Becoming Professor Moriarty’s Probability

Chapter 130: Monster Showdown (4)

Chapter 130: Monster Showdown (4)

- Sneak...

"... Oh my."

Crouched behind a park bench in a lowered posture, Adler was trying to make a futile attempt at sneaking away from the spot. At that very moment, the quietly observing princess spoke out.

"Where are you hurrying off to, I wonder?"

"... Ah."

"What is it, Mr. Adler?"

Adler’s body froze mid-step by her sudden inquiry.

"... What brings you here, Princess?"

Sweating, he shifted his gaze sideways towards the princess. Upon spotting the royal knights behind her, however, he relaxed and asked with a slightly relieved expression.


Narrowing her eyes slightly, she turned around and raised her hand all of a sudden, as though giving out a signal.

"Princess, but..."

"It is alright."

"If this gets out, the entire knight order will be dismissed..."

"It seems to me that you are not afraid of the punishment I have in store for you for disobeying my orders.”

Covering her mouth and murmuring with a chilling smile, the intensity of her intimidating aura was something even the battle-hardened captain of the royal knights found difficult to shake off.

"... You must call us immediately if things get even slightly dangerous."


"These days, reports of terrible rumours regarding that man are constantly being relayed from all over London. You must be cautious, Princess."

Relaying those words, the captain, his spirit somewhat dampened, turned and walked towards the direction where a sinister aura was emanating.

"But it's me who's in danger, isn't it...?"


"... Ah."

As Adler reached out his hand towards the departing figure of the captain, he suddenly froze upon hearing the sinister laughter echoing close by.


"He, hehe."

"You know, I have a question."

Suddenly, the princess dropped her dignified manner of speech. Was that perhaps why he was acting so terrified?

"Why didn't you send me an invitation?"

No, that was not. The reason for his terror was that the worst serial killer in history, Jill the Ripper, was subtly brandishing a gruesome knife that she manifested from the shadows right now.

"Even the monsters I’ve placed among the knights as underlings have all received your message."

"That, well..."

"I'm really curious why you've left me out specifically..."

Seeing the knife, Adler began to sweat and clamped his mouth shut as old traumas resurfaced.

"I can’t treat you the same as the others, Princess..."

"What a funny excuse."

"No, it's not an excuse... it's a fact."


The Princess, who had been giving him a look as though she found his reactions adorable, suddenly adorned a stern expression and stepped towards him.


- Puhkk...


The next moment, Isaac Adler, making noises as though the air had been knocked out of his lungs, collapsed into her arms.

"... Last time, you said it yourself. Let's go on a date this weekend."


"You said you'd contact me… said to wait for you."

Jill the Ripper, having plunged her favourite knife into his heart, caressed Adler's back as he gasped for air in her embrace. A stern expression was plastered on her face as she pressed him for answers.

"But why hasn't there been any contact, no matter how long I waited?"


"... Adler, did you deceive me?"

Facing the chilling gaze of the princess, their faces so close that their lips could touch at any moment, Adler couldn’t help but shudder. Suddenly, a fleeting expression of realization crossed his face as he listened to her query.

"Could it be… you, did you forget about it?”


"Really? That’s the actual reason!?”

"... Ugggh."

With an incredulous smile, Jill the Ripper began twisting the knife embedded in Adler's heart.

"... Look, Adler. Because of that single sentence you said that day, I cancelled all my plans for the weekend."


"And there I was, sitting in my royal chambers all weekend like a princess from a fairy tale, eagerly anticipating how you would contact me."

Her voice, tinged with a hint of bitterness, caused Adler's eyes to flicker wildly.

"As Saturday passed and Sunday came, I still held hope that you would eventually contact me. means both Saturday and Sunday, after all."


"But as Sunday evening approached, I started to feel uneasy."

Jill the Ripper continued, staring directly into his eyes.

"Still, I thought perhaps you wanted to be romantic and take me on a date at night, so I kept waiting patiently."


"... And when the clock finally struck midnight, how do you think I felt after sitting there for 48 hours straight?"

Adler, at a loss for words, scratched his head before finally opening his mouth.

"... Would you like to slit my throat like last time?"

"No, I was thinking of kidnapping you and throwing you into a grinder."

With a cold expression, she drove the knife deeper into his heart.

"Um, well..."


As his consciousness began to fade, Adler rolled his eyes back and forth, then suddenly adopted a submissive expression and leaned closer to Jill the Ripper.

- Lick...

The next moment, Adler licked her on the lips out of the blue.

"What are you doing...?"

"... Will you marry me?"

As he whispered in a submissive manner, trying to act cute, silence began to settle between the two.

"Ahaha... Haha..."

Soon, an incredulous laugh leaked out of her lips as she stared at Isaac Adler who… was now breaking out into a cold sweat.

"... Just die."


Simultaneously, her knife began to slowly slice Adler's heart apart.

- Peek...

Pale-faced, for some reason, Adler began peering behind her.

