Battle of Ascension

Chapter 309: Tasteless Appetizers

Chapter 309: Tasteless Appetizers

Randy could not guess what Enigma wanted to do by sacrificing the skeleton soldiers. The skeleton soldiers with the Skeleton Commander as the leader could not even slow them down.

However, Enigma's weird action didn't stop Happy Guild to keep advancing. Even though there was a possibility for a trap, Randy didn't afraid in the slightest.

After a brief meeting with the Gold Ranked Skeleton Assassin. Randy and his guild advanced toward the next territory, Boira Territory.

It was the same as the Gold Ranked Skeleton Assassin reported to Randy. The Skeleton Commander in The Boira Territory really knew nothing about the invasion. Happy Guild caught the skeleton soldiers in The Boira Territory unprepared.

Different from before, this time they were moving in swiftly and orderly. Because the beforehand casualties, Randy had his skeleton soldiers moved in a formation. Even though they were a skeleton, not a human.

Randy treated them almost the same as he treated guild member. He didn't take them as slaves or the kind of things despite their differences.

Randy divided them in a group like the Garuda's members, but not attacking chaotically and aimlessly like before. One group comprised a hundred skeleton soldiers with an Ancient Grade Undead as the captain.

He also ordered to help each other between the skeleton, not only helping the human. Even though the skeletons were under his order, submitting under his order. However, their mindset was still the same as before when they were still part of The Enigma Kingdom.

The strong one was the one survive and they would not care with the fellow skeletons. Even though there was a skeleton soldier getting crushed right before them, they would not care about that.

It was the skeleton soldier's mindset, their only thought was to survive, and to survive they had to kill the enemy before them.

Randy tried to change this. Even though he could not make them changed in a short time, but the order from him was absolute, and the skeleton soldier would obey him, regardless.

It was the one he liked his skeleton army. They would obey him regardless. Randy believed even he ordered them into suicide, they would kill themselves. But of course, he would never make an order like that.

This was the one he wanted to change about the skeleton soldier. They had a slave mindset and Randy didn't want slaves. What he wanted was a strong force, but not slaves. That was why he tried to change the skeleton soldier.

The clash went smoothly and Randy took The Boira Territory from The Enigma Kingdom. The clash took six hours, and they suffered fewer casualties compared to the beforehand clash. Randy only lost 29 skeleton soldiers in the process of taking The Boira Territory.

However, Randy had a piece of bad news regarding the skeleton soldiers in The Boira Territory. It was there was no skeleton soldier joined his force. Zero skeleton soldier joined his skeleton army, indicating the skeleton soldier in The Boira Territory was very loyal toward Enigma.

Despite having Mythical Grade Undead persuaded them, there was zero skeleton soldier joined.

However, Randy didn't think much about it. Even though the skeleton soldier was one important force of Happy Guild. But a few hundred skeleton soldiers make no difference in his force.

What concerned him the most was Enigma.

The same as before, there was no response from The Enigma Kingdom despite having about five hundred thousand skeleton soldiers perished. Randy could not but thinking Enigma was scared of him and his force.

After taking The Boira Territory, Randy had his men to rest for half an hour before they continued to advance forward.

The next territory was Enzu Territory. This morning, Kiddo and Rougher told him they were two territories away from the main base of The Enigma Kingdom, Enzia Territory.

So, after conquering The Enzu Territory the next territory was The Enzia Territory, The Enigma Kingdom's main base. Where Enigma resided, The Lord of The Enigma Kingdom.

Randy continued to the next territory and found the situation was still the same before. But there was a big difference, the skeleton soldiers were less compared to the beforehand territories.

There were only a little over twenty thousand skeleton soldiers in Enzu Territory. Randy and his guild took over The Enzu Territory less than two hours.

Puzzle after puzzled appeared in Randy's mind as he was getting closer to the main base of The Enigma Kingdom. There was no resistance he expected to be. It was like The Enigma King had surrendered under his invasion.

Although Randy knew it was impossible for The Enigma Kingdom to surrender like this. He could not get an answer over The Enigma Kingdom's action.

After taking The Enzu Territory over, Randy with his guild advanced forward to the Enzia Territory. He would get the answer when he met Enigma later.

Also, Enzia was the main territory of The Enigma Kingdom. Randy was sure the fierce clash would happen in the Enzia Territory. Meanwhile, The Wish Compass was still pointing in the same direction as before.

There was no change with the compass since they landed in The Enigma Kingdom's territory. Indicating Enigma was still there.

