As A Trash Collector, I Collected A Imperial Jade Seal

Chapter 550 - 550: An Unforeseen Turn – The Property Rights Belong to Luo Feng!

Chapter 550 - 550: An Unforeseen Turn – The Property Rights Belong to Luo Feng!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Intrigued by what lay beyond the next room, Luo Feng was about to proceed when a symphony of automobile horns echoed from outside.

Honk. Honk. Honk.

The discordant sounds were unmistakable.

Out the window, Luo Feng spotted a fleet of official vehicles – all hailing from the Sakura Nation.

With immediacy, Luo Feng vacated the building.

“Mr. Luo, we deeply appreciate your efforts for our beloved Nara. The Prime Minister will shortly arrive to express his gratitude in person,” said the arriving party, Yamamoto – the governor of Nara.

In his entourage were museum officials and his staff, their faces alight with anticipation.

However, Luo Feng, upon seeing their eager expressions, hesitated to disclose the truth.

“Is this their so-called gratitude?”

“What, they’re showing their thanks? Planning to hand over an island, are they?”

“I feel a bit sick. Can they really be this overjoyed? It’s just a bunch of relics!”

“They’re blowing it out of proportion. It’s merely verbal gratitude. Do you think they’ll give anything substantial?”

“I can’t stand it anymore, it’s too irritating!”

“Why did the host even uncover these artifacts for them? Now it’s all going to the Japanese officials!”

“He should stop aiding them. Let them find their own artifacts!”

Breaking his silence, Luo Feng said, “Governor, I have a question for you.” “What is it, Mr. Luo? Feel free to ask!” replied Governor Yamamoto. “Are you aware of who owns this farm?”

Presented with the query, the Governor first offered a genial smile before answering, “No need for concern, Mr. Luo, any unclaimed lands have long since been repossessed by the government. This land is no exception!”

“I have personally verified this with the local land bureau. This place has been government property for quite some time!”

Suddenly, a flustered secretary scurried to Yamamoto’s side, pulling discreetly at his sleeve to draw him aside for a private discussion.

“If there is something to discuss, spit it out. Can’t you see we’re entertaining an esteemed guest?”

Clearly displeased with the interruption, Yamamoto scowled at his secretary.

While such impertinence might be forgiven privately, it was unacceptable in a public setting.

“Governor, it appears there is some updated information regarding the property rights of the farm. We…”

“What do you mean ‘we’?” the Governor inquired.

“We’ve made a mistake.”

“A mistake? What kind of mistake?” A confused Yamamoto questioned.

“The farm’s property rights were recently transferred. The land belongs to a private individual, not the government!” the secretary hurriedly whispered.


The shocking revelation nearly knocked Yamamoto off his feet.

A private owner would rob the government officials of any say in the matter.

However, he found solace in the thought that if the owner was a citizen of their nation, then all matters could be negotiated.

After all, a private citizen was no match for the government’s might.

If they managed to secure such a lucrative arrangement, they would be the government’s favored child.

“Find out who this private individual is and establish contact with them immediately!” Yamamoto ordered in hushed tones.

“Unfortunately, we don’t have that information yet,” the secretary replied.

“Did you catch their conversation?” “No idea, I couldn’t hear properly.”

“Miss Uesugi, did you catch anything?” “It seemed they mentioned the farm now belongs to a private individual.”

“A private owner? Is that even possible?”

“Who would store such a hoard here? That’s preposterous!”

Whispers of speculation rose among the onlookers.

Their attention was piqued by the attractive secretary, who was whispering into the governor’s ear.

“The farm’s owner appears to be of Chinese descent.”

The secretary conveyed this information over the phone, simultaneously sharing it with Yamamoto.

“A Chinese national? How is that possible?”

Yamamoto felt a sense of dread creep over him.

“The Chinese individual shares the same surname as Mr. Luo… They seem to be Mr. Luo’s father…”

Suddenly, the ground seemed to shift beneath Yamamoto’s feet.

If it weren’t for the quick response of his secretary, he would have toppled over.

The mystery unraveled in an instant.

Luo Feng had come for this farm.

Moreover, the farm, along with its hidden treasures, belonged to the Luo family.

“The farm owner is Mr. Luo’s family?”

“A Chinese owner? How did this happen?” “So, the artifacts don’t belong to the Sakura Country!”

“Why would a Chinese national buy our farm?”

“The farm isn’t that valuable. Had I known, I’d have bought it myself. Then, the artifacts would have been ours!”

“This is disastrous. If the property rights don’t belong to our government, the artifacts will be exported!”

“I can’t accept this. It’s heartbreaking!”

Expressions of shock and despair painted the faces of the local residents, leaving them at a loss for words. The revelation had hit them like a punch to the gut..

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