Battle of Ascension

Chapter 352: Beast Horde (3)

Chapter 352: Beast Horde (3)

Randy distributed the bloodline one by one and surprisingly, all of them received the bloodline reward. No one rejected and it seemed they could not resist the temptation of Legendary Equipment.

What he said was not for bluffing them, but it was really the truth as the bloodline was a great boost. Whether it was in the stat or the skill, moreover, they also got a new skill after integrating the bloodline.

493 Happy Guild members received the vial and they immediately entered their own tent directly. Randy already told them the process of integrating bloodline and the pain that hey had to endure.

He told all of his experience to the guild member. But they seemed did not care about it. They were so excited that they would integrate with a bloodline and maybe they were also excited from the temptation of Legendary Grade Bloodline.

Just as Randy distributed the last three guild members a bloodline. There was a hurried footstep toward them and without looking at the voice, Randy knew at least there were at the least five people came.

He turned his body and there were eight people in eight meters distance from him. The eight people had their eyes set on the three people behind him, not him. They were looking at the last three Happy Guild members who received a vial contained King Grade Bloodline.

Randy did not care about what they looked was. But from the eight people, he only knew one of them. It was the former leader of the Australian Alliance who had a prejudice against him from killing 200,000 beasts in the Mandyn Territory.

Meanwhile, he did not know the other seven people were. In the time like this, what he needed was Long Xinya. But Long Xinya was not here. It seemed she was with the newly arrived guild member.

These seven people had clear distinct features on them, but they had the same skins, white pale skin. Randy did not know who they were, but when he looked the only black skin who had a prejudice against him, Randy also did not like the other seven men.

These eight people kept looking at the last Happy Guild members who brought a vial containing a King Grade Bloodline toward their own tent. From the outside, Randy could hear many grunt sounds resounded from every tent around him

There was no need to check, he knew his guild member had taken the bloodline and they were in the process of integrating bloodline.

The eight people also heard the grunt sound. The sound was like someone who endured the pain and they were familiar with this. But the pained grunt sounded from many tents and then, they realized something.

'Happy Guild members are integrating with a bloodline, but the number of the Happy Guild members who integrate with a bloodline is way too many???'

They scanned the surrounding tent and they estimated there were over 300 tents. This meant, there were over 300 Happy Guild members integrate with a bloodline.

The eight people immediately set their eyes at Randy. However, they realized Randy had been staring at them too. The seven people with white pale skin immediately let out a polite smile at Randy. But the man with black skin had an unsightly expression on his face. It was unknown what he thought.

One man with pale skin stepped forward and introduced himself, "My name is Robert and"

Before Robert could finish his words, Randy made a hand gesture to stop. "This is not the right place to talk, we will not talk here, follow me!"

Randy did not want to disturb his guild member and decided to change place to talk. He also wondered if these eight people were the people from the Alliance who wanted to talk with him?

Randy sent a message to Gusti and Erwin to assist the Happy Guild members who were in the process of integrating bloodline as he led the eight people to the main camp.

Randy entered the biggest tent where usually they had a briefing and followed by eight people. There was a square table which not too big, but the table only enough for eight people to sit.

Randy did not care if the seat was enough for all of them to sit. He just directly sat on the main seat and the eight people also realized the seat was not enough for all of them to sit.

They looked at each other and seemed to reach a tacit understanding, only three people sat down on the Randy opposite.

"So, what do you want to talk with me about?" Without beating around the bush, Randy directly asked Robert who had introduced his name earlier.

"Kuhum, " Robert let out a small cough first before speaking, "My name is Robert, and on my two sides are my two vice leaders, Baron and Harry. We are from Invincible Dome guild, "

'Invincible Dome guild!??' This was the first time Randy heard a guild with this name. If he did not know and did not enter in Long Xinya list, this Invincible was a weak guild. Randy had a puzzled look and he was wondering why would they came to him. Of course, he would like to keep listening to what they wanted to say.

"Invincible Dome is a newly formed guild. We formed this guild with the other fellow Australian. We have a purpose to gather and protect the fellow Australian with the hope the same incident will not be repeated, "

Robert answered Randy's puzzle. But it seemed Randy had no interest on Invincible Dome as he made no response at his explanation.

"We want to purchase a few Emperor Grade bloodlines from you!" Robert knew Randy did not like to exchange pleasantries with him, so he just said directly what was his purpose looking for Randy.

Actually, this was not his main purpose to meet Randy. This idea came out after he witnessed many Happy Guild members integrated with a bloodline and this idea appeared in his mind.

"As you know, the second wave of the beast horde is coming, but we have only a few of us with a bloodline. So we intend to purchase a bloodline from you to strengthen our guild and repel the second wave of the beast horde with the least casualties, "

Robert gave further explanation and he made the reason for him to purchase a bloodline. Among the other guilds, it was known Happy Guild was like the Knight Justice Guild. The Happy Guild was a righteous guild. If he used this reason, Robert believed there was high chance Randy would sell a few bloodlines to him.

