Battle of Ascension

Chapter 360: Beast Horde (8)

Chapter 360: Beast Horde (8)

Randy left the east gate with a hundred Happy Guild members and Udin stayed with another two hundred guild people to help the east wall.

Even though the traitor was only from a medium to a small guild, but the number of the traitors were many, and the east wall lost almost half of their force. The people who surrendered to the beast kingdom was about thirty percent, but the chaos just now also took many casualties on the Alliance side.

Randy knew their concern and that was why he left Udin along with two hundred guild members with a bloodline to defend the east wall.

Then, what happened next days, they defended Canberra City, but they did not see any sign of the traitors among the beast horde. It was a bitter fight even on the Happy Guild side.

It was King Grade wolves horde and the Happy Guild members who did not have a bloodline were getting overwhelmed. However, with Randy there along with Akihiro and Asuka, the Happy Guild suffered no casualty still.

Meanwhile, Long Xinya and Erwin stayed on the south wall while Gusti defended the east wall with Udin. Even though the east and south wall situation was worse than the north wall, somehow they managed to hold the defense for seven days straight.

It was fortunate that seven days since the traitor incident, another reinforcement arrived. It was another two million reinforcement and this time, the Ascension Guild did not limit how many one guild could bring the guild members to come as reinforcement.

In this batch reinforcement, Dragon Dynasty, Eternal Shogunate, Ravendawn Empire, New Korea, and the other guilds summoned almost all their elite force to Canberra City.

In those two million reinforcements, 1.3 million people were the guild members that guild who had arrived in Australia earlier. They were the elite member of those guilds, but there was one guild who did not send a reinforcement. It was Happy Guild, there was no Happy Guild member among the two million reinforcement.

It was not Randy did not want to bring more

Also, there were only a little people with no guild and a fewer guilds came this time. It because of all guilds reached an agreement to let the people outside there to know what happened to the traitor and the reason why the traitor surrendered to the beast kingdom.

Realizing the situation in Australia was dangerous even with Happy Guild, Dragon Dynasty, and other big guilds there. Many people who had the intention to come, they canceled their intention to come to Australia.

It was no joke, about seven hundred thousand people surrendered to the beast kingdom. It meant the situation in Australia was far dangerous to be what they expected to, even with those big guilds there.

Because of this, there were many guilds and people with no guild who wanted to try their luck did not dare to come.

However, there were also still many people who dared to come. It proved with seven hundred thousand people who came. Three hundred thousand people were people with no guild while the rest was a guild who wanted to get the reward from killing the beast.

This was what the Alliance waited for, with all their elite force gathered, the Alliance quickly stabilized the defense. With the arrival of the two million reinforcement, the Alliance did not need the Happy Guild anymore.

Then, what happened next was another long battle. And the second day after the arrival of the reinforcement, the two beast kingdoms stopped sent the King Grade beast horde. The Savage Kingdom and The Celestial Monarchy Kingdom sent a mixed grade beast horde, from Rare Grade beast to Ancient Grade Beast.

The Alliance took it as good news for them. They thought there would be no more King Grade beast horde after this. But they still cautious and kept defending the gate.

Two weeks passed, but there was still no change on the beast horde. The two beast kingdoms still sent the mixes grade of the beast horde and the Celestial Monarchy Kingdom also began sent a mixed beast.

It was not a wolves beast horde anymore as other beasts also mixed into the horde. However, it did not affect Randy's plan to let his guild member got a title. At least, all Happy Guild members got slayer title from killing Wolverian.

Three weeks passed, there was no major change on the two beast kingdoms, except the number of the beast sent by the two beast kingdoms doubled.

At first, it gave no problem to the Alliance, but as days passed by. The Alliance troubled by the amount of the beast horde. The Alliance members had gone weary as the Alliance forced to deploy more people to defend.

Which usually they got to sleep only after eight to ten hours battle. Now they could only get a rest only after one whole day battled. However, they only get four to five hours rest even after battling all day.

It because the intensity of the beast horde attacked and the number of the beast. The pressure weighted over the Alliance increased day by day. However, they insisted to not call a reinforcement from Happy Guild.

