden was the perfect sweetheart, he also knew how strong his mate was and how stubborn he could be, if he said he was doing something, there was no changing his mind.

Now he wishes Renee had picked, if to spare him of this heartache, he already knew the value around male Omegas, considering that Werewolf civilizations were starting to come alive now, their value would go up.

Things weren't always calm and peaceful in most Packs as they were in his and Dale's, and for something as little as the current Alpha of the Pack not siring a child of Alpha status, they could fall from power.

Hayden was in more danger than he had ever been.

He pushes open the door to his office and stalks in, sitting aggressively in a manner that portrayed just how upset he was.

Jaxon was sitting across from him, Leon on the chair beside him and Ian on his usual spot on the couch.

Jaxon clutches the files in his hand protectively over his chest, eyes wide. He was used to seeing a Virgil who's emotions were constantly kept in check.

For an Alpha it was quite unique, considering that they were naturally aggressive with a penchant for being spontaneous.

But Virgil's emotions always seemed diluted, like his happiest would be a small, almost non-existent smile and his anger nothing but a furrow of his brows or a slight downturn of his lips, his expression usually neutral.

Especially after finding out that his fiance was a Werewolf, he had expected Virgil to at least be a little happy, Werewolves had longer life expectancies so he was definitely going to outlive Hayden but not anymore.

What made Virgil's upset state even more bothersome was that it was quite visible, a vein ticking in his jaw, jaw clenched and eyebrows drawn down, his eyes were a dark shade of gold.

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