Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

"Give up, your angry owl minion is only level 8. I've seen all its fighting methods. My frost wolf commander is level 9. The angry owl can't defeat my commander!" Green Wolf stares at Yan Xu, the facial expression says solemnly.

YanXu doesn't pay attention to him. If he can win or not, he can only know if he has won.

Tang Shi keenly caught a word and looked at the two people opposite him with hatred. "I said," how do you know who we are? How can you be so sure that I have taken away the burial objects? It turns out that I used the technique of horizons. It's a good method! "

The caster of horizon can see everything he can see through the caster's eyes. This kind of "monitor" like magic card is very practical, but it's not easy to get. I didn't expect that they used it first.

Green Wolf was stunned when he was told the mystery by Tang Dynasty. Obviously, he didn't expect Tang Dynasty to be able to figure out the answer, "even the vision technique knows, you are also very good."

"Your organization is really big. It monitors your actions with vision. And now? Do you also carry vision The Tang Dynasty satirized.

"Of course not." Even if there is, I will not tell him, let alone not.

Tang Shi sneered: "it seems that you are not so good. You don't even have the value of being monitored. You dare to be arrogant here! Why don't you come and die? "

In Tang Dynasty, he wanted to enrage green Wolf, but he didn't fall for it. He explained: "it's not surveillance, and black five is not passive activation. It's his active activation of vision, knowing that he may die. We can only use this method to show you what you look like, so as to find the lost burial objects. This method is an important means to obtain key information."

The green Wolf said here, the vision swept on the burning Xu body.

YanXu orders the angry owl beast to kill him. The angry owl beast roars angrily and no longer sticks to his own battlefield. His two forepaws are raised high. With the release of his mana, the invisible wind between the two grabs gathers more and more quickly. The feathers of the angry owl beast are blown up, and the sand and soil on the ground are swept up and sucked into the hurricane, The angry owl roared, and a big tornado smashed at his feet. The originally small whirlwind, when it touched the ground, was like a fire meeting oil, "boom" scattered around, and swept the area of 10 meters!

Green Wolf and ghost master already know that the angry owl beast has this skill. They deliberately stand far away and don't fight melee, but they don't know the attack range of this skill. At the beginning, from the perspective of vision, black five has already been attacked, and they can't see the real sweeping range, so when the little whirlwind is smashed on the ground, they can't move quickly When they spread to the surrounding areas, their first reaction is to escape!

Unfortunately, no matter how fast they are, they can't be hit by a tornado!

They got it!

The movement speed is reduced by 15% directly, and 0% per second. 5 spell damage. Their damage will be reduced by 1. At 5 o'clock, it's like a combat cheat! It's unfair!

YanXu doesn't want to spend time with them any more. He jumps into the tornado and kills the green Wolf and the ghost master!

Green Wolf and ghost teacher look at each other, two people separate, run to two directions, Yan Xu chase green Wolf killed in the past.

Even if the card level is one level lower, YanXu has reached level 9, and the green wolf can only be at level 9 at most. As long as you kill the master, then slowly clean up the troublesome servant!

Compared with close combat, who can win YanXu?

YanXu just wanted to end the battle within the effective time of the tornado. He was quick and ruthless. He didn't leave any room to kill everywhere.

The ghost master, who had fled to another direction, saw that the green Wolf was defeated by YanXu, and then came back. He was ready to sneak attack from behind. A dagger was waved away, but it was blocked by a "Qiang"!

In Tang Dynasty, holding the sword of justice, standing behind YanXu with dignity, "I dare not name my organization up to now, and I can only do such dirty things as sneak attack behind my back!"

Yan Xu took time to look at his back and saw that he was holding the sword of justice in the Tang Dynasty. His whole breath was pure and masculine, which was in inverse proportion to the previous Yin Qi. Then he was relieved.

If the sword of justice can suppress the death brought by the sickle of the dead, YanXu doesn't mind fighting side by side with the Tang Dynasty, and even enjoys it. If he gives his back to someone who fully trusts him, his fight will be invincible. What's more, the Tang Dynasty should not be willing to be supported by him.

"Be careful." Yan Xu confessed a sentence, agree to Tang Shi hand.

Tang Dynasty was relieved. He thought he would be reprimanded by YanXu again. It seems that the sword of justice is allowed.

Tang Dynasty also felt that the healthy qi on the sword of justice and the dead Qi in his body were completely against each other. The two sides were like water and fire. In Tang Dynasty, holding the sword of justice, all the dead Qi in his body retreated to his body and did not dare to entangle his right hand.

The ghost master was stunned for a moment, and then showed a smile of Yin measurement, straight to see Tang Shi all over numb, with the ghost of the same "you are really awakened." The ghost master finished this sentence and jumped back quickly.

How could Tang Dynasty let him escape and chase after him.The ghost master led Tang Shi to open up another battlefield. Tang Shi knew that the "white faced ghost" was leading him, but he wanted to see what kind of moth he was playing.

In Tang Dynasty, he was used to long sword, but he didn't know how to use sword very well. At the beginning, he laughed at YanXu for using ice fire devil's heart sword as a sword envoy. Now he makes it easier than YanXu. Fortunately, the shape of just sword is quite different. Although it retains double blade, it doesn't have the characteristics of a sword. There is no sword tip. The sword tip is inclined and flat, and the sword body is wide, In the Tang Dynasty, he was a swordsman without any pressure.

