Becoming the Luna

Chapter 249

Chapter 249

The get-together starts off well enough, the friends gathering in Hayden's and Virgil's living room, board games all laid out.

Ruby had been over the clouds about Apple and her new babies but wasn't allow to play with them because they were too young and spent most of the day gravitating from one adult to another.

They all recieved her happily.

It was a wet day out which only cemented their decision to keep this indoors, jabs thrown back and forth with the familiarity of friends.

Dale had been on his guard, either he was paranoid because he was sure he had seen Dream give him covert, evil looks and he wonders if he can be killed in Monopoly.

Luckily the day ends without event and Shana insists that they should make this routine and everyone eagerly agrees.

Ruby starts dozing off when it's well into the afternoon and after probably a dozen muffins, so her moms get ready to leave, Mae carrying her gently while Shana held the bags.

"Thank you for inviting us, Hay." She says with a smile, curly hair in a bun. "And your muffins were delicious, Dream."

They both murmur their thanks and everyone exchanges goodbyes even sleepy Ruby rouses enough to say goodbye.

Dream offers to stay and help Hayden clean up, Dale doing the same and in that time Virgil's phone rings.

It turns out to be Jaxon calling him over to the office on something important.

"I'm sorry, I have to attend to this." He apologizes sincerely to Hayden who gives him a reassuring smile.

"It's fine, V." He leans up to kiss the other. "Dale and Dream are helping me out anyway, call me if you can't make it to dinner." He waves him away.

Virgil smiles a little at this, love shining in his electric blue eyes. "Of course, I love you." He murmurs, chasing after Hayden's lips.

Hayden watches him go, concerned that Virgil might be overworking himself, he had been a little distracted recently.

He shrugs, he would deal with that later, for now he needed to clear up the mess, he gathers up the games to go arrange them back in their shelves.

Dale's panic intensifies when he's left alone with Dream, he had gathered up the rest of the saucers from the living room only to pause when he sees Dream at the sink.

Cautiously, he places the items in his hands in the sink, Dream studying him with a dark expression.

He finally cracks. "I'm sorry for bothering you last night..." He starts to apologize.

Dream gives him an incredible look. "Really? You think that's all what this is all about?" 

Dale frowns, confused. "It's not?"

He had thought that Dream was furious for that reason and probably also almost getting caught by his older brother.

"Don't play dumb." The Omega sasses, making hand gestures as he reaches upwards to yank his turtleneck down and point extravagantly at the patch of red on his skin.

Dale chokes. "Is that a hickey?"

Dream just rolls his eyes, beyond done. "No shit, Sherlock." He scoffs walking out.

He couldn't believe Dale, playing dumb about this? Really! He rants mentally, picking up falling pillows and replacing them after fluffing them up a little more than violently.

Dale on the other hand was horrified, he had no recollection of that and obviously Dream didn't believe him not that he could blame him.

He couldn't have tried marking him in his sleep right? He tangled up his hair in frustration, this was a disaster.

Why couldn't he seem to do anything right? He cursed under his breath, steeling himself to face Dream.

He walks out of the kitchen at the same time Hayden comes back.

"Wow! You guys have basically done everything, why don't you get going? I'll handle the rest." Hayden was saying, pushing up the sleeves of his sweater so that it bunched around his arms.

"But, there's still a bit of work left..." Dream tries to protest.

"Nah, I'll be fine, you still have to get home remember." Hayden cuts him off, coming over to hug him tightly. "Thank you."

"I... I should be telling you that." Dream averts his head, telltale color on his cheeks.

"Then you're welcome!" Hayden beams at him. "What are friends for?"

"I could drive you home, if you want." Dale offers, nervous.

Hayden smiles wider at this, his eyes turning into slits. "That sounds wonderful, you don't mind, do you, Dream?" He asks his friend who he was still hugging.

A negative response is already dancing on the tip of Dream's tongue but Hayden sounds so happy with the idea so he demures, he could get his payback now.

"Fine." He agrees through gritted teeth, hugging Hayden warmly.

"Great!" Hayden applauds, going over to Dale to give him a warm hug as well. "Take care of yourself." He half scolds, pinching the other's cheek.

"And drive safely!" He waves them out, going back to finish the clean up.

Dream curses under his breath, wondering who he had offended to get stuck with the Alpha at every conceivable moment.

He had to admit, Dale had really looked stunned by the hickey but it wasn't like Dream could bite himself in the neck and they were the only two people in the room last night so who else could have done it?

He was already done packing so he asks Dale to wait outside while he grabbed his luggage, nothing fancy just a compact bag.

Darian had told him to not worry about locking up that he would deal with it when he came back from whatever mission he went on.

"Mind if I help you with that?" Dale asks kindly

"Ugh! Why is it so hard to stay mad at you?" Dream mutters under his breath, letting Dale take his bag. "Thanks."

Dale practically beams at this and Dream is quick to put him down.

"You're still not off the hook for why you decided to try to eat me in the night." Dream glares at him.

Dale gulps, unsure of what to do.

He couldn't just say that he had been fast asleep when he did that, that made it even worse.

"I'm sorry, okay, you can even bite me back." He offers up an arm teasingly.

He should have known Dream, he really should.

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