Battle of Ascension

Chapter 328: This Is A Reverse Harem

Chapter 328: This Is A Reverse Harem

After Randy announced there would be also a reward for the top hundred people in the GCP, the Happy Guild's members became even more excited. But of course, Randy would not let them moved alone and they should have a fair competition.

If he found out that there was someone who did cheating or played a little scheme. That person would directly get kicked out of the guild. Randy also stressed out that they must move out in a squad like before, not acting alone because of the reward.

Randy emphasized that they must prioritize their safety first because he would make the same event with the same reward later.

After that, they immediately made their move and went hunting. They ignored the mission, and they only cared the GCP. Rather than focus on the reward catalog, they more cared about the reward which had been issued by Randy.

Legendary Grade Bloodline, it was unheard to them. What they knew was the rumor regarding a few guild leaders bloodline and the highest grade bloodline was the Emperor Grade Bloodline.

However, now, Randy issued three Legendary Grade Bloodline, seventeen Emperor Grade Bloodline, and eighty King Grade Bloodline as the reward. What did it mean? It meant they would the same power as the guild leader of other guilds or even stronger if they could integrate with Legendary Grade Bloodline.

How could they didn't get excited for being strong as the big figure in East City?. However, another thought appeared in many Happy Guild's members. It was regarding the guild leader, two vice leaders, and the Happy Guild's core member's bloodline.

Randy never told them about the bloodline he had, the same as others. This made them curious, but they also didn't dare to ask. The Boss could take the Legendary Grade Bloodline as a reward for them, then what was The Boss bloodline?

Curious, but no one dared to ask. They knew the bloodline was an individual secret. The Happy Guild members didn't put much thought on it, but they focused what awaited them. They must hunt many beasts to get the reward.

Immediately, the Happy Guild's members separated into many groups and big scaled hunting began. The competition between groups also could be seen by how they separated in different ways.

It was clear; it was a big difference as earlier they moved together, but not after Randy issued out the reward. They moved separately in a group. Randy also didn't stay, but he also went for hunting.

Randy followed a few groups from behind while Long Xinya and the others also followed the other groups from behind. They also moved separately even though there was no competition between them. They had a duty, and it was watching over the Happy Guild's members.

Just in case they encountered something they could not handle, then they could make their move to save them. Randy scouted the area ahead of the Happy Guild's members with his Shadow Drive.

After scouting fifty miles area ahead of the Happy Guild members in an hour. Randy found nothing dangerous, and he felt that his guild members could handle the beasts around here.

The same in the beforehand territory, the beast in Engaderim Territory also Epic Grade Beast, but the level was higher, level 221. As long as his guild members moved into a group, he believed the beasts were not a threat for his guild members.

Randy moved thirty miles forward once again, leaving his guild members behind for hunting the beasts behind. Afterward, Randy came out from his Shadow Drive and appeared in the middle of the beasts.

The beasts were like a lion, but with a bullhorn, and the lower parts of the beast were like a deer. It looked weird in Randy's eyes, with a lion head and body, the two bull horns protruded forward, and the lower part of deer.

There was another thing which was weirder within this pack of a lion. It was there were more the male lion rather than the female lion. Randy could find twenty to thirty male lions while there was only a female lion in that pack.

Usually, there was only a male lion, but there were five to ten female lions in a group. The female lion in these groups also two times bigger than the male lion. The female stood straight among the male lions.

"This is a reverse harem," Randy muttered in a low voice as he scanned the surrounding beasts.

The lions also startled with Randy sudden appearance. However, the lions only startled for a moment and reacted faster as they pounced toward Randy. The Lions had their paws forward, and the Lions opened their mouth wide, showing the sharp teeth.


There was a light sphere enlarged with Randy as the center. Afterward, there were many dark red swords formed around Randy. This happened in two seconds and in the next second, the lions who pounced toward collapsed one by one with the head separated from the body.

Randy was just standing, not moving even an inch, and the lions who entered the light sphere died one by one in a bloody way. Despite having witnessed many of their own kinds died, the Lions kept pouncing forward.

The lion only Ancient Grade Beast, they used their instinct and kept attacking Randy. Less than ten minutes, the sea of lions had turned into bloody meat scattered on the ground, bathing the grass with the blood.

Engaderim was a grassland, but the grass became higher as he went further. Around him, the grass was about thirty centimeters to fifty centimeters high. And the yellow-green grass had turned into a bloody red.

Somehow, Randy felt boring as he slaughtered the lions, there was no challenge nor he found it was interesting for slaughtering the powerless lion. Thinking of the lion, Randy remembered he had one lion.

With the dark red sword which kept killing the lion, Randy summoned Rocky. Rocky had a satisfied look after being summoned by Randy. It seemed Rocky was having a great time in sleeping, but Randy summoned him which made Rocky unhappy.

However, when Rocky looked it surrounding, it had a bright look, and its eyes were glistening in delight. Rocky turned his head toward, asking if the bloody meat was his meal.

Rocky was not a picky eater, as long as it was a meat, Rocky would savor it without hesitation. However, Randy shook his head, "No, you can have your meal, but not this bloody meat. Your prey is them!"

Randy pointed his finger toward the pack of the lion deer who were still alive. Rocky also turned his head toward the same direction as Randy's finger.

Rocky found there were many beasts which had a similar look like him. He revealed a peculiar look, looking at the scattered bloody meat, and then he looked at Randy once more.

Randy nodded his head, "It is your meal and shows them who is the real king,"

He rubbed Rocky's head as he spoke. Rocky seemed reluctant to leave the bloody behind.

Leaving the bloody meat behind, Rocky rushed toward the pack of lion deer, and Randy retracted his skill. He would let Rocky had his meal and got the exp while he would explore the territory ahead.

He left Rocky alone and explored the Eternal Paragon Kingdom's territories. Rather than aimlessly slaughtered the lion deer, Randy preferred to explore the Eternal Paragon Kingdom's territories.

He walked deeper toward Engaderim Territory. However, he found nothing except the lion deer and the tall grassland, there was not even a tree in the Engaderim Territory. As he walked further, he met another tall wall. The wall with the same high as the beforehand wall.

Randy stretched his right hand forward. He wanted to melt the wall once again like what he did before. However, he stopped in the half-way and decided to pass the wall with his jump.


Battle System: You have entered the Soku Territory!

It was the Soku Territory, and it was the same grassland as the Engaderim Territory. It was just the grass was taller, and he found there were a few dry trees, a tree without leaves.

There was no beast in his surrounding except a few dry trees. He scanned once more and found something interesting on one tree. There was a beast hugged a branch, and the beast had a gray fur.

The size also quite small compared to the beast he had ever met, it was much smaller than a common beast. Just as he wanted to use his Detection skill on the plump gray beast, Randy noticed the plump gray beast turned its head toward him, and Randy surprised after seeing the beast's face.

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