Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 460

Chapter 460

The aborigines said dejectedly, "Moonlight ink, midnight ink, Hunter ink, star ink and flame ink."

Moonlight ink, midnight ink and Hunter ink were all available in Tang Dynasty, and the number of runes that could be drawn was very limited. Only a few runes were obtained from the oxhorn ape man, and other runes were carved on the animal's teeth. Tang Dynasty didn't dare to try because they didn't know the corresponding ink. Now that we have caught two aborigines who understand runes, we might as well ask them.

"Do you know the runes on it? What should be the corresponding ink? " In Tang Dynasty, he held a beast tooth in his hand and showed it to two aborigines. There was a rune engraved on the beast tooth. If they recognized it, they should know what kind of ink to use.

As soon as the two aborigines saw the animal teeth in the hands of Tang Dynasty, they were immediately excited. The bigger aborigines suddenly cried out, "where did you get these animal teeth runes? Did you meet the ape man? "

In the Tang Dynasty, they picked eyebrows. I didn't expect that they even knew about the ape man. It's not easy.

"Answer my question. Don't ask more about the others. It's not good for you to ask too much!" In the Tang Dynasty, there was a cold threat.

There are many ways to deal with these alien races. Although they are all very fierce, they cherish their lives. The blood of the alien race is very thin, They are not like the human race. They can't exterminate the race even if they die. But the alien race is different. If they die one or two, they may directly lead to the extinction of the whole race. What they say will not destroy their own race. Even if they compromise, they don't want to die.

The two aborigines looked at each other again as if they had made a decision.

They rolled and wriggled on the ground for a long time, and finally sat up. However, they turned over and knelt down in front of Tang Shi.

The larger aborigines said in a deep voice: "to be honest, those animal tooth runes were snatched from us by the ape man. With the protection of totem, they not only snatched our treasure, but also killed many of our people. Finally, only our two brothers escaped."

"These animal teeth are treasures handed down by our ancestors, but they were robbed by the ape man. We want to take them back, but we are afraid of their totem and don't want to die. If we die, our family will really lose blood."

In Tang Dynasty, he didn't know that there was such a secret. He thought that these things belonged to the oxhorn ape man, otherwise how could they use them on their own oxhorn?

However, looking at the two aborigines, they hate the ape man to the bone, and their words are somewhat credible. The animal teeth and rune ink are indeed obtained from the ape man, and they only know that they are obtained from the ape man at a glance. It seems that they are not lying.

When I saw Tang Dynasty, I didn't speak, but seemed to be thinking about something.

The big aborigine gritted his teeth and said, "the things of our ancestors must be taken back. If you can return our treasure to us, we will promise you what you want us to do."

In Tang Dynasty, he thought about it. If he could control these two alien races and let them work for himself, it was not impossible. What he wanted was only the rune on the beast's teeth. It didn't matter whether the specific carrier was the beast's teeth or the beast's skin, but it was different for these two alien races. Everything from the ancestors had to be taken back intact.

When Tang had an idea, he said, "will you make runes into cards that can be refined?"

The two Aborigines were stunned. They could only make Rune ink and draw runes. Where could they make cards? Or can refine the card, more impossible.

Tang Shi sighed, "do you know how to turn runes into cards?"

The two Aborigines were even more confused. The small aborigines turned their eyes and thought of something.

"Don't you have a card making machine in huazunyu? If you want, just make it with that one. "

It should be possible to Right? The aborigines are not sure, they haven't tried, and they don't know.

Tang Shi's eyes narrowed. "How do you know huazunyu has this kind of machine?"

"It's said by the sorcerer who took refuge." Now that I have decided to take refuge in the man in front of me, I have no reservation.

It seems that the demon attendants have really mastered a lot of Secrets since they have been harming Huazun for so long. Now they have directly taken refuge in Outland, or odafar. The secrets of Huazun must no longer be secrets. However, except for the top management of frost city at that time, only YanXu and Qiufang Zhichang were present.

If the demon servant could know this, Tang Dynasty had enough reason to suspect that there was a traitor in the high level of Huazun domain!

Thinking of this, Tang Dynasty immediately turned to Yan Xu.

Sure enough, Yan Xu's expression is also very ugly, it seems that also thought of this point.

Card making machine is such a secret thing. If the top management of huazunyu is not insane, it is impossible to release the news. On the contrary, it will be strictly confidential. After all, it is an important matter for huazunyu to obtain the cards and gain the strength. It can't be careless at all.

Now that the demon servant knew about it and brought the news to Outland, I'm afraid that the influence of this incident was not as simple as the danger of Tang Dynasty.However, the two aborigines do not seem to know who the card maker is. They only know that huazunyu has such a thing.

Tang said in a deep voice: "do you know who is the demon servant who said this?"

The two aborigines shook their heads together. "We also heard from others. They said they got the news from the demon server. They didn't know who it was."

Sure enough, it's cunning enough. When the news comes out, people can't find the right leader. Even if the people in Huazun domain know about it and want to investigate, they probably can't find it. If there is a spy in the top management of Huazun domain, they can still hide it well and won't be found.

