Apocalypse Gachapon

Chapter 372: Swallowing and merging

Chapter 372: Swallowing and merging

Blue Blood Lotus shone for the second time today.

Dabu didn’t expect this weird-looking young man to attack right away. Moreover, he used such a strong AOE attack straight away.

This medium-sized tribe leader was furious, and he shouted.

He dared to force Ye Zhongming to listen to him because although his weapons were strong, they couldn’t threaten him. He wasn’t a threat to the experts in his tribe, too.

Those attacks could be dodged and blocked by Posthumous people in several ways.

So he wasn’t afraid that Ye Zhongming would reject him as he could steal it. But as the tribe leader, to use such a method in front of so many people would lose some face.

But he neglected an important problem, which was the death of the level-six demon monster. Due to their angle, they didn’t see the final fight. They thought that it was because Ah Tao’s tribe had good weapons and did not think that it was because of him.

This was fatal, and it caused Dabu to lose his life.

Blue Blood Lotus’s petals pelted down and showed no signs of stopping.

Dabu’s tribe was stunned. They didn’t expect this person to attack them. Dabu was a level-five warrior. A person could easily kill Ah Tao and his tribe! Was he crazy?

Ah Tao’s tribe didn’t expect Ye Zhongming to attack too. Weren’t they discussing conditions? If they disagreed, then wouldn’t they just leave? Why did they fight?

Was Ye crazy?

Of course not. Such a thought even appeared in his mind for a long time.

Dabu’s tribe wanted to use the two humans to trade for something good and wouldn’t agree just to release them. Ye Zhongming promised the couple to get them out. Since that was the case, there were only two ways to solve it.

One was to go through a stronger Posthumous person, the King. To reach that goal, it would take a long time. He was afraid that accidents would occur, worried they would think the couple were spies and not release them no matter what.

The second solution was much simpler, which was to save the couple. If Dabu dared to stop him, then he would kill him.

Ye Zhongming was worried about what Ah Tao’s tribe thought, so he didn’t attack immediately. After all, he had a bigger use for Ah Tao in his plans, so he had to consider his thoughts.

Who knew that Dabu would give himself up? He was so polite!

Thus, Ye Zhongming attacked immediately and used his strongest moves.

Basic Hell Envoy bloodline, Purple Crystal Energy Gun, Space Stack!

Dabu, who meshed the black light of his hands into a shield to block the Blue Blood Lotus, was badly hit.

Due to the height difference when killing the quasi-dragon, his guns could only hit the dragon’s stomach. But Dabu and Ye Zhongming were similar in height and close to each other. With the Space Stack, it pretty much exploded on his head.

Dabu didn’t even make a sound when numerous darkness energy bullets swallowed his head. His hands even moved when his body fell, making way for the Blue Blood Lotus attacks.

Dabu’s sudden death wasn’t expected, and the Blue Blood Lotus exploded in the stunned group.

It pierced them one after another. The huge force sent their strong bodies flying backward. A few seconds later, someone reacted and used their various skills to block.

But Ye Zhongming was here.

He had the Crystal Energy Gun on his left and Moon Edge on his right. He charged into the Dabu tribe.

When he faced stronger enemies, he would kill them with a shot. When he faced lower-level ones, he would slice their bodies. A hell being would also appear to help him kill them. Giants were summoned, and they joined this unequal fight.

Ah Tao’s tribe was stunned. Ye Zhongming’s actions were unthinkable. Since they were placed in such a tough situation, it had been a long time since there was such a large-scale fight between posthumous people.

Their minds were in a mess. That included Ah Tao, who didn’t know if Ye Zhongming was doing the right thing.

It didn’t seem right as they were of the same race. This guy was killing their race! He should be their enemy!

But it seemed right as Dabu threatened Ye to hand over his own things. This guy was their savior and saved them from the Lower Armor Demon Monsters! He was doing so in self-defense. If not, Dabu wouldn’t let him live.

Ah Tao and many from his tribe faced a tough choice.

Dabu’s tribe collapsed. When the last level-four leader was killed, the rest collapsed. They lost their courage and started to flee.

Ye Zhongming chose to chase the largest group. A dozen minutes later, he was covered in blood.

He let the rest flee as he had reached his goal.

He released Han Yihao and Sun Yang and led them back to Ah Tao. Ye Zhongming stood before this old man who could communicate directly with him.

“Ye, you…”

“Do you know why your tribe is getting weaker until you are on the verge of destruction?”

Ye Zhongming interrupted him fiercely.

Ah Tao was stunned and didn’t expect him to say that.

“Because your methods are wrong. You will only try to make hunts safe, but will that work? It will slow down your destruction, and be a slow death.”

“No, I…”

“You need to go all out in every fight. The strongest warriors are at the front; you do this even when facing much weaker monsters. Keke, your warriors all became flowers. Not only won’t they get stronger, but they will also get weaker. Your tribe is getting weaker and weaker. Tell me, if you don’t get destroyed, who will? If anything happens to you or your two hunting captains in just a while, your tribe will be gone! The monsters will kill you, or a bigger tribe will eat you!”

“That is the truth!”

Ah Tao’s face turned red, but he couldn’t retort as Ye Zhongming was right.

“I realized this problem, but losses are unavoidable if I allowed them to fight. We will still get wiped then!”

Ye Zhongming smiled.

“So I found a better path for you.”

Ye Zhongming waved his hand, “Swallow and merge!”

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