Battle of Ascension

Chapter 278: Bathing

Chapter 278: Bathing

Randy didn't lead Garuda's members to Semarang Territory directly, but he gave them time to rest for a while, and let them grab a meal while he was going to scout Semarang Territory.

Scouting the Semarang Territory in five miles area, Randy found something amiss. He could not find any Fire Wisp, Elemental who lived in Semarang Territory in five miles.

Randy didn't move further, but he returned where his force made a camp.

Meanwhile, Long Xinya's group had encountered no problem as they smoothly took Tasikmalaya Territory, but they didn't regroup as Randy told Long Xinya to take the next territory.

After that, Randy had his meal along with the 1620 Garuda's members. Finishing their meal, Randy briefed the Fire Wisp to the Garuda's members before letting them hunt it in a team, but he didn't follow them to hunt as he approached the small mound with lava.

Zhen Yi also didn't follow Garuda's members to hunt, but following her husband.

"Why are you following me? You didn't go hunt?" Randy could not help asked his valiant wife after noticing she was following him to climb up the small mound.

The usual wife who greedy for exp didn't go hunt but followed him here.

"I will, but what are you going to do?" Zhen Yi was curious as she noticed Randy climbed up the small mound with full of lava but didn't follow her or the other team to hunt.

She checked the surrounding of the small mound, but there was nothing to look except the boiling lava inside the small mound.

Randy ordered to Garuda's members to hunt the Fire Wisp, but they didn't continue advance forward as Randy told the Garuda's members to make a camp in the Semarang Territory which had an uncomfortable environment to stay overnight.

Even though no one complained to stay overnight in this kind of environment, but she was curious why her husband decided to stay here.

Zhen Yi guessed the reason they stayed here was Randy's next action. That was why she was not in a hurry to hunt, but followed Randy as she wanted to know what he would do in this barren land.

"I want to take a bath," Randy smiled meaningfully.

"Take a bath???" Zhen Yi became even more confused. She looked at the surrounding, but didn't find any water for taking a bath, but there

Zhen Yi's eyes went round as she guessed her husband's meaning. There was no water, but there was much lava around them.

"Hehe you are right, I will take bath with this lava," Randy nodded his head, confirming his wife's guess.

Zhen Yi made a weird look after hearing her husband's confirmation. She looked at Randy like looking at a madman.

Even though she was getting stronger, far stronger than her in the past, but never crossed in her mind to take a bath in lava.

'Only crazy fool who would try to bathe in lava!' Those words crossed in her mind as she looked her husband who looked at the lava inside the mound from the time to time.

'Doesn't this mean she has married a madman for almost a year?' Zhen Yi blanked out as she came to this conclusion.

Randy was looking at the boiling lava from the time to time as he hesitated with Shana's idea. Yes, bathing in the lava was not his idea, but Shana's words to him.

At that time, Shana told him there was another way to increase the level of Elemental Power, it was by absorbing the fire essence from a volcano or a fire created by nature.

Randy remembered about this after seeing the lava spurted out from the small mound that was why he decided to let Garuda's members for hunting the Fire Wisp first while he absorbed the fire essence inside the small mound.

Also, let the team familiarized themselves with the Fire Wisp was a good thing as Fire Wisp was not an easy target like the beast. They need to strike right at the core if they didn't get the core, the Fire Wisp would blow itself up.

With those reasons, Randy decided to make a camp in Semarang Territory while absorbing the fire essence and let Garuda's members getting familiarized themselves with the Uncommon Fire Wisp before they were going deeper to face higher grade Fire Wisp.

After the Garuda's members get familiarized themselves with the Fire Wisp, then he would also finish his goal to absorb the fire essence, getting his Fire Elemental Power to the next level.

Randy had evolved his Fire and Innate Dark Elemental Power to the next realm and all of this was thanks to the Crimson Cloud Kingdom.


