Battle of Ascension

Chapter 317: A Boring Fight

Chapter 317: A Boring Fight

The inner city of East City

There were many people crossed into the inner city from the outer city despite having paid a hundred gold coins. The cost to enter inner city became a hundred times expensive after the second phase of the Battle of Ascension.

Not only that, the price for food, the rent for a dwelling, and even an ingredient became much more expensive. This was the main reason that pushed the non-guild people to seek an asylum from the guild and only ten percent people stayed in East City while the rest migrated to a guild's territory.

However, the current East City was boisterous as there was a special event in the inner city of East City, it was the ninth of Ascension Tournament, and today was the final day of the tenth of Ascension Tournament.

The day to determine for the first place, second place, and the third place of the tenth of Ascension Tournament. Ascension Guild held the Ascension Tournament once a month since the second Ascension Tournament.

It was unknown what was the purpose behind the tournament itself? No one knew about it and each month, Ascension Guild would be bestowing a set of Legendary Armor for the first place.

However, since Randy, the leader of the Happy Guild from his unknown Journey. The Happy Guild monopolized the tournament. It started from the fifth tournament when Long Xinya swept all participants with ease.

She even defeated Wang Soo-Yeon, the strongest from New Korea Guild, Ryou Tokugawa the favored fighter from Eternal Shogunate, and Tang Ren second strongest in the Dragon Dynasty.

However, those three people were powerless when they faced Long Xinya. Less than ten seconds, those three were defeated by Long Xinya in less than three seconds.

East City was in an uproar at that time and the name of Happy Guild spread over to become the strongest guild with Randy, Zhen Yi, and Long Xinya as the leader. The sixth tournament, the people thought Ryou Tokugawa would become the winner with King Grade Bloodline integrated with him.

But it was not the case, the same happened in the beforehand tournament, Akihiro. An ex-guild member of Eternal Shogunate who joined Happy Guild swept the tournament with ease too.

Ryou Tokugawa met Akihiro in the final and Ryou Tokugawa proposed a death-match. What a pity, Akihiro declined, and the people thought Akihiro was afraid of Ryou Tokugawa. However, the result shocked them once again.

Thirty seconds and Akihiro defeated Ryou Tokugawa. It was unknown until now why Akihiro declined the death-match. Regardless, the result of the sixth tournament became a hot topic once again and the name of Happy Guild was in the focus.

The same for the seventh, eighth, and ninth Ascension Tournament. Happy Guild took the first prize for the seven times. Asuka, Udin, and Gusti took it from New Korea and Eternal Shogunate.

However, in the last nine tournaments, there were two interesting facts. First, there was only a member of Happy Guild that joined the tournament since the fifth Ascension Tournament and that one always took the first place. It was different from the other guilds which sent over ten members to join the tournament.

Second, it was about the Dragon Dynasty. Since Long Xinya defeated Tang Ren in the fifth Ascension Tournament, there were no Dragon Dynasty's guild members joined the tournament anymore.

The reason was unknown, but bad rumors about the Dragon Dynasty spread over. The rumor said the Dragon Dynasty was afraid of the Happy Guild. However, a rumor was just a rumor after all and no one knew why no Dragon Dynasty's members joined the tournament.

Many people entered the main Colosseum where the final took a place. Each people who entered the Colosseum would look to the west, the Happy Guild's seats. Three floors of Colosseum and the third floor devoted to a guild and its fifty members.

On the back and topmost of the seat, Randy and his two vice leaders took the seat, and the onlookers would look for five to ten seconds before they headed toward their seat.

As for why they looked at Randy, it because there were many nasty rumors about him. Yes, since the Happy Guild took over Indonesia and a half of Malaysia. A guild that originated from Malaysia demanded Happy Guild to hand over those territories.

But of course, Randy rejected that absurd demand. He conquered that piece of lands after fighting over the Enigma Kingdom and that piece of lands was full of resources. They found three mines and two herb gardens from there and it could be considered a huge resource for his guild.

Not only that, but Randy also found a hurricane land. It was a territory that full with hurricanes and that place was very useful for a person with Wind Elemental Power. They could absorb Wind Essence and it could enhance the Wind Elemental Power.

With those kinds of resources, of course, Randy rejected them outright. Except, they offered him an equal price, but they didn't even offer a single gold coin yet they claimed it was their territories.

Since then, there were many nasty rumors about Randy spread over. Like Randy was forcing Zhen Yi to marry him and resulted in a conflict against the Dragon Dynasty.

There was another rumor, it was said Randy was also forcing Long Xinya to become his mistress and exchanged with peace between the Dragon Dynasty and Happy Guild.

It also said Randy was tyrannical and forced many people with no guild to join his guild. Forcing many people to work under Happy Guild with low pay. There many more rumors about him and finally there was a post in the forum that asked Randy to share about the power he had.

Many forced Randy to leak his secret. However, on the second day, Randy announced his "secret". In the Happy Guild Forum, Randy posted about bloodline and Elemental Power.

