Becoming the Luna

Chapter 245

Chapter 245

The Alpha's presence was soothing which comes as a huge shock to Dream who had half been expecting hardcore teasing - this is way better.

"It'll rain soon." He blurts out, trying to avoid Dale who keeps staring calmly at him with those pine colored eyes.

Dale breathes in deep at this comment, sensitive nose picking up the tell tale scent. "Scared of the rain?" He teases.

"Actually, no, thunderstorms are the best." Dream replies.

This makes Dale whip his head around in surprise.

"You look surprised." Dream points out dryly, pushing his long hair behind an ear.

Dale blinks, reminding himself that Dream might look fragile due to his status but in reality is downright scary. "Not really but most people are averse to thunderstorms." He shrugs.

"You could say so." Dream demures, looking up at the cloudy night sky again. "Wait, don't tell me..." He glances up at Dale. "You're scared of thunderstorms?"

"Maybe a little." He admits grudgingly.

Dream cracks up at this, disbelief written on his face. "No way."

Dale hunches over, leaning sideways into the pillar at the other end. "Mean." He mumbles.

Dream laughs harder, the cool night breeze hitting his face.

Lightening streaks through the sky and he moves closer to Dale. "Might want to bring out your stuffed toy, we might be getting a thunderstorm tonight." 

Dale smoothly turns around. "Or you could invite me over seeing as you aren't scared of thunderstorms."

Dream chokes at this, flinching when Dale's movements puts the Alpha in his personal space. His response is a muffled scramble, cheeks heating up in the cold of the night.

Dale doesn't back down, eyes lazy as he stares at him while Dream struggles to not swallow his tongue or something equally as drastic like tripping over his own feet and falling over the banister, would Dale catch him?

"Let's stay till the rain falls." Dale offers with a smile, dissolving the previously tense scene.

Dream drags in gulpfuls of air as he hastily puts distance between them, retreating to his precious potted plant.

There was no denying that he was attracted to Dale but an attraction had no right to take his breathe away with something as little as locked gazes.

He hums in response, sexual tension aside, he was enjoying this nightly escapade and he might as well see it through to the end, he was leaving the next day anyway.

"Sure, why not." He agrees, forcing his tense muscles to relax.

Dale sighs inaudibly in relief, looking up to the heavy clouds and wondering who he saved in his past life for Dream to be so agreeable.

"So um, what's your favorite color?" Dale asks conversationally, wanting to ease the tense atmosphere before Dream turned tail and ran for it.

Dream pushes his hands down the pockets of his sweatpants, eyes settling on Dale's hoodie. "Amber." He blurts out without much thought. "You?"

Dale suddenly looks thoughtful which makes him swallow as he awaits an answer.

"Blue-grey." Dale replies quietly.

Dream has a few precious moments of confusion before comprehension hits him, eyes going wide. "Oh." Is all he manages to say, flustered as he looks away.

It was a little upsetting whenever he remembered that he was the same age as the Alpha, it just seemed... wrong.

"Um... Picnic? Or the beach?" He asks, not wanting to make the situation awkward even though Dale had just casually stated that his his favorite color was the shade of Dream's eyes.

"Beach or I used to prefer the beach, there's no beach in Pine Creek." 

"Used to?"

"Yeah, I lived in the city."

"Oh, okay, I'll say beaches too but picnics come as a very close favorite."

"What's your take on big dogs?" Dale asks carefully, trying to hide his earnestness on the topic.

If Dream is weirded out by this strange question he doesn't comment on it, thinking a bit. "I love dogs, the bigger the better!" He exclaims and Dale feels his world shift a little, the Omega could not be real.

"Really?" Dale prompts with wide eyes, expectant.

"Yeah but I've not exactly had the chance to own a pet." He adds a little forlornly.

They spend the next couple minutes talking about the most random things and Dream doesn't even notice the time go, laughing freely as the clouds darken and the wind picks up.

It was going to rain anytime soon but he couldn't seem to break away, finding out that Dale did actually have a small stuffed bear.

The night progresses with them asking each other the most random questions and soon they start to rock, paper scissors on who would go next when they start to run out of questions.

"If you cheat this time, I'll take my fist and ram it against your head." Dream threatens lightly, invested in the game.

Dale struggles to hold back his laughter. "I don't think that's how you play the game."

"Try me." Dream mutters, putting his hand out.

The Alpha humors him as well, putting out his hand, fists nearly brushing.

"And I don't cheat." He tags on.

Dream narrows dark eyes at him. "We'll see after if you have my rock cracking your head open or not."

Dale winces. "How do you make everything so scary?"

"Ready?" Dream prompts, shaking his fist threateningly, the wind blowing his hair in his eyes.

"Yeah, I feel like it's not optional anymore." Dale gulps, readying himself.

Dream calls it. "Rock, paper... Eek!" He screeches when the rain immediately interrupts, like he had summoned the cloud tears.

Dale, without hesitation steps forward and wraps his arms around Dream, angling them so that he protected Dream from the cold and sudden droplets of water.

Dream raises his head up in the dark, the rain splashing around them, shock printed on his face as Dale calmly stares down at him like he wasn't rapidly getting drenched.

He's pressed against the taller male, hands against Dale's chest to provide himself balance, the rain fades away for a split second and he catches a glimpse of something... Something more...

"You absolute muffin head!" He curses at Dale dragging him away from the balcony and back in the hallway, closing the door in a hurry to prevent the rain from coming in. "You're dripping wet!" He scolds, trying to wring some of the water away.

Dale just watches him, a small smile on his wet face as Dream alternates between harsh scolding and worrying over him catching a cold.

"Come on, you have to get dry, ASAP." Dream announces importantly, grabbing Dale's wrist and pulling him in the direction of his apartment.

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