Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 325

Chapter 325

The next time was when Tang Shi woke up naturally. He sat up and reflected for a long time before he remembered where he was. He was a little confused.

YanXu hasn't come back yet. It's estimated that he won't come back to live these days until the military affairs are finished. Tang Shi got up, washed up, and was ready to go out. Guo Cheng had already prepared breakfast, but at this time, breakfast was a little late and lunch was a little early. Tang Shi ate some breakfast casually and decided to go to the trial meeting. Qin lie and Zhan Rong went out early in the morning. They probably went to the hunter alliance. Since they decided to live in Blue Crystal City, they can't idle any more. They must have their own career.

Tang Shi drove his black SUV to the downstairs of the trial meeting. As soon as he entered the hall, he was startled by the lively scene inside. There were many people standing inside, waiting for something. Tang just looked at it and went straight to the elevator leading to the top floor.

There are a row of elevator doors. There are people going in and out of each elevator. Only the one on the side is always waiting on the first floor. Those who know something about the trial all know that the elevator is a special elevator for the president. Now someone goes straight to the elevator without saying a word. Even the front desk and the security guard don't stop them when they see it, but they are all up He met each other in awe and watched the man enter the elevator.

People who had been waiting in the hall on the first floor were a little surprised and could not guess who it was. Only Zhang Sheng, who was standing in the corner and talking to a young man, recognized him.

"Uncle, what's the matter?" When the young man saw his uncle's words, he suddenly fixed his eyes in one direction and felt curious. He also looked along his uncle's line of sight. He only saw the closed elevator door and saw nothing.

Zhang Sheng stares at the closed elevator door again, and looks at the number constantly beating until it reaches the top floor. He pinches his fist secretly, as if determined. He turns to the young man and says, "Xiaohang, you must try this time. There will always be judges who can find your talent."

The young man is tall, thin, fair skinned, and looks a bit like Zhang Sheng. His name is Si Hang. He is Zhang Sheng's nephew. Zhang Sheng can work at the trial meeting, but he is so happy that his family died. With the encouragement of his uncle, Si Hang also participated in the trial meeting assessment. If it wasn't for Si Hang's father's contribution to the gathering place of Blue Crystal City, Si Hang would not have this assessment opportunity.

The opportunity of assessment is rare, but Si Hang's examination is in a mess. To be exact, his strength is there, and he can't become a judge after all. Even the trainee judge is far away, so he can only stay in the position of preparatory judge now.

As a matter of fact, from the first newly appointed judge, Si Hang took part in the selection and assessment of the probationary judge. As a result, he was directly expelled by that judge, and said in front of everyone that a person like Si Hang, who only has one useless specialty more than ordinary people, could not become a probationary judge. He could not even imagine that he was so weak How do people become preparatory judges?

It is impossible to choose a weak person like him in the team of judges.

Si Hang is doomed to be a useless preparatory judge. If he is not his father, he can't even touch the edge of the trial meeting. In Blue Crystal City, as long as he can enter the trial meeting, he will at least be a preparatory judge.

The assessment system of bluecrystal city is just like what the outside world hears. As long as it can enter the assessment of the trial meeting, at least one of the 160 people can get the status of a preparatory judge, and Si Hang is the beneficiary of that assessment policy.

There are three probationary judges under each judge, and five probationary judges under each probationary judge. The judges of Blue Crystal City have sacrificed three judges. In principle, the three judges, the three probationary judges and the 15 probationary judges will be taken over by the newly transferred judges. However, there is also a condition here, that is, the transferred judges can bring the probationary judges and probationary judges trained by their own staff out of their previous posts and continue to be their own staff.

If new judges and probationers are not available, the rest will have to wait for the new judges and probationers.

Si Hang originally had his own judges. Although he was not welcomed, he was at least not a judge without a master. It was better to have parents than orphans. Since the death of the judge of Si Hang, the newly transferred judge has brought several probationary judges and probationary judges from the previous term, so some people have been kicked out of that team. Si Hang is the one who was unluckily kicked out.

He was not a very confident person. He had met with such a thing before. The second time the newly transferred judge wanted to select the trainee judge and the preparatory judge in his own team, Si Hang didn't take part in it directly. It was a big blow to him that time. Even the original team couldn't accommodate him, let alone the team of others? The possibility of being selected was almost remote, so he would not be ridiculed and excluded, and gave up the opportunity.

This time, the third newly transferred judge came to bluecrystal city. Si Hang decided to stay at home and not show his head. He didn't want to fight for this opportunity. But his uncle insisted on digging him out and letting him have a try. He couldn't be so decadent with the title of preparatory judge. If he was not selected after three times, Si Hang would even take the title of preparatory judge Disappear, not easy to become a preparatory judge, Zhang Sheng in any case do not want to let nephew give up.Si Hang also knows the purpose of his uncle's call. The newly transferred judge has arrived. All the probationary and preparatory judges know about this. Si Hang can't be unaware of it. At this time, there will be an open and secret battle between the probationary and preparatory judges. These "ownerless" probationary and preparatory judges have not been wanted for a long time, They will be disqualified as probationary judges and probationary judges, and they will be beaten back to their original shape. All of them have come to this stage through various efforts, and it is impossible to give up so easily.