"What is it?"


"It seems you didn't come here alone now, did you?"

His gaze began to tremble upon hearing Jill the Ripper's whisper.

"Hmm, what to do now?"

- Clench...

"Sorry, but I don’t think your henchmen can save you."

Jill the Ripper, licking Adler's cheek with a chilling expression, completely bisected his heart this time around.

"... Ugggggh."

"I sent the royal knights to where your stinking barn animal, the little runt of a sniper, and that mosquito woman were hiding, after all..."

As the last of his strength left him, Adler completely surrendered his body into her arms, Holding him tightly, she whispered into his ears in a soft tone.

"And all those numerous groups and organizations you’ve cobbled together will also be of no help."


"Because I am currently the second most noble person in this British Empire. Unless it's an outright war, a military conflict in such a secretive operation would only be problematic for them, not me.”


"Well, the assumption itself might be meaningless since you are the trophy... but even if a full-scale war broke out, I am overwhelmingly superior in both numbers and strength."

Her eyes gleamed with a sense of victory as she stroked Adler's cold and pale cheek.

"There are a few variables like that insolent detective and the mysterious professor but..."

"... Ugh."

"You fought with the detective, didn't you?"

Hearing that, Adler quietly avoided Jill the Ripper's gaze.

"The professor is currently recuperating from an injury she sustained not long ago... She's probably knocked out by now after taking her sleeping pills. Tell me, am I wrong?"


"Then the last remaining variable must be the monsters you've brought in from all over Britain..."

Jill the Ripper, who had been looking down at his figure with amused eyes, glanced towards the dust cloud spreading in the distance and muttered.

"... It seems that last variable has already taken care of itself."


"Therefore, there's only one fate left for you."

As she whispered, lowering her voice down an octave, Adler tilted his head with clouded eyes.

"Don't you understand yet?"


"You're going to be raped and murdered by me today."

Jill the Ripper's excited voice pierced through Adler’s mind, making him look up at her with his hazy eyes.

"Rape… and murder? Did you just say rape and murder?"

"I've been thinking... If I kill you, I'll lose a toy to play with. So, I need to preserve your genes first."

"... I'm not that easy to kill, you know?"

"Plans for the future, if you will."

In response to his frightened rebuttal, she spoke in a stern tone.

"What if one day your immortality suddenly vanishes, and I stab you as usual and you just die? There's no turning back then."


"Or you could suddenly disappear due to some sort of ability. You're that kind of person, after all, Isaac Adler."

"Why are you talking about such illogical things as if they were logical..."

As Adler quietly avoided her gaze and muttered, she cut him off.

"Enough, just obediently get raped and murdered."

- Squeeze...

Lifting him in a princely carry as his strength continued to wither away, Jill the Ripper began moving forward.

"As long as I haven't figured out a way to kill you, you might as well act as the future queen’s prince consort. Wouldn't that be beneficial for you as well?"

"... Hmm."

Upon hearing her proposition, Adler thought it over for a moment and then broke into a cheerful smile.

"That's an interesting perspective."

"Yes, isn't it? So don't resist and just follow me quietly to the palace. I've prepared a cosy space in the basement for raping and torturing you to death, so you'll live quite a luxurious life for a sex slave..."

"... However, I must decline."

But at that moment, Adler interrupted Jill the Ripper's words with his firm response.


"I have already promised marriage to someone.”

Upon hearing those words, Jill the Ripper's previously excited expression swiftly turned cold as a slab of ice.

"It seems you are under some misapprehension."

"Is that so?"

"I have never made a proposal or request to you."

Then, with a chilling gaze, she leaned in close to his face and murmured.


– Probability of being Kidnapped — 100% – Probability of being Imprisoned — 100% – Probability of ??? — 100%

At the same time, the finalized probabilities surfaced in front of Adler’s face.

"This is just my declaration to you, Adler."


"Understand? Now let's go. We need to return to the palace without the knights noticing..."

As she spoke, Jill the Ripper licked Adler's blood off her fingers and continued walking forward.


However, she had only taken a few steps when she stopped and narrowed her eyes, focusing ahead.

"Who's there?"

"I'm sorry, but..."

Just then, Adler, quietly lifting the corners of his mouth, began to mutter.

"It seems you are the one who is mistaken."


"There’s still one variable left, isn’t there?”

Blocking her path, a girl mysteriously appeared before Jill the Ripper. With a cape fluttering in the darkness of the night, hand pressing down on her large hat, the girl’s lips curved upwards just like his own as she eyed them both.

"... That's my treasure, by the way."






However, it wasn't just the corners of their mouths that had raised upwards.


– Probability of being Kidnapped — 200% – Probability of being Imprisoned — 200% – Probability of ??? — 200%


For some reason, the probabilities floating in front of Adler had also skyrocketed to abnormal levels.

Ah, let me correct that.

By multiple individuals at the same time...

"Ah, shit. Not this /genesisforsaken

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