Ascension Of The Immortal Asura

Chapter 195 - Obtaining Battle Arts

The name instantly intrigued John, as his mind immediately trailed towards his fight with Dylan and Justin. They had used the Crimson Hell Domain, and although it was quite ineffective against him personally, John could tell that domains were incredibly powerful.

Although he hadn't personally used a domain art yet, John could already identify two great advantages one had by unleashing a domain. As Dylan had explained in his battle with John, domains amplified the users power within the domain, while it simultaneously weakened the enemy. This alone was something enticing enough for John to want to learn a domain art.

The second advantage of a domain was that it could be unleashed in conjunction with normal battle arts. While essence battle arts were limited to being used in succession, domain arts and battle arts did not conflict with each other in such a manner, and so John would be able to unleash his scythe and lightning battle arts, while also unleashing this domain.

The only negative aspect of a domain art was that it drained Qi quite ferociously, and so could only be used for a short period before the user would run out of Qi. It was similar to his Immortal Asura Transformation Art, in that it would only be used as a trump card.

A small smirk appeared on John's face as he thought about combining a domain art with his Immortal Asura Transformation Art. Normally, such a thing would be impossible for a cultivator to achieve, but with his unique dantian situation, John would be able to achieve the impossible.

'I wonder just how strong my peak state will be, when I unleash both the Immortal Asura Transformation Art, as well as this lightning domain.'

Not only could he unleash these two arts at the same time, but John would also be able to utilize his Supreme Battle Art and Divine Reaping Scythe at the same time as well. Such an impressive combination of techniques could only be achieved by John himself, and his advantages were only becoming more and more clear as he cultivated further.

Such a thought sent a shiver of anticipation down John's spine as he thought of such a thing. After thinking about this, John's eyes returned to the page, and he casually began to read the introductory description at the top of the page.

"The Heavenly Lightning Domain is the signature lightning domain of the Heavenly Lightning Sect. Successfully cultivating this domain art will allow the user to create a domain of lightning around them, amplifying their lightning powers within while constantly attacking enemies. At higher stages, the domain evolves and becomes even more powerful. Suitable up to the Heaven Tribulation Realm."

The description sent a wave of excitement through John's body, and the last sentence only amplified that. Cultivation arts and battle arts that were useful throughout many realms were quite rare, and their price would skyrocket due to this.

John had discarded many of his previous techniques, such as the Myriad Annihilation Scythe and Five Step Movement Technique, due to the fact that they were low level and suitable only for the Mist Creation realm.

'Learning, discarding, and then learning a new technique again is quite burdensome, so this lasting me all the way to the Heaven Tribulation realm is quite a pleasant surprise.'

The top portion of the long scroll contained the basic description of the technique, while the bottom majority contained information about the technique, as well as how to cultivate and use the domain art. John was tempted to read the bottom section, but a casual glance towards the front desk revealed the Elder in charge watching John closely like a hawk.

'I suppose that's to be expected, as I'm at the spot containing the most valuable Qi Condensation techniques.'

John furled the scroll and held onto it as he began to peruse through the rest of the techniques. While the domain art was nice, John still wanted something for when he wasn't going all out.

'My Divine Reaping Scythe is incredibly powerful, but it has a short charging time to unleash that gives my enemies an opening. I need something strong, but quick to unleash.'

John continued to read the techniques, and many stood out to him as quite impressive battle arts. However, most of them were trump card techniques, and were not what he was looking for.

'Although I don't know it's true level, I can tell that my Divine Reaping Scythe is far above any of these techniques. Not only that, but the ancient page I have still has two more attacks for the Core Formation and Meridian Forging Realm, and so I'm set on having an essence Qi trump card. Learning these trump card battle arts will only be a waste of time.'

After reading through many techniques, John felt as though he wasn't going to find what he was looking for. However, his eyes finally lit up as he read through another scroll.

'Lightning Ruin. Based on the description, it's very similar to the Lightning Finger I have already learned in terms of attack and speed, but it's far more powerful. This is perfect.'

While the Lightning Finger John had learned could be used in battle, it was a starter technique used to train disciples, and so it wasn't very powerful. Only John's unique lightning situation made it powerful.

However, Lightning Ruin was an incredibly quick yet powerful attack, which would only be amplified further by John's lightning talent.

'Although I can't look through the details yet on why it's much stronger than the Lightning Finger battle art, I'm sure the sect wouldn't lie about such things. It's settled, I'll choose these two techniques.'

John felt incredibly happy having found these two techniques, as they suited him perfectly. He could grab more, but his time was limited, and John knew that biting off more than he could chew would be a death sentence. Training in many techniques would make him a jack of all trades, but a master of none, and John did not want that to happen.

'The last thing I need is a movement technique, as my Five Step Movement Technique is quite useless. Although I have unlocked the Limiter of Speed for body cultivation, utilizing an essence movement technique in conjunction with by bodies speed will surely be terrifying.'

John looked around for a bit longer, before he found a technique called Thunderflash Steps. It was the most impressive movement technique he could find, and so John grabbed it as well.

"I'll take these three techniques. There wasn't a price listed for any of these techniques. How much is it going to cost me?" John asked as he set down the two scrolls in front of the Elder.

The Elder grabbed the three scrolls and read their descriptions. His eyebrows raised slightly before he set them down again.

"The Heavenly Lightning Domain, Thunderflash Steps, and Lightning Ruin. These are the first, fourth and ninth most expensive techniques within this entire room," the Elder stated in his ever dull tone, however, there was a slight tinge of surprise in his voice this time.

"The Heavenly Lighting Domain art costs ten thousand spirit crystals or one thousand contribution points, the Thunderflash Steps cost three thousand spirit crystals or three hundred contribution points, and Lightning Ruin costs five thousand spirit crystals or five hundred contribution points, bringing the total to eighteen thousand spirit crystals."

"No problem."

A pile of spirit crystals suddenly appeared on the large table between John and the Elder, shining gloriously in the daylight that filtered through the nearby windows. The Elder once again raised his eyebrows in surprise, and the pile quickly disappeared from view.

"You may take the scrolls," the Elder stated.

John happily stored away the scrolls in his spatial area and thanked the Elder before beginning to leave. However, his steps suddenly paused as he turned back towards the Elder.

"Elder, in regards to the Heavenly Lightning Domain art, the scroll said that it was useful all the way up to the Heaven Tribulation realm. My quick glance through the scroll revealed that this scroll only contains the portions in relation to the Qi Condensation realm."

The Elder stared at John blankly, waiting for him to get to the point.

"I know room 3E contains Core Formation battle arts. Does it perhaps contain the Core Formation portion of the Heavenly Lightning Domain and perhaps the other techniques, and if so, are there any restrictions in me going up there and getting it?" John asked.

Although he wasn't in the Core Formation Realm, John always liked to be prepared. He didn't know when he would break through to the Core Formation realm, and for all he knew, it could be when he was in the mysterious Qi whirlpool land. If he didn't have the Core Formation Heavenly Lightning Domain when he broke through, it would become much weaker to use at that stage.

"It does, and there are no restrictions other than you having enough spirit crystals or contribution points to purchase them. However, be aware that the prices for Core Formation battle arts are much more expensive than Qi Condensation battle Arts," the Elder replied.

"Understood. Thanks for your help."

John once again thanked the Elder before leaving the room. Upon reaching the main part of the second floor, John immediately walked towards the inner staircase and ascended to the third floor.

He quickly found room 3E, walked down the short hallways to enter it. A voice once again caught his attention as he entered the room.

"Excuse me, are you lost?"

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