Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 327

Chapter 327

In fact, there is another one on the answer sheet, which is quite special. The answer of this one is just the opposite of Li Wen. Li Wen exaggerates as much as possible. This one seems to belittle himself as much as possible. He is the only one who exaggerates and exaggerates himself. He is the only one who can naturally notice him in the Tang Dynasty.

Such an answer is either intended to attract the attention of the Tang Dynasty, or to say the truth.

No matter what the purpose is, Tang Dynasty is not ready to say it. Tang Shi looked at the main entrance of the examination field and saw that the people he was waiting for had not come yet, so he had to let them go first.

"Everyone present, is there anyone whose built-in card is element based?" Tang Dynasty did not expect to find such a person among the probationary judges and probationary judges, but it was necessary to ask, and this process had to go.

Sure enough, as the Tang Dynasty thought, no one answered. If there were such a powerful person who had already become a judge, how could he be among the probationary judge and the probationary judge?

Tang Dynasty did not continue to ask whether there were people of special families. Such awakeners were very rare. If there were, they would have been judges now. They would have been picked away and would not wait for him to come. Even in their answers, they did not see such people. When it comes to the built-in card properties, they are basically mixed systems, but Tang Dynasty also saw them A few specialities are specialized in some unpopular skills. They have no attack power at all, or they have attack power, but they are not found by others.

In the Tang Dynasty, I really didn't know how to choose these people. I've been selected three times. How to choose the remaining dregs in order to find gold?

Tang Shi looked at the front door of the examination field again, and saw a soldier of the awakened come in. The soldier ran to this side quickly. The staff of the trial meeting wanted to stop him, but Tang Shi stopped him.

The awakened soldier was very clever. After taking a look, he immediately found the right master, ran to Tang Shi quickly and asked, "is this Mr. Tang Shi?"

"I am."

The awakened soldier hands over a card, then says nothing, salutes, turns and walks away.

All the people present were surprised. Unexpectedly, the judge could know the awaking army. Then he looked at the card in his hand.

When Tang Shi decided to come over to select probationary judges and probationary judges, he called the military headquarters and asked longmian to send his mechanical Manlong over. He wanted to take the exam.

Tang Shidao: "I saw a few preparatory judges and answered that they are good at machinery. Now I need such people."

Several preliminary judges who are good at machinery are very surprised. For example, those who are good at machinery are not strong in fighting ability. Judges who focus on actual combat ability will never choose them, so they have the most people left. I didn't expect that today's judges need people who are good at machinery. How can they not be surprised? Even Si Hang, who was standing at the end of the preparatory judge, couldn't help looking up.

Uncle is likely to lose his job later. Even so, he still hopes that the company can seize this opportunity and don't let him down.

Si Hang, who was forced to stay by his uncle, always stood at the end of everyone. He lowered his head and came to make up the number. He knew that he certainly had no chance or hope, and he didn't even raise his head. Only when he heard that the judge needed someone who was good at machinery, did he raise his head and take a look, and he was attracted by the Tang Dynasty.

"Please come out." Tang Dynasty was very polite.

Those who had been prepared for a long time were all excited and quickly walked out and stood in the front.

Tang Shi took a look and found that there were only three people. He remembered that there should be four talents. He waited for a while and saw all of them. Finally, a young man hesitated to come out. His pace was very slow. Every step seemed to be thinking, and he kept his head down without even raising his head.

This person is Si Hang. He is hesitating about whether to go out for a try. He hasn't thought about it yet, but his pace is not controlled by himself. He has stepped out of the crowd.

When he saw Si Hang, he even dared to stand up. A preparatory judge, who was affected by him, was very upset. When Si Hang passed him, he directly tripped him. Si Hang was very nervous and unstable. He was full of confusion and was unprepared. He was directly tripped on the ground.

Everyone at the scene began to laugh and gloat.

Tang Shi was also very surprised that someone could trip him down as soon as he stretched his foot. Is this really the awakened one?

Si Hangji was on the ground for a long time before he got up. It's not that he fell heavily, but that he was tripped in front of so many people and felt particularly ashamed. Such humiliation is more embarrassing than being pointed at by the nose. Si Hang's face turned red. He stood up and didn't dare to look up. He kept his head down. He could see Tang Shi frowning. What kind of character is this? It's so sticky. If someone dares to stretch his leg to trip him, he will definitely break his leg.

The awakened one lowered his voice and said, "get back to me as soon as possible, and don't come out again to harm people."

Si Hangmin clenched his lips, clenched his fists, and thought of his father and uncle. Si Hangmin finally made a decision to move on. This time, his pace seemed firm and did not hesitate. It was completely different from the previous state, which made those people hate him.Until the division terminal to the other three row, no one spoke, Tang has been looking at him, no voice, want to see how much time he can delay.

"What's your name?" Don Shiyi stopped smiling and was obviously very unhappy with his performance.

Zhang Chi and others in the crowd were very happy. As long as the judge hated him and drove him out again, people like Si Hang would never show up again.