Thinking of this, Tang Shi was shocked. What he had said to the second uncle and the third uncle before, they said they would go to the top management of Shuanghua city to discuss. It's already this time. It's estimated that the second uncle and the third uncle have already said what they should know, and the top management of Shuanghua city knows what they should know. So the traitors must know the disaster that will come in half a year, whether they believe it or not, It's supposed to be passed on to the people they're loyal to.

Yan Xu's face soon eased and nodded to Tang Shi. Tang Shi understood what he meant. Who were the second uncle and the third uncle? One by one, they have been struggling in the military and political circles for many years. They will not say a word that they should not say, and they will not say a word that they should not.

They can't deal with the affairs of the traitors in Tang Dynasty. If there is something wrong with the senior management, it can only be dealt with by the senior management. What Tang Dynasty should do is to remind Mr Kim Perhaps, without Tang Shi's warning, they already knew that there was a spy.

The Tang Dynasty was very satisfied with the two natives who could make runes. As for how to make runes into cards, the Tang Dynasty decided to have time to discuss with them.

Tang Dynasty decided to take the two aborigines back to Yanlai city first. How to make the runes into cards? Such an important thing must be entrusted to a special person. Tang Dynasty had a plan in mind.

The war situation here has not been solved. YanXu can't leave for a while. Tang Dynasty, Qin lie and Zhan Rong decide to go first. After sending the two aborigines back to Yanlai City, they have other things to do.

Although YanXu wanted to keep the Tang Dynasty, he also knew the priority and time was pressing. They had to act separately.

Before the Tang Dynasty left, YanXu made it easy for him to act. If he really found the beast spirit clan, how to use Guangming holy spring was up to the Tang Dynasty to decide. Guangming holy spring is now placed in the small lattice of the Tang Dynasty. When outsiders know that Guangming holy spring was born, they will only think that it is in YanXu's hands and will not think of such important things. YanXu will give it to others for safekeeping.

"I understand." Tang Shi nodded, "you should be more careful."

When he saw Tang lie's lips, he put a kiss on his waist and put his eyes away.

Zhan Rong looks at it without expression, and doesn't have any reaction. He is used to the kissing between them. He has been in bed for countless times. What's kissing?

However, they did not take into account the feelings of the two aborigines. They opened their eyes and watched the two men kiss. It was really Two pairs of blind eyes!

"You should also be careful. Take Qin lie and Zhan Rong with you. Don't act alone." When the kiss is over, YanXu tells him.

It's an extraordinary moment. The foreign allied forces are crazy. If you know the disaster that will happen in half a year, you can't know what will happen. So you'd better be careful.

"Good." Tang Dynasty gave Yan Xu a kiss again, just took to carry two captive up "beetle".

In Tang Dynasty, the fastest flying beetle was "beetle", and it was the most comfortable to ride.

Of course, the two prisoners were not qualified to enter the comfortable place like the rest area, and they could not be allowed to stay in the operation room. In case of any damage, they would be ruined. Tang Shi closed them directly in the eyes of the "beetle", and the front and rear cabin doors were all closed. They could only stay in the limited space to enjoy the scenery.

If they want to leave, unless they can break through the metal bulkhead and fly, they will fall from such a high place and directly fall to pieces. With the degree of their cherishing life, they should not be so reluctant to leave.

Where to throw them, Tang Shi, Qin lie and Zhan Rong went to the rest area. Meanwhile, they connected the monitoring of their eyes to the TV in the rest area to observe their movements at any time.

It took the beetle several days to return to Yanlai city.

After entering the city, Tang Shi didn't stop, but flew to Yanlai city with two prisoners. He was ready to contact Jin Jue. He didn't know where he was now. Tang Shi would certainly run outside during this period of time. Making Rune cards had to be done by people trusted by Tang Shi. Jin's family was the best choice. After they came back, they left the gathering place the next day, and Tang Shi arrived Before he saw the Jin family, he decided to take the initiative to find them.

After thinking about it, Tang Dynasty made a phone call to Yanjing. It's like looking for someone in person. It's better to let Yanjing contact them and let them meet directly in Yanlai city. It's the fastest.

Before they left the Terran realm, the Tang Dynasty had already told the Yan family about the Jin family. In the past few months, the Jin family and the Yan family had a lot of cooperation in private, and they all had contact with each other. It would be most appropriate for them to contact the Jin family.Sure enough, when Yanjing heard that he wanted to contact the Jin family, he said, "Jin Jue went to your residence to look for you on the day you left. Unfortunately, it was a bit late. At that time, you had already left."

"Please ask him to meet me at my place." Sure enough, it's the Jin family. The news of his return must have come to the Jin family soon. They didn't find him that night. It's probably because they had a hard time on their way. They wanted to meet again the next day. As a result, YanXu had a task the next day, and Tang Shi went with them, leaving Jin Jue empty.

Yanjing agrees to come down and contact Jinjue in person.

In the Tang Dynasty, he took two prisoners to his residence to wait for Jin Jue.

As soon as they arrived at their residence, Jin Jue arrived after receiving the news. The speed surprised Tang Dynasty.

There was no time for more greetings. In Tang Dynasty, he told Jin Jue what he wanted to do, took out the card making machine and gave it to Jin Jue. He also told him how to use it, and took out the animal teeth and rune ink to Jin Jue.

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