Battle of Ascension

Chapter 393: 500 vs 100,000

Chapter 393: 500 vs 100,000

The five hundred people with bloodline divided into two groups evenly. They had one mission, it was to defend the north wall from the attack of the Devil Apostle.

Despite facing a huge army, there was none of them nervous or afraid. They lined up before the north wall with their chest up and confidence look plastered on their face.

They never thought this as suicide as the believed Boss was trusting them. Rather than thinking as suicide, 500 people took this as a compliment. Boss was praising them that with only them, they could easily repel the over 100 thousand Devil Apostle.

Moreover, they also could see Boss was watching with his friend from the top wall.

Meanwhile, Randy also had his own consideration. He had fought against the Devil Apostle Minion rank and he knew, the minion was nowhere near 500 people of his guild member.

Moreover, this was also a form of training for his guild member. Not only that, but the exp gained from killing Devil Apostle Minion was also big. It would help his guild member to grow even stronger.

As for him, the little exp of Devil Apostle Minion was no much help for him. He would not participate in this small scaled fight. As for why he did not call his skeleton army, beast army, and the other guild members to end their Happy Conquest in Russia.

It was because the others were not available for the time being. The others were helping Happy Guild expanded the territory and city. Though he could call them, it would slow the city development. He could not afford to slow the city development as there were many people needed a place to live.

Even though Randy could buy the building with the money, but they did not do so as it would cost a lot as the amount of house and territory they needed to expand was massive.

Limera was still anxious even after hearing Randy's words. There was no way he could calm down as he looked at this absurd situation.

As Limera was anxious on his chair, Devil Apostle made their move. From the top wall, they could see a black army moved out of the camp.

Limera turned his head toward Randy and saw Randy was sitting casually on his chair. He even enjoyed the weird drink on his table. Randy who looked reliable and upright in Ascension World was nowhere to be seen.

"Devil Apostle send their first batch army, the amount eh" Asuka who kept her eyes on the Devil Apostle army announced, but then she stopped as she found the thing she did not expect to see.

"Devil Apostle move with their full force. It seems they plan to flatten us in one charge!" Asuka announced calmly. There was no change in Asuka expression, she was still cheerful and always had a smile on her face.

Even after knowing Devil Apostle moved with their full force, there was no real change on her expression. It seemed over 100 thousand Devil Apostle was nothing to be worried for.

Limera bewildered, but then he scanned every people that looked like upper echelon of Happy Guild. Udin, Gusti, Erwin, Akihiro, and Long Xinya surprising calm.

'Is this guild filled with nuts? How come they still calm like this despite facing a huge army like this,' Limera wondered.

If these 500 people were as strong as Randy, then Limera could still calm like the others. But he knew it was impossible. There was no way these 500 people were as strong as Randy.

"I will help them!" Limera declared and stood from his chair. He could not just sit on the chair while looking at the one-sided clash. At least, it was what he thought.

Randy only shrugged helplessly, indicating he could do what he wanted to. He knew Limera would say this and won't stay quiet later.

After getting Randy's consent, Limera immediately took his shield and sword out. He was ready to join the clash, but suddenly there was a hand grasped his left hand.

Limera turned his head and saw, it was Hermione who pulled his hand.

"You should believe him! I am sure you know him well than I do, right? Do you think he will only watch his guild member and over a thousand people died in front of his eyes?" Hermione voiced out her thought. Yes, if 500 people failed to hold the attack of the Devil Apostle, then the thousands of people in the city would also die.

However, now, Hermione could see the thousands of civilian still did their daily activity inside the city as usual. It was like the over a hundred thousand Devil Apostle was nothing to them. The civilian was completely trusted Randy and his men.

Even though it was indeed looked absurd, Hermione believed Randy would not helplessly watch his guild member just die like that. Also, based on how civilian trusted Randy and 500 people, Hermione somehow began believing 500 people were enough to face Devil Apostle.

Randy turned his head toward Asuka and Asuka one what Randy wanted to. Randy wanted her to tell the second group to regroup. Devil Apostle was attacking them with a full force, so Randy had his guild member to defend the city with a full force too.

He thought Devil Apostle would launch would send ten to twenty thousand people. But he did not expect Devil Apostle would send their full force in the first attack!

