Battle of Ascension

Chapter 307: Wish Compass

Chapter 307: Wish Compass

Three months later...

Evergreen Pier, Evergreen Territory

There were a hundred and ten ships ready to sail over and there were many people from Evergreen City witnessed the ship to sail. These people were mostly the families of the Garuda's members.

Today, February 17th, 2019, Happy Guild accompanied with the Garuda would launch a large scale attack to the main base of The Enigma Kingdom.

Two thousand Garuda's members, a hundred Monikia, and twenty thousand skeleton soldiers would sail to the main base of The Enigma Kingdom.

Randy and Zhen Yi stood together in the front deck, waving their hands at their family. Almira, Wisen, Sun Xiu, and the others were seeing off Randy and Zhen Yi.

They already knew the big battle awaited Randy and Zhen Yi ahead. Even though they worried about it, but they could do nothing about the battle. Wisen knew about the skeleton, he had looked at the living skeleton with his own eyes.

He realized the battle was inevitable so he could do nothing about it except pray for his son. Wisen waved his hand as the ship was getting farther and farther before the ship lost from his sight.

He turned his head at his wife, Almira who kept waving her hand at the ship, and her eyes were wet as she waved her hand at her son who had gone far away. The same also happened to Sun Xiu worried and concerned look plastered in her face.

However, they also had the same thought as Wisen's. The battle was inevitable if they didn't attack The Enigma Kingdom then it was just a matter of time before The Enigma Kingdom came to disturb their peace.

Meanwhile, in one ship, Randy and Zhen Yi were standing together on the deck. Zhen Yi was holding a compass in her hand.

The compass quite old and there was no letter to show the direction where the north or south like the normal compass. There was only a needle in the compass, however, the needle to a particular place.

No matter where Zhen Yi was, the needle was pointing in the same direction, and it was a direction to the main base of The Enigma Kingdom.

Even though the compass looked plain even compared to the normal compass. It was a compass Zhen Yi and Randy got from the Ascension Chest.

Wish Compass, it was the name of the compass in Zhen Yi's hand. The compass would show a direction where Zhen Yi or the compass holder wanted to go. Of course, there were many conditions needed to be fulfilled before they could use the compass.

First, the compass holder must have at the least, three clues about the place. Second, they needed a sacrifice before they could use the Wish Compass.

However, because it was the first use of The Wish Compass, there was no need for the sacrifice. If the sacrifice was needed, then even Randy could not afford to use the compass.

After all, the sacrifice needed was a Saint Grade Beast's blood. Yes, Saint Grade Beast's blood needed if Randy wanted to use The Wish Compass for the second time.

He could not defeat Saint Grade Beast yet, so of course, he could not afford to use The Wish Compass. At least, for the time being, or maybe he could not use The Wish Compass for the second time even until the last phase of The Battle of Ascension.

Why he used The Wish Compass for The Enigma Kingdom? Because Enigma would evolve to Saint Grade Undead. Randy got this information from Forlin Legion and Long Xinya was the one who found out this information.

During Randy and Zhen Yi's conquest in Kalimantan Island. Long Xinya along with the Monikia Tribe made their way to the east and conquered many territories and they made Forlin Legion in Timor Leste.

Timor Leste was a country, but somehow, during the Battle of Ascension, there was no main city built in Timor Leste. Forlin legion's main base was in Timor Leste and Long Xinya met them there.

The result, of course, Long Xinya won against Forlin Legion without many hurdles with the Help of Monikia Tribe. At the final breath, Forlin, the ring leader of Forlin Legion leaked the information about Enigma who was on the verge of evolution to the next grade, Saint Grade Undead.

It was the event happened two months ago and Long Xinya immediately told Randy and Zhen Yi about that. Because of this, Randy decided to use The Wish Compass without hesitation.

He witnessed the terror of Saint Grade Beast in the Ascension World and he realized he was not a match for Saint Grade Beast even the Divine Bloodline flowed in him.

However, two months ago, there was a problem which held him to advance toward The Enigma Kingdom. It was the ship; he didn't have enough ship for his force. At that time, he wanted to go with one ship only while bringing the main force.

Randy planned to go with the Happy Member with a bloodline, The Cardinal Undead, The Seven Hell, Chief of Monikia Tribe, and The ten Elders of Monikia Tribe.

The Cardinal Undead was Rougher and Kiddo. The Garuda's members gave the two a title The Cardinal Undead, the skeleton who led the Skeleton Armies.

Meanwhile, The Seven Hell was The Cardinal Undead's direct subordinates. There were another seven skeletons, and they were having Hell Flame as their Elemental Power. So, Garuda's members called them The Seven Hell.

Even though the name somewhat flashy, Randy also agreed to give them a title.

