Becoming the Luna

Chapter 221

Chapter 221

Dale nearly stumbles over his feet trying to follow after Dream, the flowers toppling from his head. Why did he invite the scary-ass man out to eat again?

He opens the door for Dream carefully, expecting to get yelled at, at least and getting stomped on at most but Dream just thanks him and gets in.

The difference between him and Hayden was so stark it almost hurt but his fascination with his Jasmine couldn't be explained and to be honest he didn't want it explained.

After weeks of feeling like his world was in shades of grey, the blonde spitfire crashes back into his life and everything is suddenly in Technicolor, his savage responses too.

He gets in quickly and starts the car, looking at Dream from the side of his eye to see him searching through a small purse.

"Can you smell me?" Dream asks out of the blue.

Dale splutters, nearly crashing the car. "What?"

"Alphas have very sensitive noses, I need to make sure that my scent is completely hidden."

Dale blinks, frowning slightly, he made it sound like it was a bad thing, he didn't know much about Omegas, even less about males but he the females he knew didn't hide their scents, as a matter of fact, they wore it proudly.

For the first time since he walked out the door he finds for his scent and finds it almost non-existent, he scrunches up his nose in distaste, disliking the lack of scent but he knows better than pointing it out or asking why.

"A little." He finally says when he can still catch a whiff.

"Thanks." Dream mutters absently, bringing out a little bottle from his purse and spraying something on both sides of his neck.

Dale just watches with fascination, unable to catch any scents from the bottle, and soon after, Dream.

"You said I reminded you of someone?" Dale asks after a short silence, easily pulling out of the street, he was curious about what Dream thought about him.

"Yeah, someone I bumped into in the city I lived before, it's not that important." Dream waves away, looking out the window so he doesn't notice Dale wince. "You look like him but maybe all Alphas just look like that."

"Like how?" Dale prompts shamelessly, listening intently.

Dream looks over to him, wondering why he kept prodding, unless... He narrows his eyes suspiciously. "He called me Miss too, like that very specific word, are you him?"

Dale chokes, his plan backfiring. "I-I wouldn't... I-I mean."

"It's fine if you are, I mean you weren't wearing your glasses that day either and I grow my hair out..."

Dale just keeps quiet, letting Dream come up with excuses for him, very relieved that there was no issue with him finding out that he had met Dale before.

"Although I specifically told him I was male so maybe you're not just selectively blind but also have a bad memory."

Dale just glances at him with a done expression, wondering why he kept on savagely dissing him. "Sure." 

"You might not be a bad person if you're Hayden's friend, are you friends with Mae too? And her red-haired girlfriend, I rarely see her."


"Yeah." He affirms.

"I am, we all practically grew up together, although it's mostly Hayden, Shana, and Virgil, Mae and I moved in our final year of high school."

"Oh." Dream nods importantly, interested in hearing about Hayden's past.

He couldn't imagine that someone as rich and famous as he and his mom choose to live in Pine Creek and were so sweet and nice.

"How was he when he was younger?" He asks curiously, ducking when they get to the street the bakery was at.

Dale stares at him weirdly when he goes down but again keeps his mouth shut. "Pretty much the same, he stuttered harder in high school though."

"Even more than now?" Dream asks in surprise eyes wide.

Dale looks down at him, squatting in front of the seat with wide eyes and fluffy, long blonde hair, arms crossed on top of his legs and he quirks his lips.

"Believe it or not, yes." 

Dream looks at the floor of the car where he was currently squatting and glances up, confirming that they had long passed the bakery before settling on the seat again - he couldn't risk his mom or Deidre catching him or even worse a worker, Deidre might not snitch but they definitely would.

He frowns at the implications of Dale's words, why would Hayden stutter like that? Did he have some kind of past trauma?

"Honestly, I think he's just adorable like that." Dale says in response to the visible frown on his face. "He's just fragile."

"Oh." Dream could see that, Hayden was too precious, he belonged in some fairy world where the clouds were pink and he could read all day.

The rest of the journey is mostly quiet, Dream easily getting distracted by the busyness of the Paper District, it's like they entered into a big city.

Flashy signs and shops, music blaring and people constantly on the move.

Dale watches his carefully, Dream's fascination with Paper District was almost child-like, meanwhile coming here gave Hayden mini panic attacks from how loud it was.

There were a number of fancy restaurants he could walk into without a reservation and he would promptly get a seat and he was very willing to abuse that power but there was the one in like twenty chance of it being the restaurant that his mom her set his date at.

He glances at the clock in the car, the date that was supposed to begin fifteen minutes ago.

He is going on a date, right? And with an Omega too although he couldn't shake off the feeling that his mom wasn't going to approve of Dream but that wasn't even his major problem, Dream didn't even approve of him.

On a spur of the moment, he chooses the least likely restaurant for his date to be at and parks the car in the parking lot.

Dream gapes slightly when he gets down, hiking up his skinny jeans. "Don't we need a reservation for a place like this?" He asks nervously, appraising the ritzy place.

"It's fine." Dale reassures him.

Dream nods and quickly tucks his head into his shoulders to reassure himself that his scent was still hidden before following after Dale, he's the Alpha of one of the Packs, after all, he's pretty important - he thinks to himself.

Although why the Alpha would want to apologize with lunch when he doesn't have to is still a mystery to him.

Dale frowns when he catches on to what Dream is doing, why is he hiding his scent so steadfastly.

A waitress walks up to them as soon as they step in, eyes fixed on Dream, he wasn't sure he liked the look of disdain that the lady was wearing, actually, he didn't.

He notes that she gets close enough and sniffs the air and her face goes blank for a bit before she's smiling up at Dale, with suggestive eyes. "Hello, sir." She bows slightly. "I belong to your um..." She trails off with a knowing look in Dream's direction, smiling brightly. "Would you like a table for you and your acquaintance."

Dale flinches back like he had been slapped obviously, the waitress had thought that Dream was an Omega from his physique but when she couldn't catch a scent, she dismissed him as a human, and all her animosity faded away. "Acquaintance?" He repeats in a dark tone, who was this putting labels on Dream?

"I-I thought..." She fumbles.

"This conversation is unnecessary, I'm hungry." Dream blurts out, giving the waitress the evil eye.

She only stutters harder, bowing furiously as she immediately leads them to a table.

Dream rolls his eyes, used to that kind of treatment from other people, it was why he gladly hid his scent.

He settled down and collected the offered menu, ignoring Dale who just stared outrightly at him without picking up his own menu.

After a while of the constant staring, he rolls his eyes again, dropping his menu to glare across the table at Dale. "What?"

Dale quickly looks away, realizing that he's been staring like a weirdo.

"I get treated like that all the time, it's nothing new." He shrugs.

Dale frowns harder, green eyes stormy. "Why? I don't understand."

"Of course you wouldn't, you're an Alpha, you're at the top of the fucking food chain, now choose what you want, I'm about to call the waitress over."

Dale had to force himself to look in the fancy menu, mind elsewhere as he scans through the page, he doesn't remember what he ordered but that's fine, he wasn't really hungry.

What he was though, was curious and he planned to get some answers.

"I apologize for not knowing, would you mind telling me." He says sincerely, curiosity mounting.

Dream pauses his motion of drinking the water that had been offered them, eyes wide.

All the information he's heard about Alphas has led him to believe that they were bossy, inconsiderate jackasses who threw their weight around but Dale was proving all that information wrong.

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