Battle of Ascension

Chapter 358: Chaos

Chapter 358: Chaos

That night, Randy slept soundly as the beast kingdom really ceased their attack. Not only that night but the next two days the beast kingdom also did not send the beast horde out.

Randy and the Happy Guild also did nothing in the last two days. They also took this time to rest and not bothering if the beast kingdom planned something or not. Maybe the beast kingdom sent another private envoy to each guild or maybe they set something more horrible thing for the next attack. He did not care.

However, as the scale of attack became smaller, Randy did not really worry as he confidence that his guild could survive until the end. As for the other guilds safety? He could only do the best to help them, but that was it. He would not make any sacrifice to save them. If he could do it then he would do it and if he could not then they were unlucky.

There was also no one bothering him in the last two days and it was peacefully, but the atmosphere in the city a bit off. There was not a few who worried that they would not manage to hold until the next beast horde. After all, it was King Grade beast horde and they realized they were still too weak for fighting against them.

The city's atmosphere was a bit gloomy but it did not affect the Happy Guild in the slightest. They were doing as Boss ordered them to. Taking enough rest and relaxed a bit to keep their condition in their prime.

The Happy Guild really was the only guild who did this. But it seemed a positive atmosphere also spread out and many people with no guild joined them to release their pressure off.

Of course, Happy Guild also accepted the people who joined them to have fun to relax their intense nerve. However, the positive atmosphere only lasted for two days as the two beast kingdoms besieged Canberra City.

The beast kingdom surrounded all directions. It was a bit fortunate that the city's back was a sea, so it was the same as before, the beast horde surrounded from three sides, from the south, east, and north.

The same as before, Randy and Happy Guild immediately headed out toward the north wall. They took a charge on the north wall as the Alliance informed nothing to them.

The same as before, it was the Celestial Monarchy Kingdom who attacked from the north. Randy gladly to defend the wall and by now, maybe his all guild member already got the Wolverian Slayer title or maybe Wolverian Nemesis title.

The goal had been achieved but Randy had no intention to move to another wall. His guild member had grown familiar to the Wolverian's move and attack. So, he chose to defend the north once again and it seemed the Alliance also kept their mouth shut about.

Happy Guild and Boxerian Kangaroo tribe gathered in the north wall, all of them here. They were ready to clash against the King Grade wolves horde, but the wolves horde did not attack them.

Yes, the wolves horde had appeared since an hour ago, but they stayed on the periphery of Canberra City, about two thousand meters away from the wall. They completely stopped advancing.


Suddenly, a notification rang and Randy immediately checked it. It was an incoming message and the message sent by Zhang Hao. Also, the content message was only one word, but with many exclamation marks.


It was the message he received from Zhang Hao and based on the message, they seemed in grave danger.

Randy looked at Long Xinya and she seemed also received the same message. However, different from Randy, Long Xinya received not only one message but six messages.

Not only the Dragon Dynasty but Radiance, New Korea, Black Flame, Knight Justice, and Invincible also sent the message.

Randy puzzled and the same for Long Xinya. The beast horde had not launched the attack yet, but why would they sent a message like they would not be able to hold the wall any longer?

However, it was not the time to think about it, but they must immediately take action to save them. Long Xinya also thought the same and they had the same idea in their head.

"I will go to the south wall!" Long Xinya said decisively.

"Udin and Erwin follow me to the south. I will also bring a half guild member with a bloodline, "

Following that, Long Xinya, Gusti, and Erwin led 300 Happy Guild member to the south wall. They departed immediately.

However, before Long Xinya and her group went to the south wall. Randy held her hand and spoke coldly, "Do not hesitate to kill!"

Long Xinya nodded her head and immediately moved out.

Afterward, Randy also took the other half of Happy Guild member with a bloodline with him. He brought only Udin and trusted the north wall to the Japanese couple and 1,400 Happy Guild members along with the Boxerian Kangaroo tribe.

Randy a bit puzzled why Long Xinya chose to go to the south wall while her father was at the east wall. He did not understand her decision for choosing went to the south wall.

Even though he had a hunch what happened to both sides, but it was impossible for the Dragon Dynasty to participate in that insane action. However, there was a small chance for them to do that and he understood why she chose to go to the south wall.

But it was only their wild guess, but maybe they guessed wrong. Randy did not know, but he knew that he must arrive there as soon as possible. It only took five minutes and Randy along with his guild members arrived at the inner periphery east wall.

This was the main reason why he chose the guild member with a bloodline only. They arrived and the puzzled in Randy's mind answered by the scene in the front of him.

The scene before could be explained with a word, chaotic. It was chaos, but there was no beast. There was no beast, but the people were slaughtering each other.

Udin and Happy Guild member completely stunned as they witnessed the scene before them. It was totally chaotic and they did not know what happened here. Then, Udin and Happy Guild put their gaze on Randy. They were waiting for the order from Randy.

After all, the situation was really chaotic. They did not know which was the ally and which was the hostile side. They were waiting for Randy order before they could take action.

Even Randy also did not clear about the current situation. He did not know which was the hostile side and the allies, but he had a clue regarding this. Dragon Dynasty and Radiance were the ones who asked him to help. So, he only needed to look for them and then, he could get the detail from them.

"Let's look for the Dragon Dynasty and Radiance first!" Randy instructed Udin and the other Happy Guild members.

They were about a thousand meters away from the chaos and the people still had not noticed the Happy Guild arrival. Randy scanned the chaos scene and it was quite easy to find the Dragon Dynasty.

Dragon Dynasty and Eternal Shogunate fought side by side. The two guilds were getting surrounded by many people and it seemed trying to protect the gate. Yes, they did not leave the gate and fought fiercely.

As for the Radiance, it took him sometime before he spotted them. Different from the Dragon Dynasty and Eternal Shogunate, Radiance was protecting the stair that could be used to climb up to the top wall.

No, Radiance seemed to be preventing the people to climb to the wall. They completely blocked the way up. Randy did not why they blocked the stair, but he knew that he should make his move now.

"You bring half of them to save the Radiance, I will bring the other half to save the Dragon Dynasty, " Randy sent his order out to Udin.

Udin nodded his head and immediately set out with 150 Happy Guild member. They headed out to the Radiance and Randy also immediately left with his group toward the Dragon Dynasty.

Soon, the people who were currently killing at each other stopped their battle as they noticed the incoming group. Yes, they stopped for a moment. He could discern a few of them had joy in their eyes when they noticed the Happy Guild group.

But there was also a few of them who had unsightly expression. Their face turned into ugly upon noticing the Happy Guild, but it was only for a moment before they turned a madman.

The eyes turned red and it seemed they were really going crazy. They charged toward the Happy Guild group. Udin's group was a bit flustered upon noticing a group of crazy people charged at his group.

Udin also a bit flustered and he really did not know what to do with these crazed people. He immediately turned his toward the Boss' group and only to see an unbelievable scene.

He witnessed Randy was slaughtering the people who charged at Randy's group. The dark red sword pierced every people who were getting closer to Randy's group. It was Randy alone who slaughtered the people as the Happy Guild member only followed Randy in a daze.

Looking at how decisive Randy was, Udin took a deep breath as he closed his eyes for a while. When he opened his eyes, there was no more hesitation on his eyes.

Udin raised the huge twin ax and slammed it to the ground.


In the fifty meters area, the ground vibrated fiercely, and it broke the people's balance. It was the same for the Happy Guild member, they also lost their balance, and stopped advanced.

However, Udin leaped forward with his two huge axes and started the slaughter. He was slaughtering the people who charged at him.

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