However, to the opposite what Robert expected. Randy was still having his expressionless face and made no response at all. Randy just silently stared at him and somehow, this made Robert nervous.

"I thought you were from the Alliance, it seems you are not, " Randy made a light remark instead of responding at Robert request.

Hearing Randy's words, Rober stunned. Actually, they were coming here as the Alliance's representative to ask something from the Happy Guild.

Robert volunteered as it seemed no one wanted to meet the Happy Guild. Yes, the other guilds seemed to reluctant to talk with the Happy Guild. Robert took this chance and volunteered himself to talk with the Happy Guild.

They had hidden motive and it was to introduce themselves to Happy Guild as a new guild with a hope to build a good relationship between two guilds.

Also, Happy Guild name had resounded thoroughly and no one did not know about the Happy Guild. He had admiration toward the Happy Guild and he also wanted to meet the rumored strongest, Happy Guild's guild leader, Randy Christian.

However, when they arrived here, they witnessed something unbelievable. It was over three hundred Happy Guild members integrated with a bloodline. Of course, after witnessing this scene, Robert hoped could buy some bloodline from the Happy Guild.

"No, we are from the Alliance and we are representing Alliance to convey our idea with you, " Robert immediately responded. He stood up and bowed his head slightly, "I am sorry for my greediness earlier, I just think about my men, "

Randy stunned, it was rare for a guild leader to apologize directly like this. No matter how weak one guild, it was just a bit unbelievable for a guild leader to apologize to the other guild before his subordinate.

Somehow, Randy impression of Robert became better. Randy waved his hand as he spoke casually.

"Alright, there is no need for you to apologize. You can tell me directly what the Alliance wanted to say!"

Robert nodded his head and got to the main topic directly, "The Alliance wants to have the Boxerian Kangaroo tribe to defend the east wall too. Celiker Yavas said he wants the Boxerian Kangaroo Tribe under the order of Alliance to help in defending the wall from the beast horde, "

Randy had no problem at the first sentence, but when he heard the name of Celiker Yavas, Randy frowned. After hearing the next sentence, Randy smiled. Robert and the others took Randy's smile as yes.

However, they stunned when they heard Randy next words, "Tell Celiker Yavas to fuck off! Do not try to get on my nerve every time he has a chance or I will let him know how scary Happy Guild is, "

Randy said it with a smile and the words he said did not suit with his current expression. However, Randy did not care about it and continued.

"I can lend the Boxerian Kangaroo tribe, but like I said to New Korea before. My men are never under the others order except me. You can divide the Boxerian Kangaroo tribe evenly and the rest, I believe Alliance can arrange it, right?"

Robert blinked his eyes for a few times and he did not know how to respond at Randy. The same with the others, they also did not know how they should do.

If they conveyed Randy's words, it would only invite the Ravendawn Empire fury over them and they could not afford to face Ravendawn Empire now. On the other side, it was the Happy Guild, the current strongest guild.

Among the eight people, seven people admired the Happy Guild. Only the black man who did not like Happy Guild.

"Hmmm, hummm, pmmm, " Robert wanted to talk something, but he seemed hesitated. After a while, he stood up and the two vice leaders also stood.

Robert finally said nothing and excused himself. However, they noticed the black man did not follow them. The black man, Ragi did not move and he was looking at Randy with a solemn expression.

"Do you have something you want to say to me?" Randy asked the black man who did not follow Robert and the others.

Robert did not know Ragi had a prejudice against Randy. Just as he wanted to pull Ragi with him, Ragi responded.

"Yes, there is something I want to demand from you, " Ragi pointed his finger toward the grey koala on the top of his head, "I want you to give the koala back to us! Koala is Australia unique animal and the koala belongs to Australia. I hope you to give the koala back to us, Australian Native, "

Randy shrugged and responded lightly with a smile formed on his mouth, "Take it if you can!"

Randy stared Ragi, Ragi also glared back. The room fell into a static silence, even Robert also stopped his steps. Robert would never expect Ragi would this insane to confront Randy face to face like this.

Tak Tak Tak

Soon, there was a series of steps sounded from outside and there was a person entered the room directly.

"Boss, the wolves horde have made their move, " It was Udin's voice.

Randy immediately stood and spoke once more, "If you really think it belongs to Australia, then take it if you can!"

After saying these words, Randy headed out with Udin. Robert let out a sigh of relief and he cast a grateful look toward Udin's back. He really did not know how to do if Ragi continued confronting Randy.

However, Robert made no comment at Ragi decision to confront Randy like just now. He tapped Ragi's back lightly and said, "Let's head back the beast horde has launched another attack, "

Just his hand touched Ragi's back, he could feel Ragi's clothes soaked. He could not help but rolled his eyes at Ragi, "You are scared shitless, yet you still have guts to confront him directly,"

Of course, Robert did not say it out. He just kept it inside his heart.

Meanwhile, Randy was on the top wall with five hundred newly arrived guild members.

"The wolves horde is still Epic Grade, but the amount of the wolves doubled, " Long Xinya reported.

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