Apocalypse Gachapon

Chapter 357: Rip off

Chapter 357: Rip off

“I need you to agree on four things.” Ah Tao showed four fingers.

Ye Zhongming crossed his arms and waited for him to continue.

“First, you must return to Undead Hill and pick up some necessary bones.”

So that place was Undead Hill. Ye Zhongming nodded and agreed.

Most of their weapons were made of bones, so the bones of the undead were indeed what they needed.

Although bone weapons were weak and straightforward for humans on Earth, having no use apart from being decorations, the truth was that some undead bones were very firm. Some were no weaker than metal. The weapon quality was good and was even better than copper weapons. So Ye Zhongming wasn’t surprised by what he asked.

The Posthumous people sighed in relief when they saw Ye Zhongming agree so quickly. They were afraid that he would reject them.

Undead Hill was a prohibited area for them. Anyone who entered would be attacked. Facing endless bones, not to mention small tribes like this one, even some bigger tribes didn’t dare to head into the hill.

But the bones of the undead were better than some ordinary monsters. After all, their bones were the essence of their undead being. The weapon's durability would be huge. Hearing Miya mention that there were many bones on the hill, Ah Tao was tempted and made that request.

To them, this was a dangerous quest, and people might die.

“Secondly, for each bag of crystal you get from us, you must do one hunt with us.”

Ah Tao’s second condition sounded like he was using Ye Zhongming as a fighter. He didn’t mind much, but one bag for one help? Was he so cheap?

He shook his head and pointed at those crystals, “I can help, but all of you need to help me. Moreover, you have to listen to my commands. Secondly, I don’t need those grey ones, only white ones are to my standard. 500 white, 50 black, and five green. Those added together can get me to help you once. If you don’t have enough of a certain color, I can accept a higher-grade crystal to replace the lower-grade one. The ratio is 1 to 10. You have to agree. If not, there is no need to continue talking.”

His tone was very firm. He did have the ability to do so. Although he didn’t know the reason, he sensed they needed him. But did he need them? Maybe. After all, he had to understand some things about the Secret Realm but wouldn’t entirely give in. Comparing the two, the side that had more needs would give in.

Ah Tao discussed with the rest and agreed. But he hoped Ye Zhongming didn’t use their warriors as cannon fodder. Naturally, he could agree to that.

As for the second point, Ah Tao didn’t mind. Ye Zhongming was delighted. That was his true goal.

Although there weren’t strict rules on Earth, when one used lower-grade crystals to trade up, it would be in hundreds—for example, a hundred level-one crystals for one level-two.

But Ye Zhongming played a trick. They didn’t even know how to use the crystals, so they wouldn’t know the ratio. The reason why he told them that he wanted crystals of different grades before he would help them was to set up this trap. If they didn’t have enough low-level crystals, they would use higher-level ones to replace them. He only accepted using high-level crystals to trade for low-level ones but not vice versa.

This meant they could only use the black level-three ones to trade if they didn't have enough level-two crystals. One hundred missing level-two crystals meant ten level-three crystals.

On Earth, 100 level-two crystals needed just one level-three crystal to replace. Ye Zhongming asked for nine more here!

This trap conned Posthumous people for not knowing about the crystals. He was ripping them off.

“Third, become our External Male Sa and do the role and job of a Male Sa.”

What was that? He frowned. What was Male Sa?

Ye Zhongming felt like this was a trap. He used the information gap to con the Posthumous people, so he didn’t want to get conned similarly.

“Ye don’t panic. It is simple; you have to fight for us. You have already done that. You must help us hunt, and you will already be doing that duty.”

Ah Tao smiled like an innocent sheep.

“Nothing else?” He asked suspiciously.

Ah Tao continued, “There are other small things. Like when we interact with other races, you need to represent us. It might be talking or fighting. Don’t worry; it is a real fight. There might be injuries. But we won’t kill one another. There isn’t anything else that would hurt you.”

Ye Zhongming nodded. That requirement wasn’t too much. After asking if they would restrict him from leaving and getting no as an answer, he agreed to that condition.

When he agreed, he glanced at Miya. He saw that she lowered her head and was sneaking glances at him. He was confused and didn’t know what was going on. Even Ah Tao gave a mysterious smile, making him want to jump out and regret it.

But before he did anything, Ah Tao said the 4th condition was the final one.

“I need to know what the crystal is and what it is used for.”

Ye Zhongming scolded this old fox. He was most interested in this and unwilling to let Ye Zhongming have the advantage. He wanted to find out about the secret.

But Ye Zhongming was not worried at all.

Since they didn’t know what it was, Ye Zhongming was sure that gachapons didn’t exist here. Since that was the case, why not tell him about the crystals?

So he smiled and told him… Nothing…

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