Finally, Limera decided to stay on the top wall after hearing his wife's words. But he was in alert, just in case. If he noticed Happy Guild would lose in the clash anytime, he would immediately join the fray with CCC.

Currently, CCC was in his shoulder in his small form. CCC small form was much smaller compared to Rocky's cat form.

The deep blue shield and a shining sword on Limera's back. He was really prepared to join the war anytime.

Meanwhile, below the wall, 500 Happy Guild members were standing still with their chest up. Facing over a hundred thousand of Devil Apostle army, rather than nervous, they were excited to show off their strength before Boss's friend.

Udin and Gusti told them that David and Limera were Boss' friend from Europe and Africa. They even knew the two were as strong as Boss. Though they did not know it was true or not.

Not only that, but they also wanted to show their guild strength to Boss' friend, making Boss proud for having them as Happy Guild's guild member.

Angga, Prawira, Adit, and Iman were acting as the leader of these 500 guild members. The others also acknowledged these four as their leader with Udin, Gusti, Asuka, and Akihiro absence.

Boss trusted them as he did not participate in the clash. They must win this war perfectly and every Happy Guild member had the same thought. They were eager to show and prove their strength before Boss.

500 Happy Guild members felt pump up. Wearing the signature armor of Happy Guild and Legendary Grade Weapon in their hand, they were all ready to clash against Devil Apostle.

As the five hundred people had their own thought, the ground vibrated. Though the ground only vibrated slightly, all of them could feel it. It was an indication of the Devil Apostle army was getting near.

Angga, Prawira, Adit, and Iman tightened their grip on their weapon. They raised their weapon up for three seconds before shouting simultaneously.

"Get Ready!!!"


The others immediately pulled their weapon respectively. Meanwhile, the Devil Apostle army was already in their sight, about 3000 meters away from where they were.

Devil Apostle army was advancing fast. When Devil Apostle reached 2000 meters distance, once again Angga, Prawira, Adit, and Iman shouted once again.


Angga, Prawira, Adit, and Iman immediately charged forward, leading 500 people to clash against Devil Apostle. None of them hesitated, they charged together despite facing a huge force.

Limera flabbergasted as he watched this. They were only little in number, yet they clashed head-on.

The same for David, Hermione, and Pristine. Pristine had witnessed how strong these people were, but it was still absurd to face over 100,000 people with only 500. Now, she was even more shocked as she watched 500 charged toward 100,000 people.

Not only the people on Happy Guild side but Commander Vadik along with hundred Supreme Generals also flabbergasted as he watched this.

He had over 100,000 people with him yet the enemy side only send a little number to defend against them. He did not know whether to laugh or angry over this.

It was funny to know the guild only sent a little number to face them. Of course, he was also angry as he felt the other side was despising them with this. It was what he thought when he looked at the opposite side.

However, soon, Vadik noticed something abnormal within the opposite side. He felt the opposite was too fast and the distance between them immediately became shorter and shorter.

He could see the city wall was still far ahead of them. What did this mean? This meant the opposite force was way too fast, that meant the opposite had a high stat.

"Get Ready!!!" Commander Vadik raised his big sword. Somehow, he felt bad premonition as he watched the opposite and began slowing his speed. He was letting his subordinate passed him and he stayed behind his subordinate to test the water first.

In no time, 500 Happy Guild member clashed against Devil Apostle.

Commander Vadik who stayed behind his subordinate, his heart skipped a beat. He stunned as he witnessed the scene in front of him.

"Use your transformation!!!" Commander Vadik shouted once against, but his voice was not calm anymore. He was a bit panic now and he also transformed into a lesser demon.

Hearing the order, Devil Apostle army immediately transformed into a crowd of lesser demons. However, it did not change the flow of war.

Vadik who transformed into 15 meters tall lesser demon witnessed his subordinates were getting slaughtered powerlessly. He saw his subordinates were powerless before these people.

"Grarrrghh!!" Commander Vadik let out a furious roar, but then, he saw a man with a spear in his hand right before his face.

He saw there was a wind revolved around the spearhead. The spear shot toward his head and he was powerless before the spear. It was too sudden and too fast, he could not react to block or dodge the incoming spear.

The last thing he saw before his vision blackened was the tip spear with wind revolved around it.

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