Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 422

Chapter 422

When the spirit saw such a strange aircraft falling from the air, he was surprised to see it for a long time. It wasn't until Tang Dynasty and YanXu came out of the "mouth" channel of the "beetle" that the spirit responded.

"The chief is waiting for you. Follow me." The animal spirit called and turned to walk into the forest.

In the Tang Dynasty, he collected the beetle and went to the forest with the beast spirit. Not far away, I saw Qin lie, who had been untied, squatting on the ground with a branch in his hands. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he suddenly stood up and quickly met him.

"Brother Tang, brother Yan, you are here at last!" Qin lie is very happy and stands beside Tang Shi and YanXu. Instead, he stares at DOMA warily.

Seeing what he looked like, DOMA sighed. Who is his real people? They just want to take him back, but they don't want to hurt him. It seems that they are very defensive against the orcs.

DOMA came to heyanxu in Tang Dynasty. From the perspective of vision, we can see that the leader of the beast spirit is very tall. When we really meet, we can feel his height and strength more truly. Sure enough, they are different from the human race. The beast spirit's physique determines their strength, speed and agility. These characteristics can only be seen from Qin lie, who is three-quarters of his blood You can see it on the screen, not to mention a pure blood beast spirit?

However, the Tang Dynasty also knew that even though DOMA was a pure blooded animal spirit with strong strength, he should still be weak compared with the real ancient animal spirit people. At least his current strength is within the scope of the space law of the ancient Jiuhuang world. Otherwise, even if the space law is weakened, he can't walk freely in the ancient Jiuhuang world Some pure blood alien, the strength at most can be in the ancient times after being eliminated by the law of space, left behind those weak alien level, otherwise they will certainly be eliminated.

That night elf's strength has been very terrible, it seems that it has not reached the upper line of space law. I don't know what the pure blood beast's spirit strength is?

"You can take people with you, but don't forget what you promised," DOMA said

Tang Shi nodded, "naturally I won't forget. But there's one more thing I want to trouble you. We have two companions, the two who were taken away by the elves. Do you have their whereabouts? "

"The elves may not welcome you. Your friends should not be hurt in the elves, but if you want to go, you should be ready to fight." Domar reminded.

"Don't the elves advocate peace? What's more, the elves are peaceful and will attack first? " In the Tang Dynasty, I had a little understanding of the ten tribes in ancient times. The elves are the embodiment of peace. They should not take the initiative to attack. Even if they have hatred, they would not face the attack so directly.

DOMA said: "the light elves may not, but the Night Elves will. Originally, the elves are divided into two races. Now they are severely persecuted and have few members. The light elves and the night elves have merged. Now the race that leads the elves is the night elves. Their new pure blood leader seems to be very unfriendly to you. You should be careful."

"Who is the leader of the elves?" It was a bit strange in the Tang Dynasty.


In Tang Dynasty, Yan Xu and Qin lie's expression all sank down. If it was that person, he would definitely do it. There was no chance for peace talks.

"Thank you. Even if they want to fight, we will go. Zhan Rong and long Mian are there. We must go." In Tang Dynasty, his eyes were firm and he was unshakable in his determination to save his companions.

DOMA was a little surprised. Judging from what odafar told him about Qin lie, he could easily guess that odafar's intention was to weaken YanXu's help, so he would not give back the people he took away. Some of them wanted to save people, but in the end they could only fight. There were only three of them, even if one of them was a descendant of Hogarth, but he was not The protoss blood has not been fully awakened, so the help should not be great. In this way, let the three of them face the whole elves, the danger is conceivable.

DOMA see their mind has decided, did not continue to stop, "I do not know their whereabouts, you can only find their own, I can not help."

The Tang Dynasty understood that the leader of the beast spirit clan was open-minded and upright. He was not an insidious and cunning person. The Tang Dynasty also had a good impression on him. Since he said he didn't know, he certainly didn't know. Otherwise, he would not have told them.

"In that case, we have to look for it ourselves."

In the Tang Dynasty, YanXu and qinlie bid farewell to the beast spirit people and agreed how to meet each other after they got the "bright holy spring" and left in a hurry.

Longmian is very dangerous now. We must find them as soon as possible. However, in this vast Terran field, where do you want to find them?

Three people after discussion, decided not to look for, directly lead them out!

