Battle of Ascension

Chapter 324: Another Enemy

Chapter 324: Another Enemy

Yes, the Ascension told them they would be teleported to a safe zone. Safe zone meant was a place that relatively safe, there was something no dangerous. However, here they were, getting surrounded by beasts.

The beast had a similar head like a hyena, but it had the body like zebra dappled in white and black. The beast barred their sharp teeth toward the five hundred humans who suddenly appeared.

The beast was about a meter and a half with two meters long. The beasts growled furiously toward the five hundred humans.

Randy scanned the beasts, and it was indeed a safe zone. Because the beast was only Epic Grade Beast. At least, it was not a problem for them to clear the beasts who surrounded them.

"So, this is the meaning of a safe zone?" Randy mumbled as he looked at the surrounding. The beast was Epic Grade and level 170. It was a fairly good amount of exp for the Garuda's member, but not for him.

"Look like our first job is cleaning the beasts!"

After that, Randy divided the 499 people into four groups. He didn't bring his skeletons and beast army. He prioritized his guild member because of the reward. With the reward, Randy preferred brought the guild member despite the high risk.

Yes, the mission itself contained a high risk for his guild member based the information he received from the Ascension Guild. Ascension Guild told them there were three Mythical Grade Beast who led the beast horde.

The first thing his guild did was to make their temporary camp and found out their position. If these two things were clear, then it was easy for them to locate Canberra City.

The map was still dark, except the area where they were. So, they would clear the beasts, scouting the area, and making a temporary camp.

Randy divided the group into four, Long Xinya led one group, Akihiro and Asuka led one group, Udin led one group, and Gusti along with Erwin was the one leading the last group to clean the beasts.

Meanwhile, Randy scouted the whole area to make a clear map. Yes, with his Shadow Drive, then it would be easy for him to scout area.

In no time, they slaughtered the surrounding beasts. The Epic Grade Beast was easy prey for them and Randy only brought the elite of Garuda in this expedition while leaving the Monikia and the two skeletons to protect his wife.

Also, he had an item for instant teleportation, if there was something dangerous in his territories. Randy had come prepared and now his main target was to annihilate the Eternal Paragon Kingdom.

The eternal Paragon Kingdom was a beast kingdom. Even though it was not clear, it was the Ascension Guild or the beast itself given the name.

On the way of mapping, Randy also tried to kill one or two beasts. However, he noticed the contribution point didn't increase, and it was still zero. This was indicating the beast was not part of the Eternal Paragon Kingdom. It also told Randy, they were in the Eternal Paragon Kingdom's territory.

One day passed by and Randy had mapped over ten kilometers area with the place of him getting teleported as the center.

At first, there were Garuda's members complained about them not getting the contribution for killing the beast and they felt being cheated. But Randy had cleared their doubt and their first day was fruitless.

The first day was fruitless and the next day, they met another guild. It was Varil Guild, one of the three strongest guilds which based on Australia. They had a pleasant exchange and shared the map.

Actually, Varil Guild asked them to move together but Randy refused. Even though the Australian native said they only to take back their homeland, but Randy didn't want to move together because of the contribution point.

The contribution point was a system that would raise a fierce competition within them. He didn't want to have an unnecessary conflict between them because of this. Moreover, they only had a limited target, the Eternal Paragon Kingdom.

If they were moving together with the limited target, Randy sure there would be a conflict between them sooner or later. Rather than having an unnecessary conflict, Randy decided to move separately.

Moreover, he had gotten the map. So it was unnecessary to move together with the native Australian, after all, the contribution point was his and his guild's main purpose to partake in the mission. So it was also better moving separately than the other guilds.

The third day, Randy and his guild moved out from their temporary camp toward the Canberra City. Even though they had not gotten the full map, but they got the direction toward the Canberra City.

Canberra City was in the southeast and now they would move toward the southeast. The third day, they entered Metoa Territory and Randy found the name of the territory was foreign to him. Even though Randy was not only a few times had ever gone to Australia, he felt Metoa was not the original name of the territory.

This meant the territory had been conquered? Randy thought no further about it continued their advance. They also didn't meet a dangerous beast or monster on the way. When the night came, Randy and his guild passed Metoa Territory and entered new territory.

Battle System: You have entered the Sausola Territory!

'Sausola Territory!?'

Randy frowned when he heard the name of the territory. Another a weird name for a territory, also it was another unfamiliar name. Now, Randy sure the territory was renamed from the original name.

Thinking here, Randy turned his head toward Long Xinya who was still busy with the camp. Long Xinya was regulating the relationships between the Happy Guild and the other guilds. She must be known the situation about the other guilds.

Surprisingly, Long Xinya gave him a negative answer. The guilds based on the Canberra City only managed to take five territories around the Canberra Territory. This meant this territory was not conquered by the human force as they were still far from Canberra Territory. However, Randy was not sure either if the territory really had been conquered or not.

The next day, they didn't continue their trip toward Canberra, but Randy ordered to look the Territory King of Sausola Territory. If there was no Territory King in the Sausola Territory, it meant the territory had been conquered.

Five days straight, but they didn't find the Territory King. There was no Territory King in Sausola Territory.

What did it mean? It meant there was another force which conquered Sausola Territory and it was not from the human side. It could be a beast or monster, also, it was the Eternal Paragon Kingdom for sure because they got no contribution point from killing the beast in Sausola Territory.

It meant there was another force besides the human and the Eternal Paragon Kingdom who conquered the Sausola Territory. What did it mean? It meant there was another force besides the Eternal Paragon Kingdom. It meant there was another enemy on their back.

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