Becoming the Luna

Chapter 239

Chapter 239

Dream casually glares up at Dale enjoying his discomfort and uneasiness.

Dale on the other hand was a nervous wreck, clearing his throat occasionally while rubbing his thighs in apprehension, how the hell was he going to explain this without ticking Dream off?

Hayden is also curious, glancing around the table only for the others to avoid his probing eyes, Ruby reaches out to him, eyes heavy with sleep and he doesn't hesitate before taking her, giving Dream the freedom to move around.

"Well?" Dream prompts, narrowing his eyes as he tries to not think too much until after he has gotten an answer.

Dale internally panics, there was no way to explain this without coming off like a creep, plus the last thing he needed at that moment was for Dream to find out that he had literally stalked him.

"Remember we bumped into each other back at Brenwich?" He asks, shakily reaching out a hand to take a sip of water.

"You did?" Hayden cuts in, surprised.

"Yes, we both weren't looking where we were going but it was just once." Dream explains.

"Well I didn't know your name and I caught a whiff of your scent..." Dale trails off, red crawling up his neck - he was totally going to get back at Shana for this.

Dream just studies him with an inscrutable look. "So you've been going around introducing me to everyone as Jasmine?" He scoffs.

Dale winces, that was the least of what he did but he wasn't about to confess his crimes. "Not everyone, those two dragged it out from me."

Affronted sounds leave Virgil at Shana at his accusation.

Dale on the other hand is just relieved when Dream doesn't push further, wondering who he saved in his past life for Dream to not question or figure out his tattoo.

A short silence falls on the table after this, dinner was mostly over but no one was ready to leave yet.

"So I hear Yanis is coming." Shana says, leaning back on her chair.

"Yeah, apparently he just realized that he couldn't just get up and leave so he's still putting a couple things in order." Hayden explains.

Ruby was getting sleepier in his arms being so full with food, he had adjusted her so that she was facing him, head resting on his chest as she dozed.

The fact that his friends had adopted a child only served to cement his wish to adopt a child as well, preferably a Werewolf because have you seen baby Werewolves shift? He wasn't a fan of big dogs but watching them struggle to move their paws around was paradise.

"So, how did it go with your meeting?" Virgil asks Dale.

Dale expels a breath and got up to help clear the table, Virgil following suit.

"Fine, they were all sporting guilty and embarrassed expressions, I'm hoping it doesn't happen again..." He explains as they make their way through a connecting door at the other end, arms piled with trays.

The rest on the table don't look surprised at this but Dream is internally freaking out because right in front of him are Alphas, not just born Alphas but also leaders of Packs, clearing up the table.

Should he help out? Would that seem too presumptuous? Would...

"Don't worry about it, Dream." Mae says kindly when she notices his discomfort.

Shana comes around the table to relieve Hayden of Ruby who is already on her way to being fast asleep.

They both coo when she lets out a little yawn at being moved around.

"Are you going so soon?" Hayden asks sadly, unhappy to see the little girl go.

"Yeah but we'll stop by at the bookstore tomorrow." Shana replies, picking up her daughter who lays her sleepy head on her Nana's shoulder.

Hayden and Dream perk up at this, the lighter haired man already planning how many cupcakes to sneak out for Ruby.

"Want us to walk you down?" Hayden offers, getting up.

"Nah, we'll be fine." Mae says, grabbing her partners phone and one of Ruby's shoes that had fallen off with all the movement.

Virgil and Dale come back at this point.

"You guys are leaving already?" Dale asks, coming over to gently ruffle Ruby's hair.

"We still have a drive ahead of us, I don't want Ruby on the road so late." Mae explains, letting Dale hug her.

"We should totally get together sometime." She continued saying.

Everyone perked up at this suggestion, except Dream who kept quiet, it wasn't like he was a part of their friend group, he was just friends with Hayden.

They all say their goodbyes, Shana and Mae leaving.

Hayden immediately sets out to find Apple, not wanting her to eat something that would make her sick.

Virgil grabs the rest of the empty plates and make his way to the kitchens, leaving Dale and Dream alone together in the dining room.

Dream needs to thank Hayden and Virgil and greet them goodnight before retiring to his apartment so he has to wait, he grabs a hand towel and quickly wipes down the table to keep himself busy, avoiding Dale.

Well, there is only so many times you can wipe down a table and as soon as he sits down again, Dale walks up to him.

"No." Dream instantly says not even allowing Dale to formulate words.

Dale studies him quietly. "You don't know what I was about to say." 

Dream falters at this, feeling slightly guilty. "Fine, what is it?" He asks with sass, not really interested, he could already guess what the Alpha wanted to ask, another date no doubt.

Dream waits patiently, trying to ignore how sheepish Dale looks as the other perchs against the table, tucking his head into his shoulders childishly like his arms weren't bulging threateningly against the sleeves of his thin shirt.

"I just wanted to hold a conversation but you're so mean." He pouts.

Dream gives him an incredulous look. "Want to know what my pinch feels like?" He threatens lightly.

Dale flinches at this and Dream laughs a little at the obvious fear in his dark green eyes.

"As I said, mean." Dale mutters under his breath.

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