"Si, Si Hang." Si Hang knew that the judge was standing in front of him. He didn't dare to look up and only looked at the shoes on the judge's feet. "Look up." In the Tang Dynasty, he frowned and couldn't stand such a sticky temper.

Si Hang hesitated for a moment. He didn't dare to disobey the judge's order, so he had to slowly raise his head. He only looked at Tang Shi for a moment. His sight immediately avoided, but he couldn't bear to lower his head.

"Three built-in cards, hybrid system, good at mechanical, and now it's level 7, right?" This information is the answer on the paper.

The qualification of three built-in cards is very common. Even Yanling has four built-in cards.

Si Hang bowed his head again, feeling that he had no hope. He also knew that his achievements in all aspects were very poor. The judge had already remembered his information, and he had no chance any more. He was too nervous to speak. He wanted to deny that it was not his information, but his information could be better. However, the fact was that he could only nod his head and admit it.

Many of the following people look with disdain and disdain, such qualifications, can also become a preparatory judge, really to the trial will smear.

Their reaction naturally fell into Tang Shi's eyes without any omission. Instead of asking Si Hang, he went to four people and said again, "I'm ready to stay in this area. If I want to take advantage of this opportunity to become my subordinate, I don't need to. I need real talents."

Si Hang clenched his fists. No one liked mechanical research better than him. Although he studied automobile repair, he really liked these mechanical objects, especially the mechanical mounts and mechanical weapons that appeared after the end of the world. He loved them very much. However, he liked them, but so far he had no achievements, so he was just a useless preparatory judge. If he can develop a useful mechanical creature, not so powerful, as long as he can move freely, his position will not be like that now.

Si Hang is very firm in this respect. He will never quit because he doesn't like machinery enough.

Among the other three, there were two probationary judges, who hesitated a little, but did not withdraw and still stood in the front.

When they took out their works, they were most proud

Before some hesitation of two people, this directly changed the face, they did not bring the work. But the other two, just after Tang Shi's voice, immediately opened their card bag and took out a card from it. The man standing next to Si Hang seemed a little silent. He directly activated the card. A unique mechanical motorcycle appeared in front of everyone.

Even in Tang Dynasty, there was a bright spot in front of him. He didn't expect that there was such a talent among the preparatory judges. After watching the mechanical motorcycle for a while, he looked at the preparatory judge carefully. No matter what he was wearing or what he looked like, he was very ordinary and not tall. He was just an ordinary person.

His vision is firm and persistent, just looking at the Tang Dynasty, want to know the answer of Tang Dynasty.

"You did it yourself?" Asked Tang.

The probationary judge nodded hard, and then looked at Tang Shi straight.

"Introduce the function and practicability." Tang continued to ask.

The probationary judge looked a little embarrassed, but his eyes were still firm. He seemed to be thinking about what to say. Tang Shi waited for a long time, but he didn't speak.

At this time, a preparatory judge in the crowd said, "he's dumb and can't speak."

Tang Shi was surprised again and looked at the probationary judge. The probationary judge continued: "I was under the same probationary judge with him before. I only knew that his name was Arwen. He could not speak, and no one ever knew that he was proficient in machinery. No one knew whether these two motorcycles were made by him or not. He is still in the awakening period, because he found a vein, which can be regarded as a contribution to the Blue Crystal City, so he got the assessment opportunity of the trial meeting, and has remained until now. "

Cowen suddenly turned around and yelled at the man, looking very angry. He might be refuting the man's saying that the mechanical motorcycle is not necessarily made by him.

When Tang Dynasty saw him like this, he probably couldn't speak any more.

While he was talking to the man, "ah ah" and then he turned back to the Tang Dynasty and said "ah" with his hands. He probably knew that it was impolite to say "ah". He was silent, but he was very anxious not to stop using his hands. He wanted to explain that this mechanical motorcycle was really made by him.

After the stroke, a-wen was afraid that Tang Shi didn't understand. He rode on the mechanical motorcycle himself, took out a card from the card bag and inserted it into the energy card slot of the mechanical motorcycle. Ke Wen started the motorcycle, and the roar rang out. Exhaust pipes were installed on both sides of the rear wheel of the motorcycle. What appeared at the moment was not black smoke, but a kind of energy fog.Ke Wen twisted the accelerator a few times. As soon as he released the brake, the motorcycle ran out. The speed was very fast, but just 20 meters away, the mechanical motorcycle suddenly fell apart, and Ke Wen fell directly into a pile of discarded parts. Some people can't help it. They just burst out laughing. Some people laugh. Those who have been enduring all the time can't help it and then laugh.

Corwin jumped out of the discarded parts and hurriedly discharged the burning clothes on his body. Several holes were burned in the clothes. Tang Shi's expression was very serious, without a trace of a smile, and those who laughed quickly held back and did not dare to laugh any more.

Tang Shi walked over, and a Wen continued to use his hand nervously. As he did so, he bent down to pick up a few pieces of parts from the pile of parts and showed them to Tang Shi. Those pieces of parts had already been melted in half. It should be that the temperature was too high, and the material of the parts could not meet the temperature requirements, so they were roasted at high temperature.

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