Battle of Ascension

Chapter 337: Bewildered

Chapter 337: Bewildered

The roar resounded through to the Canberra City. This is also the strongest roar Randy have made and it stunned the Happy Guild's members.

Long Xinya who was still slaughtering the Boxerian Kangaroo stopped. There was no need for her to look at the source roar and she already knew it was Randy's roar.

Even though Long Xinya never heard Randy's Dragon Roar anymore since Randy used it in Evergreen Hall as a warning for Happy Guild members. But she still recognized the roar and she was sure the roar just now was Randy roar.

What made her be curious was, what he faced until he used the Dragon Roar. It was known he never used the Dragon Roar since then, but here he used it.

However, there was much difference between the roar in the first Ascension Tournament and in the Evergreen Hall, it was anger. The roar just now contained Randy's anger in it, not just an intimidation roar like the beforehand roar.

Yes, it was anger. Long Xinya could feel Randy used the roar to release out his anger. But what made her be more curious was, what was the thing made him angry?

Long Xinya was curious and she could not wait to go at Randy's place. She refrained herself as there was a group needed her assistance. But after hearing the roar, Long Xinya changed the route. She immediately changed the route and headed toward the roar along with the group.

As for why she did not interpret the roar as a signal for help aa Randy faced a formidable enemy?

It was clear, first, Randy would never call help with his current strength. Second, she would never interpret the roar as a call of help, but a signal of warning.

Why? If Randy could not defeat the enemy, let alone them. Even with Saint Grade Bloodline, Randy was still far stronger than her, and she admitted it. So she was a fool if she interpreted the roar as a call of help.

Moreover, with an apparent fury in the roar, it was impossible for the roar to be a call of help.

"Guys, follow me, we will quicken our pace and head toward the city's center,"

Meanwhile, Udin and the others also realized it was Boss's skill. Different from Long Xinya, Udin, and the others were worried when they heard the roar.

Boss used the roar and maybe he encountered trouble. This was what Udin and Gusti thought. After all, even when Boss fought against the Saint Grade Skeleton, Boss did not use the Dragon Roar.

Udin and Gusti wanted immediately rushed toward the source roar, but he remembered that there were four hundred guild members behind him.

Udin and the other hastened their pace and they killed the King Grade Beast directly, without leaving a single alive for the guild members. Yes, they had a task to oversee and let the Happy Guild members fought King Grade to enrich their battle experience.

However, after hearing the roar just now. Udin and the others decided to move fast.

With Udin, Akihiro, Asuka, Gusti, and Erwin intervened directly, the group moved faster, and less than twenty minutes they reached the gate which guarded by a hundred Emperor Grade Boxerian Kangaroos.

This was a different gate with the gate Randy entered. The gate still stood firmly and the hundred Emperor Grade Boxerian Kangaroos were still alive.

Meanwhile, the city's center which Randy thought this was the main den of the Eternal Paragon Kingdom. However, this was not the main den of Boxerian Kangaroo, but this place was a damned place.

The city's center had been flattened and there was no more building here. There was no more building stood, but there were many piles of corpse here. Yes, the human's dead body stacked into five meters small mountain of the dead body.

However, this was not making him grew angry, there was more. There were many wooden crosses and on the wooden cross, there was a corpse hanging on the wooden cross, and that was a little girl corpse, not only one but many.

A little girl and the girls were stark-naked. He could also see there were many bruises on them and cut wounds. It was clear the little girls were tortured before the little girls hanged on the wooden cross.

Randy also found one thing which made him angry the most was, there was a green liquid flowed from the little girls' private area. Yes, even until now the green liquid was still flowing down and Randy recognized the green liquid which flowed down endlessly, it was the same as the green liquid on the Saint Grade Pig.

What did this mean? This meant that pig raped the kids first before the kids died. This was the one made him angry. If it was they just killed it, Randy would not angry, but to do this kind thing on the little girls?

This was the one made him angry. Torturing, raping, then killed the kids. This was the one infuriates him. He could see the youngest was about five years old while the oldest was only 10 to 11 years old.

Randy's breath became hurried and his eyes turned into red. He looked at the surrounding; he was looking for the one who responsible for this.

After all, he would become a father soon and now, he witnessed the kids being treated like this. Fury boiled inside him and he needed to vent this feeling toward the one who did this.

Dum Dum

Footsteps resounded and Randy turned his head toward the sound. It was a flock kangaroo and the Dragon Aura burst out from Randy. Randy could not stand still anymore when he saw the kangaroos.

He sheathed out his sword and rushed toward the flock of kangaroo. However, the next what happened stunned Randy, the flock of kangaroo knelt down simultaneously. They knelt toward him and the furious Randy bewildered.

'What? What the heck!?'

Randy did not understand what was in the kangaroo's mind. But their action indeed stunned him. But soon, the image of the kids hanged on the wooden cross appeared in his mind.

"Lord, please show us mercy, "

Suddenly a resolute and hoarse voice traveled into his ears. It was the kangaroo's voice, the frontmost kangaroo, and that kangaroo was the first one spoke in the human language.

However, the things what kangaroos said to him made Randy even more bewildered.

Lord!? Yes, the frontmost kangaroo called him lord. Randy was wondering if the kangaroo admitted the wrong person. But it was impossible for the kangaroo to admit the wrong person as he was human. But it also confused Randy as this was the first time he met Boxerian Kangaroo.

Just as he was in a deep puzzle, there were other footsteps resounded from the two sides, but the footsteps stopped just as it resounded. Randy looked toward the footsteps. It was his guild members and they had an unsightly expression when the city's center came into their sight.

Meanwhile, the kangaroo had an anxious expression as they did not hear any response from Randy.

"Lord, please show us mercy!"

The frontmost kangaroo said it once more with a louder voice and its voice attracted the Happy Guild as the kangaroo's loud voice attracted them.

The Happy Guild moved immediately. They ignored the surrounding unsightly scene and rushed toward the voice.

They stunned as they saw a few thousand Kangaroos knelt to Boss. They never thought the kangaroos would submit under Boss this fast. After all, they had formed a kingdom, but they gave up easily.

Little did they know Randy also had a headache regarding the submissive kangaroo. The fury in his heart also cooled down a little.

"Lord!? Why are you call me Lord!?"

Hearing Randy question, the frontmost kangaroo also dazed.

'Why he called Lord, Lord!?' The question was a bit weird and the frontmost kangaroo did not know how to answer Randy's question.

"Forgive me, Lord. I do not know, " The frontmost kangaroo answered candidly. He really did not know how to answer that.

Randy stunned as he heard the answer. The kangaroo called him lord, but he did not know why he called him Lord?

'This kangaroo seems a little stupid even though he could speak, ' Thought Randy as he was also speechless.

"All right, I will change the question. Are you the one who did this?" Randy pointed toward the brutal scene on his back. This time, his voice became colder and a trace of fury in his tone.

The frontmost kangaroo looked up toward the direction Randy pointed. After looking toward that direction, the frontmost kangaroo looked down once more.

The frontmost kangaroo fell into deep thought. Currently, he was thinking the words to reply Randy. After all, he just learned the human's language recently.

However, Randy thought the kangaroo looked down because of the frontmost kangaroo felt guilt for what he did. Just as Randy wanted to sheath his sword out, the frontmost kangaroo answered.

"We did not kill them, " The kangaroo answered, "it was not us, it was the beastmen, " The frontmost kangaroo shook his head vigorously.

Randy stopped as hear the answer. He did not know if the kangaroo was telling a lie or the truth, but looking at how submissive the kangaroo was. He somehow believed what the kangaroo told him was the truth.

"Tell me more about the beastmen,"

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