Battle of Ascension

Chapter 300: Leave Them to Me

Chapter 300: Leave Them to Me

Kalimantan Island's seashore, there was a hundred meters wall surrounded the seashore. However, amidst the long and tall wall, there were two people stood before a hole, a hole in the tall wall.

The hole was about five meters tall and seven meters wide and the two people stood before the hole was Zhen Yi and Randy. Both were trying to find the gate if there was a wall there must be an entrance or gate.

However, there was no gate in five thousand long of the wall, the found no gate or an entrance. It was entirely blocked.

There was no entrance, then it would be impossible for the fifty Garuda's members to step into Kalimantan Island with no entrance. As for how Randy and Zhen Yi entered Kalimantan Island?

They climbed through the hundred meters tall wall. Randy used his two swords to climb while Zhen Yi her to climb the hundred-meter tall wall. Their strength was high, and it was easy to pierce the wall with their Legendary Grade Weapon.

With that, they climbed the hundred meters wall and Randy was the first one to arrive at the top wall. As for the skeletons on the top wall, they had become debris under Randy and Zhen Yi's swift yet brutal assault.

Afterward they wanted to find the gate or the entrance, however, they could not find that entrance or gate. Because of that, Zhen Yi came out with this idea, making a hole for the fifty Garuda's members to step into the land.

At first, Randy was worried the wall would collapse. However, it was out of his expectation the wall was still standing firmly after Zhen Yi created the big hole.

As the two stood before the big hole, the Happy Ship came into their sight. The smiling emoji in the sail was eye-catching.

Meanwhile, Iman Saputra and the others on the ship were quite shocked by the hole. It seemed there was nothing impossible with his Boss and Lady Boss.

After docking the Happy Ship, they stepped into the Kalimantan Island, and a notification rang in the fifty of Garuda's members.

Battle System: You have entered the Lampung Territory!

Despite the notification which rang in their head, their eyes, however, focused on the hole. It was about ten meters long. Rather than a hole, it would be right even to be called a ten meters long tunnel.

Somehow, they had an uneasy feeling as they walked in the ten meters long tunnel. They could not help but quickened their pace of walking. They worried the ten meters long tunnel might be collapsed as they walked in the ten meters long tunnel. After all, the ten meters long tunnel was under the wall.

Coming out from the ten meters long tunnel, they see the Boss and Lady Boss' figure. Both were standing five meters away from the entrance of the ten meters long tunnel.

They were standing under a tree, a lush green tree, side by side with a silent accompanied them. They too, falling into a calm atmosphere with their Boss and Lady Boss came into their sight.

Randy fell into a daze, mulling over what he should do after this. The next was the take the Lampung Territory's token and let the Garuda's members took it back to Evergreen City. He needed to claim Lampung Territory first before he could build teleportation.

After that, he and his wife would go for the Ascension Chest. It was in his topmost purpose as the Enigma Kingdom's force was here. Randy afraid those skeletons would open the Ascension Chest before he could.

Afterward, he would eradicate the Enigma Kingdom's force here. He was reorganizing his thought over the plan what he wanted to do in Kalimantan Territory and not noticing the fifty Garuda's members had arrived.

Zhen Yi poked her husband waist with her elbow and Randy turned his head at his wife with a puzzled look. However, Zhen Yi directed him only with her head at the Garuda's members in silent. She seemed didn't want to break the silence.

Randy turned his head again, at where his wife directed to. He saw the fifty Garuda's members had arrived and had their eyes looked at him.

"Oh, you guys here," Randy said as he walked over to the group.

As Randy approached them, they could not help but lined up neatly. They made a strict stance. Randy somewhat uncomfortable at this sight, they were like soldiers in the military before the Battle of Ascension.

Nevertheless, Randy just let them did what they wanted to, making no comment as he scanned the fifty of them.

"All right, there's no much task for you actually," Randy scratched his head as there was really no task for them except delivering the Territory Token back to Evergreen City and back again to claim the Lampung Territory and build teleportation.

The teleportation was the most essential thing for his guild. So there was really no task for them except that, but they could follow him and his wife to take the Territory Token.

However, the forty-nine Garuda's members had a different thought of Randy. They were thinking another matter, it was their impression of Randy.

The fifty Garuda's members Randy brought was a new guy, they joined the Happy Guild later after he went away for his long journey except for Iman Saputra. So they didn't know Randy's another side which was easy-going and friendly.

The impression of the forty-nine people of Randy was overbearing, strong, fierce, and dignified. It was what they felt toward Randy since he came back from the unknown journey which had been a secret of the upper echelons of the Happy Guild.

