Awakening to a Special-Grade Explorer

Book 4: Chapter 116

Book 4: Chapter 116

Chapter 116

The Flame and Snow Demons.

They are both fourth grade Hell Beasts.

When Tenji's level reached 5, two Hell Quests appeared, and he spent three days conquering them.

Their average stats are close to ten times that of a Goblin, averaging around 3,000. Looking only at their stats, they would have the strength of a second-grade explorer or higher and less than a first-grade explorer. However, this is only when the Hell Beasts are forcibly fitted into the Earth's classification system.

Their actual strength is much stronger.

Their stat bonuses that affect Tenji's stats are exactly double that of Goblins, and each beast adds a bonus of 50.

Regarding this, Tenji had a certain hypothesis.

-For the Red Demon species, the stat bonus is focused on "Attack".

-For the Blue Demon species, the stat bonus is focused on "Defense".

His speculation was that the status added were determined by the Hell Beast's species.

Both the Goblin and the Flame Demon, belonging to the Red Demon species, have a stat bonus for "Attack." The only Blue Demon species, the Snow Demon, had a stat bonus for "Defense." Only three Hell Beasts have been identified so far, but there seems to be a certain law here. Assuming this, it could be considered that there is a possibility that the number of Hell Beast species will increase for this "Hell Beast Summoning" calling.

There are a total of seven stat items listed in the 'Book Of Enma': "HP," "MP," "Attack," "Defense," "Speed," "Intelligence," and "Luck."

Currently, the Red Demon species adds a vast stat bonus to "Attack," and the Blue Demon species adds a vast stat bonus to "Defense." If we consider this, there are still five parameters for which bonuses have not been set: "HP," "MP," "Speed," "Intelligence," and "Luck."

From there, Tenji predicted that there will be at least five more Hell Beast species. Will only demons continue to increase, or will something other than demons appear?

The difference between the Flame and Snow Demons and the Goblins is not just stats.

Being able to converse with them was the most important thing.

"Mr. Flame Demon, Mr. Snow Demon. I apologize for contacting you only yesterday, but can you teach me how to fight, especially about the heavenly star skills?"

"Um, I understand."

"I want to go home... well, okay."

The flame demon has a somewhat corporate worker-like personality and has an extremely low-key manner. The snow demon's catchphrase is "I want to go home," or rather, it seems to be a kind of fixed phrase, and he talks about his true feelings after that. Both of them have strong quirks, but the fact that they can still communicate is a big step forward.

--- Slightly earlier in the morning

"Alright! I was too tired yesterday due to the consecutive Hell Quests, but... from today, let's start the thorough investigation! We have two new Hell Beasts, so I'm excited," said Tenji.

Tenji woke up early in the morning and had just finished some light warm-up exercises in the garden.

Enjoying the refreshing morning, Tenji slowly took a deep breath and looked up at the radiant sun pouring down its warmth.

Starting the day after the practical exam, Tenji decided to take a three-day break. But it was not just a simple break, it was a busy break for conquering the Hell Quests. Well, it was not really a break since Tenji had to do some hard exercise.

In the last practical exam, Tenji defeated Black Keroberos, gaining 9,056 experience points. Apparently, when it comes to a first-grade monster, the amount of experience points becomes an immense number. It was a good discovery.

Just before the exam, the experience points were '616,776/625,000'. So, defeating just one monster immediately raised the level to 5.

Is 5 a turning point for "Summoning Hell Beasts"? That is not certain, but there has been an unprecedented change in the 'Book Of Enma'.

"First, let's confirm the precise differences in the stats," Tenji said while swaying on the white wooden swing that Chigo liked in the garden, staring intently at the 'Book Of Enma'

[Name] Tenji Amagi

[Age] 16

[Level] 5/100

[Experience] 1,011/3,125,000

[HP] 5036 (5020+16)

[MP] 5016 (5000+16)

[Attack Power] 10,146 (10,130+16)

[Defensive Strength] 10,155 (10,139+16)

[Speed] 5028 (5012+16)

[Intelligence] 5063 (5047+16)

[Luck] 5045 (5029+16)

[Fixed Small Object Levitation] (Lv.8/10)

[Experience] 13/182

[Calling] Hell Beast Summoning (Lv.5/100)

[Skills] 'Book of Enma', 'Summoning of Hell's Guards'

[Experience] 1,011/3,125,000

Even on just this one page, many changes could be seen. Tenji immediately used the memo function on his smartphone to record the changes:

Level increased from "4" to "5".

Required experience points increased by five times from "625,000" to "3,125,000".

Stat base values increased by an average of 1,000.

Goblin and Flame Demon's attack bonus value increased up to a total of "4875".

Snow Demon's defense bonus value increased up to a total of "4850".

Second skill "Summoning of Hell's Guard" added.

There were roughly six changes in total. This amount of change was incomparable to the previous level up. Tenji felt an indescribable sense of excitement that he could finally see the results of his hard work for the past three months and a bit.

[Now that I look at it again, it's amazing... This must be the benefit of leveling up to level 5. It's on a completely different scale than before.]

As the level increased, the number of hell regions also increased, and the value of status bonuses by hell beasts increased significantly. As a result, the gap in attack and defense values became almost twice as large as the other values.

Although he had not yet conducted any experiments, Tenji speculated that he had already surpassed a first-grade explorer, at least in terms of attack and defense parameters.

In terms of average status values, he had previously conducted some experimental research and found that:

An average status value of around 1,000 is equivalent to a professional third-grade explorer.

An average status value of around 2,000 is equivalent to a professional second-grade explorer.

An average status value of around 7,000 is equivalent to a typical first-grade explorer. (It is not clear whether this is the case with Fuyuki, who is rumored to be at the level of a first-grade explorer.)

The fifth and fourth grade explorers are still unknown.

[If I look at it this way, it seems like I'll be able to reach the first-grade explorer with just two more level-ups. Well, in terms of technical ability, I still have a long way to go.]

Actual strength and technical ability were a different matter. At the moment, he was being trained by Chigo, so he had to take his time and train.

As he thought about this, Tenji continued to confirm the other changes.

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