Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 504: Fallen Angel【Subscription】

  Chapter 504 Killing the Angel 【Subscription】

  Adam waved his white six wings and hovered in the midair of the battlefield.

  Although he was seriously injured and surrounded, he still had a faint smile on his face, and his eyes were as calm as the surface of a lake.

   Graceful and graceful!

   Ignoring Chen Wen's persuasion to surrender, and Abao's siege, he slowly spread his hands and spoke solemnly.

  “God so loved the world!”

   Following Adam's words, a pair of wings behind him fluttered slightly, emitting milky white light to cover it.

  Under the milky white light, Adam's sunken chest quickly returned to its place, and the injuries on his body began to heal themselves visibly.

   "Still want to struggle?" Chen Wen shook his head amusedly, "Since you want to play, let's play with you again!"

  While speaking, he had directly directed Abao and them to do it through telepathic communication.


  Er Zhuzi had grown impatient for a long time. The moment he heard the command, he immediately used his aura to display his skills.

  In an instant, it opened its mouth and spewed out red golden flames, and flapped its wings to blow out gusts of wind.

   The wind fuels the fire!

  In just a short while, the two pillars created a scorching fire wave more than ten meters high, and slapped Adam from the front.

   At the same time, Po and Orochimaru did not hold back.

  A Bao waved his palm and shot more than a dozen dragon-shaped energy, blocking the retreat route behind Adam's side.

   Orochimaru shot out two gray-white rays of light from its big lantern-like eyes, not only trying to block its way out, but also trying to control it.

  Facing the powerful attacks coming from three sides, Adam's calm eyes still didn't fluctuate in the slightest. He just bowed his head reverently and put his arms around his shoulders.


  As a clear and holy bird song sounded from his body, a pair of white wings behind Adam suddenly glowed with pure gold.

  In an instant, the dazzling light enveloped him, forming an indestructible golden shield around him.

  At the moment when the protective shield was formed, the red gold fire wave, the dragon-shaped energy, and the petrified light hit the protective shield protecting Adam almost in no particular order.

  Several powerful energies collided suddenly, forming a terrifying explosion.

  Boom—! !

  Accompanied by a deafening roar, the dazzling fire directly engulfed Adam.

   The chaotic energy stalemate for a moment, then swept around, forming a big mushroom cloud in the battlefield.

   "How dare he?"

   "Isn't it just the first round? Why didn't you admit defeat?"

   "It doesn't matter if the Geographic Bureau loses!"

   "Isn't this too irrational?"



  Seeing that Adam was overwhelmed by skills, many viewers showed surprise and puzzled expressions on their faces.

  The semi-final is a three-game two-win format. Although the outcome of each game is very important, it is not impossible to give up, especially the opponent's geographical advantage.

  Instead of slamming against the enemy after being seriously injured, it is better to admit defeat and win back a victory in your own geographical situation.

  Among the chaotic energy waves, Adam was safe and sound under the protection of the golden energy shield.

  At this moment, all the injuries on his body have healed, except for some holes in his clothes, it seems that there is no difference from before he played.

   Hoo! —

   The aura surged in the energy shield, and Adam looked like a **** against the golden aura.

  Recalling the positions of Chen Wen's three beasts, he suddenly vibrated his six wings.


   As soon as the sonic boom sounded, Adam was already left behind.

  In an instant, a big hole was opened in the mushroom cloud, and a brilliant golden light shot out from it.

  The golden light dragged its long tail, rushing towards the gap surrounded by Ah Bao and his three beasts like a meteor.

  When Adam was about to rush out of the encirclement, a tall and strong figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, trampling on the golden young dragon, and blocking his way.


  Seeing Chen Wen in front of him, Adam couldn't help but have a violent glint in his eyes.

  As an angel, his existence is to proclaim the glory and majesty of the Lord.

  However, Chen Wen severely injured him with one blow just now, revealing his embarrassed posture in front of countless people.

   Only by defeating or even severely injuring Chen Wen can he rebuild his majesty and revive the glory of the Lord!


  Terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations erupted from the body, Adam strengthened the shield again, and then suddenly flapped his wings, powerful force and strong wind erupted instantly, as if to shatter the air behind him.