Randy had nurtured Kiddo and Rougher to Mythical Grade Undead with the beast's skeleton he got from the Ascension World. He had many Legendary Grade's beastmen and beasts, so it was easy to nurture two skeletons to reach Mythical Grade Undead.

Actually, he could have them evolve to Eternal Grade, but he didn't so. He promoted them to Mythical Grade Undead as a reward after they helped him conquered Kalimantan Island.

It was telling them that by following him was the beast. So, they could fight for him with a single devotion. Also, The Seven Hell picked by him from the skeleton soldiers.

He picked seven skeletons and promoted them to Legendary Grade Undead in one go as the direct subordinates of Kiddo and Rougher.

As for Monikia Tribe, they didn't like to get a flashy title like the skeletons. They stayed with Monikia Tribe and they would like to be called with the current title as Chief Marlin or Elder Orun and the like.

However, even with this kind of force, his mom, father, and all people in the Happy Guild opposed his crazy idea to attack The Enigma Kingdom with a little force. Randy could not convince his family and forced to stay for another two months before the ship was ready.

The problem was not the ship itself, but the rune, Sea Cloak Rune. Somad was the only one who could make Sea Cloak Rune and his seven apprentices could not make it. Also, Somad could only successfully make four Sea Cloak Rune out of ten tries.

Two Months and Somad succeeded in making a hundred and nine Sea Cloak Runes. Afterward, Randy along the chosen members departed from Evergreen Pier, sailing toward The Enigma Kingdom.

Zhen Yi set her eyes at The Wish Compass. The needle pointed toward the Northeast of Evergreen Pier. Zhen Yi looked up, looking to the northeast, but she could only see the blue ocean.

The blue ocean stretched out and the sea breeze slammed her black hair. The stayed still and somehow, Randy who was beside Zhen Yi could see a doubt in her wife.

She was still doubting The Wish Compass, or to be more exact she still could not believe in Kiddo and Rougher. Zhen Yi didn't doubt about The Wish Compass, but the one who made the wish.

Randy and Zhen Yi had no clues regarded Lord Enigma and The Enigma Kingdom. Because of this, Randy asked Kiddo and Rougher to use The Wish Compass. At first, he didn't want to use but using Kiddo and Rougher to show the way.

However, they knew nothing about the place. Where they came from? Where was the direction they had to go back to The Enigma Kingdom?

They didn't have any clue about it. Even though they were familiar with the place called The Enigma Kingdom, they didn't know the direction to go there.

However, they had many clues regarding Lord Enigma. So Randy asked them to use The Wish Compass to locate Lord Enigma directly. Why he didn't ask them to locate The Enigma Kingdom's main base, he just worried that Enigma was not here and The Wish Compass would have gone to waste if Enigma was not in the main base.

Just in case, Lord Enigma was not in the main base and Randy asked them to use The Wish Compass to locate Enigma directly. Now, they were heading toward Enigma. Forlin leaked about Lord Enigma was going to evolve to Saint Grade Undead two months ago.

Randy somewhat felt nervous about it, meeting a Saint Grade Undead. He was having a hard time to kill the helpless Saint Grade Dragon, then what about the Saint Grade Undead?

However, he felt nervous slightly, two nervousness, one worry, and seven anticipations. If it was the old him, maybe he would nervous. But now, after the second time Bloodline Awakening, it boosted his confidence to fight against the Saint Grade Undead.

Also, It was just the newly Saint Grade Undead. Of course, the newly evolved Saint Grade Undead was much weaker compared to Saint Grade Evil Dragon he killed in the Ascension World.

At least, Shana told him so and along with the second awakening, Randy only felt nervous slightly. He had the second Bloodline Awakening after he reached level 250. There were many advantages he got from the second Bloodline Awakening.

Randy tapped her wife's back and said in a gentle tone, "All right, there's no need to doubt anymore. They will not be so daring to bet their lives to deceive me,"

"Rather than worrying about it, how about if we work on the mission our moms gave to us?" Randy whispered in a low voice at her wife's ear afterward.

Hearing her husband's words, the doubt on her face gone, and replaced with a flushed look. She looked back, looking at Monikia Tribe and the skeleton who were behind them.

Even though they were not a human, Zhen Yi was still shy talking about this kind of thing.

She released out a sigh of relief after noticing there was no one hearing Randy's words. However, she didn't reject her husband. Instead, she pulled her husband to the cabin with a flushed look.

Seven days later

After seven days sailed on the blue ocean, land came into their sight. However, Randy ordered to stop at two thousand meters away from the land because a hundred meters tall wall blocked their sight.

Yes, there was another tall wall, the same wall as the wall in the Sumatera Island. However, they found a lot of trouble in this wall, because based on Kiddo, there was a catapult on the top wall.

The hundred and ten ships were an easy target for the catapult. So, Randy had to stop the ship two thousand meters away from the land.

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