But Si Hang is different. In fact, he has decided to give up since he was kicked out by the original team. He knows his strength is very weak. If it is not for his father's relationship that he gets a place to participate in the assessment, he will have no way to enter the trial.

Si Hang had already guessed the purpose of his uncle's calling him, and said in dismay, "uncle, I can't be selected. Every one of them is better than me. I'm in the team, and I'll only delay."

Looking at his nephew's dejected appearance, Zhang Sheng could not bear it and said in a low voice: "the judges sent here are different from the two before. I had the honor to chat with him."

Si Hang's mood was still not high. He looked up at the other people waiting in the hall. The probationary judges looked arrogant one by one, because they knew that if the judges wanted to choose the probationary judges, they had to choose from them. Some of them were pushed out by the subordinates brought by the former two new judges. They were still not discouraged, but they heard about it, The newly transferred judges are all alone, and they have not brought any of their former subordinates. That is to say, their probationary judges and probationary judges have to be re selected, with a total of 18 people. With such a high probability, they will certainly have hope.

Compared with the confidence of the probationary judges, the probationary judges are much more nervous. They should not only be liked by the judges, but also by the probationary judges who take them. Moreover, there are so many competitors that they can't calm down.

After observing for a long time, Si Hang said, "uncle, I'm going back."

Zhang Sheng grabbed the nephew who was going to leave, and then swept over. It turned out that he saw several pairs of sarcastic eyes. Zhang Sheng was angry with his nephew's displeasure and said in a low voice, "you are very talented. Why should you be afraid of them? If they laugh at you, you should laugh back. You are no worse than anything. "

Si Hang hung his head and was in a low mood. "Uncle, I gave up. I don't want to be the butt of other people's jokes any more. They are all watching my jokes..."

"If you don't want to be a laughing stock, just go home and don't get in the way here." A mean voice came, and several people came straight to this side.

Zhang Sheng didn't say anything. He wanted his nephew to solve the problem himself. He was too cowardly. He didn't know how to fight back, so he could only be bullied.

"A guy like you, who can only repair cars, can even become a preparatory judge. You have no other choice but to say that you are lucky to have such a powerful Lao Tzu. I'm so unlucky that I was on the first team with you Another voice full of resentment came.

Si Hang lowered his head, clenched his fist, and kept silent.

"Leave on your own. Don't drag others down any more." A man with arms around his chest and a high face spoke.

Si Hang looked up at him, then immediately dropped his eyes. These people were all his teammates in the original team. The man who asked him to leave was the judge in charge of his probation. At that time, because of the existence of Si Hang, the judge selected directly said: with the existence of such incompetent people as Si Hang, the strength of this team would not be much.

Then the six member group of Si Hang, from the trainee judge to the preparatory judge, were all kicked out. Naturally, those involved hated him to the bone.

Division aviation min tight teeth, hold back tears, dare not look up to face the previous teammates, can only say repeated many times, "sorry."

Zhang Sheng couldn't see it any more. He broke in and said, "that has nothing to do with Si Hang. The judge of black rock has brought so many former subordinates. We have to eliminate some of them before we can place his former subordinates. It's not Si Hang's fault at all!"

Zhang Chi, the man holding his chest in both hands, had a bright future, but he was destroyed because he had a company in the team. At the beginning, he was not willing to accept Si Hang. In fact, no one else could join his team, so he could only pull Si Hang to make up the number. Later, something like that happened. He blamed Si Hang for all his hatred and resentment. He thought that he was right. It was Si Hang that really dragged him down and his whole team down.

Zhang Chi stares at Zhang Sheng fiercely, "are you criticizing the judge's selfishness?"

"Black rock" is the code name of the judge.

Zhang Chi cleverly did not answer, but put the hat on Zhang Sheng's head. Everyone knows that the judge of "black rock" is a small bellied person. Once a staff member who said the wrong thing easily lost his job. Zhang Sheng said such words in front of so many people, and the consequences can be imagined.

Zhang Sheng himself knows that he will be punished if he comments and talks about judges in a disorderly way, and the opposite is like "black rock"Judge, he can almost foresee that he may lose his job. Even so, he hopes that his nephew will have a good future.

"What do I mean? You should be clear. Why should the responsibility of that time be shouldered by Si Hang?" When Zhang Sheng saw his nephew being bullied, he would be dead if he didn't speak.

Zhang Chi said angrily: "you are just a small staff member. I am a trainee judge. Pay attention to your attitude towards me!"

Zhang Sheng snorted with a smile, "you're just a trainee judge. After all, you're not a judge."

"Well, you have seed. We'll see!" Zhang Chi with a few people, glared at them, walked away.

It's not that they are afraid of prosperity, but that they don't want to make mistakes before the selection. This time, they are full of confidence and want to be selected by the newly transferred judges and get rid of the "ownerless" state. However, they will never be with the first team of Si Hang again. Of course, Si Hang has no chance, and no judge will like him.

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