Level 1 (0/100%) [Fire Elemental Bloom (0-Petal)]

Level 1 (0/100%) [Innate Dark Elemental Bloom (Shadow) (0-Petal)]


After the war between the Crimson Cloud Kingdom and Underworld Faction was over, he had asked many rewards as King and Queen of the Crimson Cloud Kingdom asked him what he wanted.

At that time, Randy didn't give an immediate answer but took a stroll in Crimson Cloud Kingdom's Capital City, Cloud City.

After taking a stroll for three days and witnessed what his guild lacked, Randy decided what he wanted for the reward.

It was rune's design and skills, Alchemist's recipe and skills, Blacksmith's design and skills, cooking's recipe and skills, Elemental Seed, Energy Core, Battle Cloth design, and Tailor's skill.

King Andreas and Queen Cecilia granted what he asked for.

Two hundred basic rune designs and three Rune Master's skill scrolls, twenty Alchemist's potion recipes and three Alchemist's skill scrolls, three hundred equipment designs and three blacksmith's skill scrolls, five hundred cooking recipes and five cooking's skill scrolls, three Battle Cloth design, and three Tailor's skill scrolls.

It was the reward for his merit in the war and his reward for protecting Crimson Princess even though the Crimson Princess really didn't need a protector.

But his reward not only stopped at that, but King Andreas also gave him twenty-five Elemental Seed, respectively five Fire Seeds, five Wind Seeds, five Earth Seeds, five Water Seeds, and five Lightning Seeds.

The last one was Energy Core which made Randy had his two Elemental Power evolved to the next realm, but the Energy Core was not only that.

King Andreas gave him five million Uncommon Energy Cores, five million Rare Energy Cores, five million Epic Energy Cores, and five million Ancient Energy Cores. Not only that, he asked the Dark Energy Core and Fire Energy Core to make his Elemental Power evolved into the next realm.

Afterward, Randi realized that it was no more possible to raise his Elemental Power with Energy Core and this was another way to make his Elemental Power grew stronger, absorbing the fire essence from the lava.

Soon, he noticed his wife had a peculiar look as she looked at him and he understood why his wife would have that look; she thought he was insane, bathing in the lava.

Randy didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he realized what was in his wife's mind and explained to her why he wanted to take a bath in the lava.

Two minutes later

Zhen Yi nodded her head as she let out a sigh of relief. Her husband was not insane but wanted to increase his Fire Elemental Power.

But then again, dubious and concerned looks appeared on Zhen Yi's face,

"Are you sure, you want to take a bath with lava?"

She asked Randy in doubt and full of concern before she tilted her head to see the boiling lava. Just by looking the lava inside the mound, her scalp tingle as she imagined his husband was bathing the boiling lava.

Hearing her wife's concern, Randy became even more hesitated as he also not sure about this. Even though Shana told him to do so which meant there was no high risk, but still, diving into lava gave him scare, it was boiling lava after all.

Randy took a deep breath before reassured his wife,

"Don't worry about me, with my current Fire Elemental Power this lava is not dangerous,"

"All right," Zhen Yi just nodded her head, trusting her husband's words, but she was still standing there.

Randy was still looking at the boiling lava back and forth, it was clear he still hesitated to enter the boiling lava, but he noticed his wife still with him.

Randy spoke no further as he kept inhaling and exhaling, trying to calm his mind before making sure once more, "Shana, there's nothing will happen, right?"

"Tsk, don't worry, Uncle~ You only need to jump down, but don't forget to use your Fire Elemental Power and it will be done in a few minutes,"

This was already nth times Shana gave her confirmation and she could not help annoyed after being questioned for many times.

Randy took a deep breath, the last one before circulating his Fire Elemental Power inside his body. Seconds after, Randy's body shrouded in a fire which shocked Zhen Yi a little and after that, Randy jumped down to the boiling lava.

Zhen Yi tilted her head as she witnessed her husband plunged into the boiling lava.

But after a few seconds, she could not see her husband anymore, and she worried there was something might happen to her husband.

Zhen Yi was waiting patiently, but soon there was a hand popped on the surface of the boiling lava with thumb up before slowly submerged under the boiling lava, indicating her husband was fine.

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