Ascension Of The Immortal Asura

Chapter 176 - War Hall

John was slightly disappointed to hear this, but he understood the Elder. Since the matter concerned the Bloodfiend Sect, who were on par with the Heavenly Lightning Sect, only someone like the Sect Leader himself would be able to decide on the matter.

Interfering with the Bloodfiend Sect's plans would surely draw their ire, and depending on how invested they were with their plans, could lead to conflict or even war.

However, a big weight felt like it had dropped off his shoulders. He had successfully joined the sect, and now everything was no longer in his hands. All he could do was wait for a response and hope it was a good one.

John and Elder Ragur continued to converse for some time regarding various things about his new life within the sect. After some discussions, the topic of spirit crystals came up.

"Elder, you said I need to earn either spirit crystals or contribution points to buy things within the sect. How do I go about earning those?" John asked curiously.

He only had the spirit crystals that were provided as his reward for the entrance exam. Although he didn't know its true value yet, he was sure it would not be sufficient to cover all his expenses as a cultivator.

"Hmm, the easiest way for you to buy things within the sect would be to earn contribution points. You can earn those by completing certain tasks for the sect, or by joining certain Halls within the sect and earning them as sort of a salary," Elder Ragur replied.

"Halls? What halls are there to join?" John asked curiously. He knew about the Enforcement Hall, but that was it.

"There are many Halls within the sect, and you are already familiar with Enforcement Hall," Elder Ragur stated. "By joining my Enforcement Hall, you can earn a monthly contribution point salary," the Elder added.

John thought about the offer for a moment, as it was enticing. However, he figured he might as well learn more about the other Halls before making such a decision.

"Elder, what other Halls are there?" John asked.

"There are dozens of different Halls, each serving different purposes. There's the Medicinal Hall, which collects medicinal ingredients throughout the continent. There's the Pill Hall, which is in charge of making all the pills required for the Sect. There is the Beast Hall, in charge of raising powerful beasts for the sect…"

Elder Ragur began to explain the various Halls and their purposes within the sect. John listened closely, wanting to see if there were any that suited him in particular.

"...There's the War Hall, which is in charge of participating in various battles and assassination missions for the sect. They are our front line for the sect, and the Hall consists of the sect's battle maniacs or those punished to fight on the front lines. I don't know if such a hall would interes-"

"War Hall? That sounds perfect!" John replied with excitement.

Based on what the Elder had just said, it seemed as if frequent conflict was part of the War Hall, including even assassination missions. Battles and assassinations were the perfect opportunity for John to obtain human corpses for more human blood essence.

Not only that, but John was growing more and more of a battle maniac, as both his personality and the Immortal Asura Body began to lust for battle. Such a Hall sounded like a perfect fit.

A surprised look appeared on Elder Ragur's face as he heard John's sudden excited outburst.

"John...the War Hall is a place of great danger, where your life will be constantly on the line. Not only that, but there are some truly...unique character's within the Hall. Also, but first years are typically not allowed to join. Are you sure you want to try to join such a place?" Elder Ragur asked.

He had been hoping that John would join the Enforcement Hall, but would understand if he wanted to join another Hall. However, the War Hall was truly the most brutal and dangerous Hall to join within the entire Sect, and was even used as a punishment for various sect members at times.

Very few disciples chose to willingly join the War Hall. Most disciples within the sect were pampered throughout their entire lives, and the thought of putting their lives on the line made them blanch.

However, John knew that only such battles truly led to great growth as a cultivator, and he had experienced many of those battles beforehand. He would also most likely be able to sort out his human blood essence issue this way as well.

"I'm sure," John responded to the Elder.

Elder Ragur stared at John for some time, hoping he would change his mind, but John only stared back resolutely. After a moment of silence, Elder Ragur sighed deeply.

"Alright. The time for first year disciples to join Halls only officially happens in a few weeks, but if I escort you there personally, you can join earlier."

John nodded his head and thanked Elder Ragur.

Elder Ragur waved his hand, and John felt a power envelop his body. He began to hover off the ground, and John soon found his body high above the ground, flying through the air behind Elder Ragur.

The two of them rapidly soared through the air, and John watched the magnificent sect grounds pass by below. After some time of flying through the sect, Elder Ragur began to descend towards the ground.

John looked down to where the two of them were descending, and soon spotted a sprawling area of dozens of large castle-like buildings. The castles were made of pitch black stone, and gave off an incredibly ominous feeling.

There were hundreds of cultivators walking about throughout the grounds, and many sparring sessions could be seen taking place in various places.

As John and the Elder began to descend towards the castles below, a figure suddenly appeared in the air in front of them. It was a middle aged man, who appeared to be around the same age as Elder Ragur. A dense battle aura emanated off the man, as if he had experienced hundreds of life and death battles. There were many battle scars on his bare arms and face, making him appear quite vicious.

Much like Elder Ragur, the man wore custom colored robes, different from the standard white and blue colors of the Sects normal robes, signifying the hall he was part of. His robes were black, with a blood red lightning bolt embroided on the back and each shoulder.

"Oh, so it's Elder Ragur. What brings you to our War Halls today?"

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