As A Trash Collector, I Collected A Imperial Jade Seal

Chapter 548 - 548: World Wide Web Aghast! A Vast Wealth of Gold and Silver!                                                                            Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation      Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chapter 548 - 548: World Wide Web Aghast! A Vast Wealth of Gold and Silver!                                                                            Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation      Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Luo Feng swiftly found himself in another room, closely resembling the first. It too harbored dozens of imposing wooden chests.

Without delay, Luo Feng commenced his task, prying open each chest one after another.

Inside, a cascade of glittering gold greeted his gaze.

This spectacle triggered a wave of exhilaration amongst the viewers of his livestream.

Certainly, few sights had the awe-inspiring gravitas of gold. Its radiant hue represented affluence and opulence. Had Luo Feng been revealing chests brimming with blue and white porcelain vases, each valued at hundreds of millions, the visual impact wouldn’t have been as profound.

Seeing a bank account balance of ‘one billion’ was not the same as witnessing a physical pile of cash amounting to a billion.

“Could such an abundance of gold be the outcome of Nara’s substantial investment?” A viewer commented, unable to contain their speculation.

Was this a contrived event?

“Is this all just a staged performance?”

Puzzlement began to creep into the minds of some viewers. If every chest was laden with gold, wouldn’t the expenditure be colossal?

Or could it be that these gold objects were just replicas masquerading as genuine?

Uesugi Eri and Li Shishi, present at the scene, were visibly bewildered.

Where had all this gold come from?

Nonchalantly, Luo Feng picked up a gold bar, felt its weight in his hand, and remarked, “This place certainly harbors a wealth of fine items.”

“Host, this must be a ruse, right? How can such an ordinary place hold so much gold?”

“That gold is undoubtedly counterfeit, just a veneer on the surface!”

In response to the growing skepticism, Luo Feng retorted, rolling his eyes, “What staged performance? Have you ever heard of a script where the treasure is conveniently placed in a house for you to find? Does that even make sense? And do you honestly believe the producers would gratuitously provide me with this much gold?”

To prove his point, Luo Feng then snapped the gold bar in half, live on camera. Upon a closer inspection, the viewers confirmed that it was, indeed, solid gold.

He proceeded to break several more bars.

All were bona fide gold and silver.

“Now that you mention it, this is indeed bizarre! It completely defies logic!”

“Right, who would just abandon such an immense treasure in a simple farmstead? Did the host accidentally uncover a mystery?”

“Isn’t it just like those ancient mansions we see in TV dramas, where they always unearth heaps of gold and jewelry?”

“Indeed, it’s somewhat reminiscent of that. Logically, it’s implausible for such a wealth of treasure to be found in a forsaken farmstead!”

“I surmise that some felons might have stashed their illicit gains here, then got involved in a gunfight elsewhere. These treasures were forgotten, concealed from the world, after their demise.”

“Given your explanation, it does appear plausible!”

“I concur!”

“So has our host stumbled upon a fortune again?”

The viewers were utterly astounded.

Speculation began to whirl.

What could account for the prodigious amount of gold discovered in an abandoned farmstead?

Rolling his eyes once more, Luo Feng dismissed the criminal theory. That was not the case.

But the actual situation wasn’t far from their conjecture.

The treasure hunters of yesteryears were all deceased.

This place was certainly off the radar.

Luo Feng addressed his viewers, “There’s no need for suspicion. You’ve seen my previous treasure hunts and their successful outcomes. As for the authenticity of these objects, there’s no room for doubt. The reason why an abandoned farmstead would conceal such immense treasure can only be unraveled through patient exploration.”

Having said this, Luo Feng resumed his endeavor of unlocking the chests.

Inside the chests, predictably, lay an overwhelming trove of gold.

After opening a dozen more, he began to uncover silver.

Moreover, these were all artifacts.

Official silver pieces dating back to ancient times.

Preserved remarkably well.

Undoubtedly plundered from ancient tombs.

At this moment, viewers across the globe were riveted on the internet.

Luo Feng, during his unassuming trip to Nara, had discovered thousands of Chinese cultural relics.

“It’s petrifying. I was convinced it was scripted!”

“But surely, no script would be this extravagant, right? So many cultural relics, so much gold and silver?”

“More than seventy chests, all brimming with ancient Chinese porcelain. It’s beyond comprehension!”

“I made a rough calculation, those items, if each bottle and jar is worth 100,000, that’s about a thousand pieces. So that’s a billion?

“100,000 each? You’re clearly oblivious to the value of ancient porcelain! It’s at least a million, or even several million on average!” “Oh, heavens! Does that equate to tens of billions then?”

“Isn’t that a bit exaggerated?”

“Do you even comprehend basic arithmetic? If it’s a few million each, that amounts to hundreds of billions!” “Why is the host perpetually lucky?”

“He definitely deserves a thumbs-up!”

“What are the laws in the land of the cherry blossoms? Can the host appropriate all these objects?”

“Isn’t he participating in a variety show there? Rumor has it he can keep anything he finds!”

“That can’t be true. After the incident in Hiroshima, surely, the contract must have been altered, right?”

“I’m privy to some insider information. The contract states that the host cannot keep anything the officials from Nara didn’t personally bury!” “What?! So these objects were buried by them?”

“Bury what? Where would they source such items in time for the script?” “So what happens now? Does this mean that the host can’t take these objects?”

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