Apocalypse Gachapon

Chapter 379.5- Swallowing and merging

Chapter 379.5- Swallowing and merging

Grey Mountain clenched his fist. One could see his cheeks puff up from him, gritting his teeth.

Many race members teared up at those words, and they slowly understood why their leader did that.

“But, can we freeze and starve to death because of this pride? Is it worth it?” Grey Mountain’s voice was low and sunken. He looked at a corner, and a young member was holding a clutch. This left leg was gone.

“Goat Seal, our courageous warrior, a strong younger generation fighter. Last winter, he hunted on an empty stomach for many days. A horned demon beast broke his weapon and bit off one of his legs. If not for his luck, he would have died long ago.”

“Such a person that had hunted for the tribe for many winters could only get the lowest amount of resources this winter because he is useless now.”

This young member lowered his head; the wooden stiff was creaking as he clenched it.

“Circle Horn.” Grey Mountain looked at a little girl, three to four years old, in her mother’s arms. She was skinny, and her eyes lacked energy.

“She must be hungry. She is hungry every day. She has no father, so her food is limited. Her mother has to work to earn enough. How did her father die? Hunting. But we cannot take care of such a relative of a person who gave up his life for the tribe. Because she is a girl, we can also not give her special treatment.”

“Uncle Shanci had died three days ago; why did he die? Jinke Hunting Squad lost three members this time; why aren’t they back? They only brought so little food back; why?”

“That is because we are weak!” He punched the corpse of a demon monster.

“Even if we attack the weakest demon monsters, we are still at risk of dying. We don’t have enough food, good weapons, no potions. Our techniques are backward. If we don’t change, how long can we last? At that time, what would the last Grey Mountain tribe person think before he dies?”

The entire tribe was silent. Even those who objected previously lowered their heads and bit their teeth. All they thought about was the harsh life that they had.

“So when Ah Tao came to find us and suggested merging, I initially rejected him. But a voice in my heart told me this might be our only final chance.”

“We want to guard our pride, legacy, dignity. But if we all die, what is the use of all that? Those people who objected, what is the use of all that?”

“Can we prevent what happened to Goat Seal from happening again? Can Round Horn have food? Can it stop our people from dying meaninglessly?”

Grey Mountain was shouting it out, and his voice caused the mountain to buzz.

“So I agreed to Brother Ah Tao’s suggestion as I found no reason to reject it. I am also grateful that he gave us this chance.” He slowly raised something in his hands, “Do you see this? This is the Dabu tribe’s token. Yes, they don’t exist anymore. Ah Tao tribe’s brothers wiped them out. All that remained were now their slaves. That is the truth; you can take a look.”

The people who found out for the first time were filled with disbelief. Ah Tao tribe wiped out the Dabu tribe?

But they had to believe it. Those Ah Tao tribe members pushing the carts lowered their heads. They admitted what Grey Mountain said.

“Slaves might sound bad, but look at what they wear and eat. Are they better than us? Do some work, and you could wear warm clothes and eat to your fill. They don’t have to worry about freezing or starving in winter. I am willing to become such a slave!”

“But Ah Tao didn’t use their might to conquer and turn us into slaves. He suggested merging. Maybe all of you were pumped up, but think about it: They have to change their name, too! We pay far less than they have given up, but we get the same!”

“Since that is the case, what reason do I have to reject? What rights do I have to use your lives to maintain my pride?”

“This is my decision!”

Ye Zhongming looked at this short but muscular middle-aged man and praised him in his heart.

This was a responsible tribe leader, one that cared for his tribe. He cared about the lives of his people and not his power.

Ye Zhongming looked at the Grey Mountain tribe’s expression and knew this first step was easier than expected.

When Grey Mountain announced that those who disagreed could take the tribe token and leave, Ah Tao’s tribe started to promote themselves.

This was something Ye Zhongming arranged. It was simple; it would just be them eating and showing off their equipment. Along with bringing out the wine that they had saved for thousands of days…

Many people got drunk, especially people from the Grey Mountain tribe. They accepted the leader’s decision, but they needed time to adapt. This required some external help. Wine was undoubtedly one of those.

Another was to fight.

On the second day, some people wanted to leave. Not many, just a few dozen. They were firm in their legacy and wanted to leave even though winter was coming.

But Grey Mountain didn’t let them go. He chose to leave this place to them while leading those willing to return to Ah Tao’s tribe.

Ye Zhongming left them many resources, allowing these few dozen to survive the winter. This won many of their hearts. Some even hesitated and wondered if they had made the wrong choice.

Ah Tao’s tribe had 150 people. Along with the Grey Mountain tribe’s 300, they formed a new team that moved toward Ah Tao’s camp.

Along the way, they witnessed how strong Ah Tao’s tribe was. They saw how sharp and tough the weapons were. They started to get interested. They also recognized how strong this male sa was.

“Brother Grey Mountain, now you know why I told you to bring the demon crystals, right? These things that even kids do not want can be exchanged for things that we can’t even use our lives to trade for.”

Grey Mountain took a white hammer that Ye Zhongming gave him for free. He was stunned and could only nod his head.

He knew why Ah Tao’s tribe was so strong because they had found Ye…

With good equipment, both sides had a hunting competition. Grey Mountain tribe, who truly sensed how much stronger they got, were interested. They started hunting monsters they hadn't dared to hunt previously, and they could win easily now. Bodies that they couldn’t slice before were easily sliced through. Monster attacks that would deal huge damage previously could be blocked by them.

But they quickly realized that Ah Tao’s tribe was still stronger than them by a huge amount!

In the past, the Grey Mountain tribe was slightly stronger!

Very quickly, they found the answer. Grey Mountain and his tribe knew Ye had a magical potion that could quickly increase strength.

Grey Mountain started to get close to Ye. Ye Zhongming used 20 one-star potions to trade for all of their crystals.

The Grey Mountain tribe started to get stronger after consuming these potions. Along with their numbers advantage, they could barely compete with the 50 Ah Tao tribe elites.

Ye Zhongming looked at the two tribes slowly getting closer to each other and was delighted. But these people were getting stronger because of him. He, too, had to get stronger.

He had the most number of crystals on him now since he had started this new life. Moreover, the materials he got over these few dozen days couldn’t be used by him.

In the next period, the variety of materials will increase. Since that was the case, he decided to use the Gate of Sacrifice to see if he could get something good.

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