Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 292

Chapter 292

Qin lie finally saw Zhan Rong's strength. Zhan Rong was very "tolerant" and told him that he was the first offender and the punishment time was set at two hours.

No matter how Qin lie screamed and begged, he just turned a deaf ear and said that two hours is two hours.

Qin lie has been tortured for half an hour. After that, he can't support anything. He doesn't even want any face. His brain is going to be dried up in the bath. He reaches the peak again and again, but he can't release it. Zhan Rong cunningly puts something in front of him to prevent his free release, so this is the most difficult torture.

Qin lie is rolling and crying on the bed. He rolls from the bed to the ground and knocks over the furnishings. At this time, Zhan Rong gets up and takes him back to the bed and lets him toss.

When the time comes, Zhan Rong personally ends Qin lie's torture, takes away the bean, unties him, and throws all the props into the space card for the next time.

The bathrobe had already rolled off when Qin lie was struggling. He was naked, and his whole body was sweating, just like he had just pulled it out of the water. His arrogant yellow hair was wet with sweat, and he pasted it on his face disorderly. His black eyes were still out of focus. He looked at the ceiling and gasped violently. He was as soft as tofu.

This kind of punishment is both happy and painful. Qin lie has never experienced it before. Today, he is really suffering. He still uses the back.

After a long time, his lost eyes slowly recovered. He slightly opened his face and looked at Zhan Rong sitting by the bed. Zhan Rong held a glass of water in his hand, lifted Qin lie's head and fed him water. He lost so much water that he cried for two hours that he lost his voice.

Qin lie is aching all over and has no strength. He drinks a glass of water with Zhan Rong's hand. He closes his eyes and has a rest for a while. Suddenly, he waves his fist at Zhan Rong's handsome face.

Zhan Rong had been prepared. If Qin lie could suffer so quietly, he would not be called Qin lie.

He clenched Qin lie's fist, pressed it on the bed and restrained him. Qin liegang had just finished a torture. It was time for him to leave. It was very disadvantageous to choose to start at this time. However, Qin liegang could not move his hands and still had his mouth. He yelled at him in a broken voice, "you bastard! Pervert! One day, I'll let you have a taste of it too! "

The room is very quiet. Qin lie's voice is so hoarse that he can hardly make a sound. Only the "tearing hoarse" air flow sound comes out, but Zhan Rong still understands what he means.

Squinting, he threatened: "it seems that the punishment just now is not enough. Do you want to have another more lasting punishment?"

Zhan Rong said, making a point to open the card bag, his card bag has been replaced, this card bag has grade, card position is more than before. When Tang Dynasty had enough yuanneng cards in hand, he changed their equipment as a whole.

As soon as Qin lie saw that he was coming again, he was immediately frightened. The panic in his eyes did not escape Zhan Rong's eyes. He was really afraid. Zhan Rong sees Qin lie struggling and crying. How can he not be distressed? However, in order to make him have a long memory, he can't be soft hearted. He has to remember that the consequences of infidelity are very serious.

Qin lie fixed his eyes on the card bag in the air and explained: "I really Nothing... "

Zhan Rong sighed and touched the red halo on his face. "Don't you realize your infidelity? Do you really want me to catch you and women, and that's cheating? "

Qin lie looks at him puzzled. Shouldn't infidelity be used on his lover? When did he and Zhan Rong have such a relationship?

"Now that you have the idea of opening a room with a young lady, it means that your thoughts have been disloyal." Zhan Rong warned him, "this is the first and last time we have been together. I hope you will remember that the next time you do it again, the punishment time will be delayed to four hours, or even longer. Of course, more than that, I promise you will suffer more."

Qin lie sucked his nose, stopped talking, and didn't refute Zhan Rong. He had to admit his fault. I remind myself in my heart that the more beautiful people are, the more vicious and cruel they are. I'd better walk around next time. Don't touch him again. It's terrible.

That kind of feeling, Qin lie as soon as he thinks about it, is like ten thousand little insects crawling all the way up from the tail vertebrae, crawling all over his body.

This punishment also opened the door to a new world for Qin lie. He didn't know that the back could really be used, and that feeling could not be realized only by the front. If it wasn't for Zhan Rong's abuse and punishment, maybe Qin lie would enjoy that feeling very much. Unfortunately, when he thought about it, he would feel creepy and goose bumps all over his body.

He turned over, lifted the quilt, covered his head and was ready to sleep.