Another week passed and today, finally the Alliance suffered casualties. On the east wall, there were 1278 people died and this was the first casualties since the traitor incident. Meanwhile, there were 1672 people died on the south wall.

Even though it could be considered little casualties compared to the people who still alive, but this was bad news for the Alliance. Because this was only the start as the beast horde was still coming.

The next three days straight, Alliance suffered more casualties. Over twenty thousand people died, it was the total casualties they suffered on the east wall and the south wall.

They planned to wait for the arrival of the next reinforcement. They did not want to ask the Happy Guild's help, but they realized it would only take more casualties if they were waiting for the arrival of the next reinforcement.

The next reinforcement would only arrive after a week. But it was too long looking at the current situation. The current situation was not good for them and they needed the alleviate the exhaustion on Alliance members.

Why did they so reluctant to call Happy Guild's help? It because of the contribution point, they reluctant to share the contribution point to the Happy Guild as Happy Guild already on the top with insane contribution points, 678,891,553 Points.

They would not be surprised if they saw each Happy Guild members held a Legendary Grade Weapon later. It was freaking them out when they checked the contribution ranking point. Because of the situation which became worse day by day, no one of them checked the contribution point ranking for a long time. However, when they checked it, the Happy Guild's contribution reached five hundred million points.

No one felt weird about it. Even though five Rare Grade Beast beast only worth one point, Epic Grade Beast only worth one point, and Ancient Grade only worth five points. But no one of them felt strange about it as one King Grade Beast worth for two hundred points.

During the King Grade beast horde, Happy Guild members also helped to defend the south and east wall. They witnessed how scary the Happy Guild was. They were like a killing machine who killed their target quickly and easily.

But now, they must put the contribution point thingy aside as they were really in need the Happy Guild to bring them out the current situation. Different from the east wall, the south wall immediately called the Happy Guild after realizing they were in a bad shape.

The east wall only called the Happy Guild two days later. Of course, in those two days, the east wall suffered more casualties. But the Happy Guild managed to stabilize the situation as they came fast and they stabilized it fast.

During these five days, Randy was contemplating whether to bring the Monikia tribe in this batch reinforcement or not. If the beast horde was really endless, he really needed the Monikia Tribe. The amount of the beast was out of his expectation and he really thought Happy Guild and Alliance were against Australia Beast.

It was not exaggerated to say all beast in Australia was their opponent. Looking at the current, it might be the case. It had been almost three months, but the beast horde was still coming.

Looking at the current time, Randy remembered Zhen Yi. She was about giving birth their first child and Randy wanted to be there. He estimated about half to one month before his wife would give birth to their first child.

So, he must end this beast horde fast. That was why he wanted to call the Monikia Tribe to come in this batch reinforcement.

But he also hesitated, the defense of Evergreen City would weaken a lot if he brought the Monikia Tribe. He was still worried about the hidden force of Ascension Guild who targeted his wife. In the end, Randy decided the Monikia Tribe had to stay. He did not dare to risk his wife and child safety to end this beast horde.

Five days passed and the supposed reinforcement arrived. The Alliance on the south wall thought the reinforcement was a bit late. The reinforcement arrived, but there was no more beast horde anymore attacked the south wall.

Yes, the day reinforcement arrived, the beast horde on the south and north wall vanished. The beast horde which seemed to be endless had come to an end. The survived people on the south gate cheered as they thought they had successfully repelled the beast horde.

However, different from the south wall. Randy immediately dispatched people to scout over ten to fifty kilometers area in the front. It was impossible for the beast kingdom to give up after so far. Randy would never believe that and that was why he immediately dispatched his men to scout.

But the result of the scout confused him. There was really no more beast and it was like the beast kingdom had ceased their attack, but why?

Randy waited for half an hour, but there was no beast horde came. Instead, the men he sent to the south wall back. They also told him that there was no more beast horde and that was why the went back to the north wall.

'Then what about the east wall!?'

The beast horde on the south had also vanished. Maybe, the beast kingdom really stopped their attack?

Just as Randy wanted to ask the condition on the east wall to Udin who was there, there was a message rang in his head, and the message was from Udin.

"Boss the east wall broke, we need more reinforcement. It was Emperor Grade beast horde!!!"

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