He informed about it after thoughtful consideration. After fighting the Enigma Kingdom, Randy realized if it was another guild who faced them, that guild would get crushed for sure.

Because of that, he told about the bloodline and Elemental Power to increase the power of the human race to contend with the other races. As for the other rumors, Randy didn't even care in the slightest.

Randy was clear the purpose behind the rumors. It was to stain his name and made the non-guild people stayed away from Happy Guild. He didn't care about the nasty rumors about him as the reality proved otherwise.

Despite the nasty rumors, there were still many people joined the branch of Happy Guild and migrated to Indonesia. The rumors didn't affect Randy in the slightest, instead, those rumors only made Randy became even more popular among girls.

Many girls posted a request right in Happy Guild Forum, asking to force them to marry him. Looking the forum that flooded with those kinds of requests, Randy could only shake his head.

The reason the onlookers looked at Randy's direction, it was because of the five figures behind him. Yes, there was another interesting rumor that Randy joined with the monsters to gain the power he currently had.

Three Monikias and two skeletons were standing on his back. The five monsters were acting as a bodyguard for Randy even inside the city. The onlookers were looking to the five foreign creatures to confirm the rumor.

They were looking at these bodyguards and wondered if the rumor was true or false. After all, the monsters were acting as a bodyguard rather than standing as an equal. However, the answer was still unknown and Randy won't clarify about it.

However, the main show was not Randy's bodyguards as there were many people had witnessed it, but the final show of the tenth Ascension Tournament. Erwin, one of the vice leaders of Garuda was the one in the final, fighting against Ryou Tokugawa.

Different from the beforehand Happy Guild's members. Erwin was not in the top 20 of Level Ranking while Ryou Tokugawa was the sixth holder of Ranking Level. The people who were coming here was to watch the fierce fight between the two.

Whether the Happy Guild could preserve the tournament six times in a row or Ryou Tokugawa, the three times finalist would take the first place in the tenth Ascension Tournament.

Before that, a fight for third place between Chandra Mahanti and Celiker Yavas. Chandra Mahanti, Dark Flame guild leader would fight against Celiker Yavas. Celiker Yavas was also a guild leader of the big guild. He was Ravendawn Empire guild leader.

Ravendawn Empire was one of the biggest guilds in East City. The main base of Ravendawn Empire was in Turkmenistan and it was said they had conquered Uzbekistan and Afghanistan.

Ravendawn Empire had conquered all territories in those three countries and all people there joined Ravendawn Empire.

Meanwhile, Black Flame was a guild based on India. Even though they didn't have many territories as Ravendawn Empire did, they had conquered the third of India, and all Indian joined under Black Flame guild.

In the fact, there were three big guilds in India. For some unknown reason, to be more exact after the "Happy Call", the three guilds fused into one, and they now almost conquered a whole India.

Randy was watching from the topmost seat. On his left was Long Xinya and on his right was Zhen Yi. For some unknown reason, Randy didn't know why Long Xinya insisted to sit beside him which could lead to a misunderstanding of him.

After all, this was not a formal event, and she did not have to sit beside him. However, Long Xinya insisted to as she always followed Zhen Yi.

Randy did not know why and he cared neither. He preferred to rub his wife tummy which bulged out, indicating Zhen Yi was pregnant with his child. Randy rubbed gently and slowly in the form of love for his unborn child.

That was right, Zhen Yi was pregnant with his child. Randy confirmed this happy news after they eradicated the Enigma Kingdom on their land. With the help of an obstetrician who now became an Alchemist, they confirmed Zhen Yi was pregnant after two weeks examinations.

After all, they didn't have an instrument to check Zhen Yi's body nor they had a test pack like before. The doctor checked Zhen Yi's body manually and confirmed she was pregnant after two weeks.

Randy rubbed Zhen Yi's bulging tummy gently, and he didn't notice the one he rubbed was throwing an annoyed look at him. Zhen Yi felt uncomfortable as her tummy being rubbed by Randy, after all, they were in the public place.

The white dress was soft and comfortable. Zhen Yi liked so much the dress made by her mother, but now it was not the case.

Zhen Yi felt Randy's hand was touching her skin directly, and she felt ticklish which made Zhen Yi uncomfortable.

The happiness overwhelmed Randy until his hand was getting slapped away lightly. He threw a confused look at his wife.

"It is ticklish," Zhen Yi said lightly, indicating for Randy to not rub her tummy anymore before continuing, "Why don't you watch the fight. We come here are not to let you rub my tummy but watching the tournament,"

Randy looked at the fight and soon he came into a sudden realization. He looked back at his wife and whispered, "Then I can rub your tummy when the fight is over?"

"Not here," Zhen Yi didn't refuse her husband but telling him to not rub her tummy at the public place.

Randy nodded his head with a happy and silly smile before turning his head toward the arena. On the arena, Celiker and Chandra were fighting equally and fiercely as it was apparent from the arena which damaged.

"A boring fight," Randy said carelessly

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