   Visible to the naked eye, transparent ripples appeared behind him.

   With the help of this sudden explosion, his speed accelerated again, and the soaring flames generated by the golden shield in front of him rubbing against the air made his face flushed red.

  Looking at Adam who fell like a meteor, Chen Wen didn't panic at all.

  I saw him stepping on the head of the real dragon incarnation with one foot, raising his hands up and down, holding a small ball like a golden sun in his hand.

  When his hands were raised up and down over his head at the same time, Chen Wen suddenly clenched hard.

  In an instant, the golden yang in his palm seemed to be crushed by him, flattened into two short sticks, and the moment the short sticks were connected, they turned into long golden sticks.

  Holding the Ruyi golden stick, Chen Wen mobilized his muscles and bones, circulated the power of ten dragons and ten elephants, and swung it down suddenly.

   In less than a second, Chen Wen's long stick hit Adam's golden energy shield.

  At this moment, the entire battle field seemed to have come to a standstill for a moment, and Adam, who was shooting through the sky like a meteor, and waving the wishful golden stick seemed to be frozen.

  Where the gold stick and the protective cover meet, an invisible mirror appears out of nowhere, and a ripple visible to the naked eye suddenly appears, and then spreads wildly up and down.

  Under the impact of terrifying energy, the airflow in the middle was squeezed to the surrounding traces.

  The next moment, the invisible mirror disappeared with the ripples, and the golden rod and the golden energy shield finally collided.

  The impact of extreme power and extreme speed collides with each other!


  It seemed as if there was a clash of metals, and it seemed that there was a drum humming. The piercing and dull sound made countless audiences in the arena couldn't help covering their ears.

  The long stick carries the tyrannical power of ten dragons and ten elephants, and the golden shield has the terrifying impact brought by extreme speed.

  Collision! extrusion!

  The two extreme forces collided, and the winner was not immediately determined, and the two sides actually started to stalemate.

  For a while, the protective shield that blocked Ah Bao and the others was hit by a long stick into an ellipsoid shape.

   At the same time, the long stick made of wishful golden light in Chen Wen's hand also squeezed out a curved arc during the collision.

   Neither of them expected such a situation, so their expressions changed instantly.

  The difference is that Adam's face showed horror and disbelief.

  Chen Wen's face showed excitement.


  Chen Wenmeng opened his eyes wide, gritted his teeth and shouted angrily.

  He wanted to see the limit of ten dragons and ten elephants.

  In an instant, his already tense body was directly exposed to the blue veins, and the muscles and bones all over his body not only agitated, but also let out the sound of dragon chant and elephant hissing.

  As if there was a dragon elephant galloping in his body, Chen Wen felt his blood boil instantly, his limbs became thicker, and a frightening force burst out from his body again.

  The two were at each other's throats, and the power bursting out of Chen Wen's body was like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

  The balance tilted directly!


  The terrifying force erupted through the Ruyi Golden Rod, directly crushing the golden shield by a few points.

  At this moment, the stick had already crushed Adam's head, and the shield was squeezed to the extreme, and a crack appeared on it.

  Seeing that the golden stick was about to smash the protective cover, the impact force brought by the extremely fast flight had been exhausted in the stalemate.


  Without the follow-up impact, the protective cover directly unloaded the huge force carried by the Ruyi Golden Stick to the rear, and then directly fell from the sky like a meteorite, hitting the grass heavily.


  Under the shock of terror, a deep pit appeared directly on the ground, scorching energy waves swept around, burned the vegetation on the ground, and splashed smoke and dust several meters high.

  Abao, Dashewan, and Erzhuzi didn't use Chen Wenduo's words, and directly cast skills to make up for the deep pit.

  In the auditorium, the leader of the Vatican in a red robe saw this, his eyes flashed with anxiety, and he immediately activated the protective props on Adam.

  In an instant, an angel phantom rose from the smoke, and its huge wings overlapped to block Abao and his attacks.

   Seeing this, the referee immediately announced the result of the game.

   "Adam used props illegally, Chen Wensheng!"

  (end of this chapter)

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