Zhan Rong made a good quilt for him, but didn't bother him any more. He went to the bathroom and took a cold shower. He was about to be suffocated. But his reason reminded him that he couldn't touch him now. Qin lie, a second-class man, probably knew what it was like to use the back for the first time today. He had to accept himself step by step.

When they got back to Yan's home, it was completely dark. They came back from eating outside, so they didn't let Yan's family stay.Zhan Rong naturally enters Qin lie's room and sleeps with him. Qin lie is forced by Zhan Rong's obscene power, so he has to bear to sleep together. Anyway, it's not the first time.

The next day, Qin lie's voice was better, but he was still hoarse.

While Zhan Rong doesn't pay attention, he sneaks to find Tang Shi's trouble. He only tells Tang Shi what to do, but he doesn't expect that Zhan Rong will kill him before he does anything. He hardly thinks much about it, so he thinks that Tang Shi must have betrayed him.

When Tang Shi saw Qin lie and Zhan Rong coming back together last night, he knew that he must have been arrested.

Seeing Qin lie sneaking to his room, before he spoke, Tang blocked his words, "don't ask me, I didn't betray you. I didn't see him yesterday."

Qin lie is a Leng, "that how does he know where I am?"

As soon as Qin lie opened his mouth, he looked him up and down in the Tang Dynasty, and then he said, "have you been done?"

"No!" Qin lie was angry and ashamed to think of it.

"Just do it. There's nothing to admit." Tang Dynasty has already put on the hat of "being made".

Qin lie was crazy, "no, no, really no!"

In the Tang Dynasty, he waved his hand and said, "if you don't have it, you don't have to tell me so much. It will be sooner or later for you to be eaten."

"Lying trough, how can I be" eaten "? I decided to eat him Qin lie said with backbone.

Tang Shi sent a sincere blessing, "I wish your dream come true."

Qin lie Angrily turned away.

These two days, Tang Dynasty, they have been waiting for the order of frost city. The second uncle went to frost city and came back after three days. He also brought back the order of frost city.

In the Tang Dynasty, they thought that the second uncle could not convince Shuanghua city. After all, there was no evidence that something had really happened in the moon god forest. It was good that they could come up with the results in just three days only based on the conclusion of Yitong white tiger king.

At first, Tang thought that the second uncle might not be able to convince Shuanghua City, so he decided to go to the moon god forest to check. Unexpectedly, the second uncle succeeded. Shuanghua city is indeed the new capital. No matter how much power and profit, the gathering place of a country's leaders is not in vain.

The second uncle said, "they didn't believe me completely. They decided to send someone to check it first. All the three gathering places had to send people to go to the moon god forest together."

"That's just what I want. I'm going to see if Yitong white tiger king has found the secret silver of the barbarians. Maybe we can have a share." Tang said with a smile.

The old man, the second uncle and the third uncle are not as relaxed as they were in Tang Dynasty.

The old man reminded: "the moon god forest is very dangerous. You five people don't have to go either. In fact, I didn't arrange you to go in my plan. At first, the alien attack came. I just want you to leave Yanlai city quickly and take up the post in bluecrystal city. These troubles can't be solved only by external forces. With your help this time, we passed the crisis. What about next time? Isn't it the same problem to face? "

The second uncle and the third uncle didn't speak. What the old man said was the truth. Although they were strong, they didn't belong to Yanlai city.

Tang Shidao: "we are not only involved in this matter for these three gathering places. In fact, I really want to know what happened in the Luna forest. We have to go to the Luna forest. "

"The people who really want to go to Yanlai city are Yanjing, sun Tianqian, Zhang Jinpeng and Chen Ze." The old man said: "the place like Luna forest is in danger. If you want to go to investigate, you don't have enough strength. If you go there, you will die. If you insist on going, you can go with them or act alone, but it doesn't represent the identity of Yanlai city. You only represent yourself. Do you understand? "

Tang Shi and others all understand the meaning of the old man. If their appointment has not come down yet, it's OK to follow Yanlai city around. They have a transfer order now, and they don't have the first time to take office. It's hard to say. If they are allowed to work for Yanlai city again, it's bad for their reputation.

What's more, after knowing their true identity, the old man knew that if they were allowed to take others with them, no matter who they were, they would be delayed. If they were allowed to move freely, maybe even the Luna forest could not defeat them. Before that, no one must drag them, otherwise the consequences would be terrible.

YanXu heard the second uncle introduce the identities of sun Tianqian, Zhang Jinpeng and Chen Ze. The three of them are the treasures of Yanlai city. Sun Tianqian once got a master apprentice inheritance card. He has the magic of the master apprentice, and can freely release the magic without the constraints of the awakened.

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