Longmian's hands are bound by a kind of dark plant. This plant only eats energy. It can eat any energy. As long as it touches the skin, it can drain the energy in the human body. When longmian was fighting with odafar, he was defeated because of the exhaustion of yuanneng and talent. He was caught by odafar, and then tied this black plant to him.

Originally, longmian didn't pay attention, but after a few days, his yuanneng didn't recover, so he found out something was wrong.He clearly felt that yuanneng filled the core every day, but before long, his yuanneng would slowly disappear, and there would be no trace left, which made him stay in the dry state of yuanneng. He had no chance to escape. He could not even use his skills. He could only be guarded by these ugly elves all the time.

Along the way, longmian has been observing. Although the night elves and the light elves act together, most of the time, the night elves gather in one place and the light elves stand in another place. They don't gather together, but they have clear barriers. This makes longmian a little puzzled. The light elves follow the night elves, but the light elves don't erase their nature. They still keep a distance from the night elves, but I don't know why they have to go together because they don't want to be together.

Zhan Rong is with the light elves. Since he left the orcs, the leader of the light elves has lifted the blood suppression, but Zhan Rong can't escape. Although he is very worried about Qin lie's situation, his troubles can't be solved for a while. The light elves who follow him are staring at him all the time, not to mention those who are purer than his blood Light spirit, he can't avoid the eyes and ears of that light spirit and run away by himself.

What's more, longmian is still in the hands of night elves. Even if he wants to leave, he will take longmian with him.

So along the way, they often look at each other from a distance, but they can't say a word.

Longmian's condition is much better than that of the war. As an awakened man, he was drained of yuanneng and kept moving forward. Without the support of yuanneng, he had to rely on his physical strength to keep up with the pace of the night elves. When longmian couldn't move, there was always a night elves urging him to move forward.

At the beginning, the two night elves, who were in charge of longmian, would beat him with cane when they saw that longmian couldn't walk. They treated him as a prisoner. Zhan Rong wanted to rush past several times, but he was suppressed by the leader of the light elves and told him not to make trouble.

But longmian suffered. As a friend, how can he watch it?!

Later, Abner Isis, the leader of the light elves, couldn't look at it and said, "since you want the blood essence of the ancient dragon on him, is it a waste to make him bleed like this?"

Originally, odafar didn't care about such things. In his eyes, longmian was not a living creature. His greatest value was only the essence and blood of the ancient giant dragon in his body. Besides, odafar hated the Terran very much. He didn't like the Terran form of longmian, so he would connive at his people to beat longmian.

Since the leaders of the light elves have spoken, although odafar looks down on him for not being a pure blood light elves, he wants to give some face. After all, he still has a place to go to the light elves now. If he really betrays his team, he will not gain any benefits at that time. Isn't he a human race? The final result is to die, so let him live comfortably for a few days.

This is the order, let his men do not beat him, but can not let him fall behind, must keep up with the team. After that, they turned the beating into rude pushing and shoving. As long as they walked slowly, they would always be driven away by drinking and scolding. In their eyes, the Terran is inferior to the beast.

Along the way, they also saw the means of odafar. Their way forward, far from the gathering place, was through the forest. Almost no beasts dared to attack them. When they smelled their smell, they turned and ran away.

Through several forests, met out to perform the task of human awakening, without exception, the final result is death, no one can leave alive. Audafar is cruel and bloodthirsty. After the defeat, when they are still alive, they tear their chests with claws, tie their necks with vines, and hang them on the tree, so that they can see how they are attracted by the smell of blood and eat them one by one.

Every time I see the tragedy of the Terran, longmian and Zhanrong are all trembling with anger, but there is no way to save those innocent awakened people. They can only watch them die.

The light elves are very disgusted with odafar's way of doing things. They always leave far away to avoid the smell of blood. They are different from the night elves. The light elves like a peaceful life by nature. They are reduced to today's situation. They are actually subject to a pure blood night elves. This makes the peaceful light elves angry.

They have been moving forward and don't know where to take longmian. Until a few days later, a night elf with impure blood brought back a message that the person with Hogarth's blood appeared in Muxi city!

Audafar was very happy. "Is the information accurate?"

The night elf saw the leader happy, also excited to say: "accurate, absolutely accurate! It seems that if they were caught in the gate of the black city, many people would have been caught in a daze. If they were caught in the gate of the black city, they might have been caught by other people

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