However, when Randy and his guild arrived at Enzia Territory, they became dumbfounded. The scene unfolded before Randy and his guild made them baffled.

The Enzia Territory was full of skeleton soldiers. They could see nothing except a skeleton in ragged armor with various kinds of weapons in their hand.

When this sight came into their eyes, they though the fierce battle was awaiting them ahead. However, the endless skeleton soldiers were making a path for Randy and his guild. Yes, the skeleton soldier split into two sides and made a path for them.

There was not a battle, but the skeleton soldiers were making a path for Randy. It was like an invitation for them to walk over through the path. But the path was only fit for a few people, The Enigma Kingdom was not inviting all guild members, but only a few.

It was clear, The Enigma Kingdom or maybe Enigma was only inviting the upper echelons of Happy Guild. Randy turned his head over his wife and his wife also looked at him.

Randy could discern how excited she was, it was like she could not wait to rush at the endless of skeleton soldiers. Different from Zhen Yi, Long Xinya was calmer than her best friend despite had an anticipation look on her face.

"Let smash them up!" Zhen Yi exclaimed impatiently.

However, there was no need for Randy to response as her best friend rolled her eyes at Zhen Yi.

"Why would you become impatient with these mob skeletons? They have invited us politely, why don't we go over and enjoy the "main dish" rather than wasting our times in these "tasteless appetizers", right?"

When Long Xinya mentioned "main dish" she pointed her finger toward the path and she pointed her finger at the skeleton soldiers when she mentioned "tasteless appetizers".

Hearing her best friend's words. Zhen Yi's eyes shone with an excited light and now, she could not wait to rush over the path created before them.

She understood what her best friend's mean by saying the main dish and the tasteless appetizers were. Zhen Yi could not help but agree to her best friend's proposal.

Randy also understood their idea. Though he didn't know it was a hobby, or they were seeking a thrill, but he also liked this kind of thrills. Fighting while being surrounded by the enemy. Somehow, this thing also made him excited.

Meanwhile, the others were scanning the sea of skeletons carefully. Somehow, with Randy in the front, they didn't afraid over the skeleton soldiers which amounted many times more than them.

They were still calm before the endless skeleton soldiers.

Randy, however, nodding his head at Long Xinya's proposal.

"Good, they have invited us. It's impolite if we reject their invitation after what we did before," Randy played along with the two women.

Afterward, Randy turned his head to his Generals. He called them general in his heart because they were the leader that would lead his force in the future.

Udin, Gusti, Erwin, Asuka, Akihiro, Marlin, Kiddo, and Rougher. Randy looked them for a while before saying, "You guys stay here!"

Randy ordered them to stay. After all, they have three thousand Garuda's members and over twenty thousand skeleton soldiers. It was impossible for them to follow Randy based on the path before them except they forced to.

They must stay here to lead his force. However, three shadows rushed before Randy and knelt down.

"Boss, let us follow you!!!" The three said simultaneously. The three were Marlin, Kiddo, and Rougher.

"No!" Randy responded in an instant.

This was the main base of The Enigma Kingdom and Randy believed there were many high-grade undead here. They must stay here to protect the twenty-three thousand of his men here.

"Boss, please let me follow you, only me with two elders from my tribe only," Marlin proposed as he made a signal through his eyes toward Kiddo and Rougher.

Kiddo and Rougher understood the meaning behind Marlin's words and they agreed immediately. They were the same, Randy's ancillary, and they had the same purpose. It was to protect The Boss.

Even though they knew The Boss was far stronger than them, but they must be prepared for the worst case. Marlin was so persistence and Zhen Yi grew even more impatient as she looked at these two.

"All right, you can follow us," Zhen Yi was the one who responded instead of Randy. However, Marlin only looked at Zhen Yi, his master's wife for a while before looking back at The Boss.

"All right, you can follow me and your task is only to stay alive!"

With that, Marlin stood up with a happy expression and he called his two subordinates over to follow Randy.

Afterward, Randy led two women and three Monikia to the path which had been created by the skeleton soldiers earlier. From the start and until now, the skeleton soldiers were never looking at them.

They just stood and looked straight to the front as they carried out their duty. Randy, however, didn't bother with the skeleton soldiers. Like what Long Xinya said earlier, they were only tasteless appetizers in his eyes.

Ten minutes walking and they arrived at then of the path and Randy finally understood why he never encountered a higher grade undead than King Grade Undead because they gathered here.

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