They seemed baffled at their Boss who suddenly turned to be friendly. They thought their Boss was a strict one like the rumors in the forum and how he acted on Erwin, how he slaughtered the Asura Guild, how he cleaned the skeletons with ease which almost killed them.

Randy left a strong impression on them, however, the current Randy was so much different from their impression of him. The easy-going smile plastered on his face which usually had an expressionless when he met them was nowhere to be seen.

As Randy went on, the forty-nine Garuda's members had their shoulder relaxed a little, not as tense as earlier. Randy was talking about random stuff, seeming to wait for something as he chatted with them.

Five minutes passed by and they finally knew what their Boss was waiting for, it was the Lion blazed in the blue flame they saw in the Monkin Island. The Boss was waiting for his pet to come back.

Randy also noticed Rocky from afar. He saw Rocky was running at steady pace and Randy took out beast. The beast was white in color and had three horns on its head. The beast was like a cow, but three times bigger than a normal cow.

Randy threw the cow on the air and Rocky immediately pounced at the cow with its mouth opened wide. Rocky bit at the cow's neck with his sharp teeth and he immediate wolfed down the cow.

After taking over the wall, Randy let a handful skeletons to run away, and he let Rocky followed after them. With that, he could find the base of the skeleton in the Lampung Territory and took the Territory Token from them.

Sure enough, Rocky didn't disappoint him as he found the skeleton's base in Lampung Territory. However, this proud yet lazy cat asked a meal before leading he wanted to lead him to the skeleton's base.

The cow-like beast devoured by Rocky in no time. The fifty Garuda's members looked at the blazing lion cautiously. Even though they knew the lion was their Boss' pet, however, it was Saint Grade Beast, after all, they kept still a safe distance from the blue lion.

"All right, guys. Follow me! We will attack the skeleton's base, get prepared,"

After that, Randy hopped onto Rocky's back. Zhen Yi could only see with envy as she looked at her husband who was riding on the top Rocky.

Randy looked at his wife as he tapped at Rocky's back, indicating she could get a ride along with him. However, Rocky also knew what its master wanted to and Rocky immediately barring its sharp teeth at Zhen Yi, indicating he didn't agree for Zhen Yi to ride on him.

Zhen Yi pouted at how unfriendly Rocky was to her. She wanted to have a ride since a long ago, but Rocky never agreed to her request. Even now with Randy, Rocky still didn't let her have a ride on its back.

Randy winked at his wife and got his head closer at Rocky's right ear. He stretched Rocky's ears and whispered something at Rocky.

Hearing the whisper from its master, Rocky instantly turned its head at Randy. He almost turned his head almost 90 degrees. Rocky had an unbelievable look as it looked at Randy, then somewhat felt wronged, and before finally Rocky nodded its head reluctantly at Zhen Yi.

Rocky showed its vivid look how it felt, but Randy just smiled, and Zhen Yi cheered.

"Yay!" Zhen Yi cheered as she hopped into Rocky's back. She ignored the reluctant and wronged look in Rocky.


Rocky immediately rushed over to the skeleton's base right after Zhen Yi sat on its back. The fifty Garuda's members also rushed over, following Rocky, Zhen Yi, and Randy.

However, Rocky's speed was much faster compared to the fifty Garuda's members. In no time, Rocky already left them far behind.

Randy realized Rocky was running too fast, he urged Rocky to slowed down. However, Rocky snorted at Randy and its face seemed to say, "This is already my slowest fast, It's your friends are too slow,"

The fifty Garuda's members had a bitter face as they trailed the Boss. It was fortunate that Rocky left a visible trail even after leaving them far behind, it was its steps. Each step was leaving a faint of blue flame on the ground which made easier for them to trail their Boss.

Even they had lost their sight on Rocky, they managed to catch up after fifteen minutes running. However, they were gasping for a breath when they caught up after Randy.

The fifty Garuda's members looked up and saw there were five skeletons in armor faced The Boss. Behind the five skeletons in armor, there was a sea of skeletons gathered.

The Sea of skeletons was nothing for them as they had experienced it when they were attacking Kururi Legion. However, the five skeletons in armor were different from the normal skeleton.

The five skeletons had a ghastly black flame on their empty socket with the black luster armor was giving them an oppressive feeling to them. Somehow, they felt uneasy with those five skeletons and they wanted to seek comfort from The Boss, but Randy and Zhen Yi had their back on them. They could not see Randy and Zhen Yi's expression.

However, soon, an excited yet melodious traveled into their ears, "Leave them to me, I will take care all of them,"

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