In terms of melee, the ghost master is not the opponent of Tang Dynasty at all. What's more, Tang Dynasty is now the awakened one in the heroic period. Among other things, the Yuan energy in his body is 10 times higher than level 9 in the awakening period, and his physical fitness has also been improved tremendously. Even if he doesn't play cards, he can completely crush the awakened one in the awakening period.

The ghost master had to keep avoiding and retreating, and his eyes flashed with surprise. He was so shocked that such a refined and handsome man's moves were so open and close.

Sure enough, people can't be judged by their appearance. At the beginning, YanXu rushed forward to fight alone. In the Tang Dynasty, he could only look out on the scene. Many people speculated that he might be an ordinary man in the Tang Dynasty. Seeing his thin and kind appearance, he didn't look like a man who could stand the battle and was properly protected.

I just didn't expect that they were all wrong!

What's so special about it? Where is the kindness? The whole battle maniac! Strong as an ox! No, cattle are not as strong as he is!

What the hell is going on?! Who's going to explain it to him?!

The ghost master took time to look at the other two battles. As expected, the green Wolf was suppressed by YanXu, and his whole body was injured. He could only barely avoid YanXu's attack.

Two card creatures are also engaged in hand to hand combat at the moment - Frost wolf commander is big and strong, and he is not fast. He is hit by the magic damage of tornado, and his speed is slower. The owl beast was like eating dynamite. He screamed and opened his bow left and right with his two sharp claws, tearing the skin and flesh of the frost wolf governor.

Frost wolf governor was obviously beaten hair, roared, killed red eye, waved iron bar to fight back.

Although the owl's fat body is wandering like a penguin, the speed of avoiding attack is fast. The frost wolf governor can't even hit it with a few strokes. It's as slippery as a loach. It can't avoid. It also extends its heavy feet and cuts the frost wolf governor's injured leg with its claws. It's the part bitten by Tangqi's mechanical beast.

A nine level and an eight level, can even fight to this situation, is also the ghost teacher did not expect.

In his mind, this battle should be a complete victory. How could he expect this owl beast to be so difficult to deal with? Intelligence alone can crush the frost wolf governor. Seeing how stupid the frost wolf governor is, the ghost masters want to sigh.

Tang Dynasty didn't give him the chance to leave. The knife became fierce. The ghost master couldn't avoid it and could only try to take it. He underestimated the power of Tang Dynasty. With one knife, the ghost hand's right hand was numb, the dagger fell to the ground, and the blade cut into the ghost master's right shoulder. In an emergency, he could only play cards.

The card immediately materialized and appeared behind the Tang Dynasty. As soon as it appeared, it waved a knife to split the Tang Dynasty into two parts.

In Tang Dynasty, he was ready for the attack. He only felt the wind floating behind him. He bent over to avoid the attack and jumped away quickly.

Looking at the white faced ghost gasping for breath, Tang Shi sneered: "I think you have a lot of ability, it's not using cards, waste!"

Tang Shiyi turned his face and was stunned when he saw the card creature.

I Fuck!

What appeared in front of us was a tall man, dressed in crimson ancient armor, holding a big sword in his hand. The sword body was wrapped with black green dead air, and the cold was threatening. Looking at the hand holding the sword, Tang Shi seemed to feel it. He looked up and looked Almost scared to pee by this card creature!

More visual impact than a vicious blacksmith!

The skin is black and blue, the hair is dry, the eyes are black and green, the face skin is seriously rotten, potholes with rotten black meat, emitting a corpse odor. At the moment, it is like an ancient warrior after killing, standing there majestically, holding the sword to block the ghost master behind.

Ghost Ghost Knight?!

Tang's eyes are about to stare round, this white faced ghost actually got this card!

Although the probability of undead weapon is very small, the probability of ghost warrior and undead weapon appearing together is smaller. It's against the heaven to drive ghost warrior to fight with undead weapon! No wonder this white faced ghost is very gloomy. It turns out that his servant card is a ghost knight. His master and servant are all the same!

The big tornado of owl beast disappears, the magic damage is gone, and the enemy trapped in it can return to normal. Just in case, Tang Shi quickly jumped back twice. The ghost knight was absolutely hard to deal with. Tang Shi knew it very well.

Seeing that YanXu is about to cut down the green Wolf, suddenly the battle field is covered with a strange black air, and it's dark in front of us. YanXu suddenly loses his target. In order to prevent anti attack, YanXu is alert to listen to the movement around him, and can only hear the fierce voice of the owl beast.

After the black gas disappeared, only Tang Shi, Yan Xu and angry owl beasts, as well as the corpses of that place, were left at the scene. The two men and two servants disappeared. They thought that they could not fight until they let out smoke obstacles to escape.Tang Shi's face is still very ugly. The two men are really strong. Tang Shi admits that their level is at least above level 8. What organization can recruit so many experts?

Yan Xu came back and saw Tang Shi in a daze, "are you ok?"

Tang Shi shook his head and came to Tang Qi's body. Tang Shi was silent again.

YanXu squatted down to check the body, no wound was found, even the clothes were not broken, but the man died strangely.

Tang Shidao said: "he was killed by the undead weapon, and his soul is estimated to have dissipated."

YanXu knows that the undead weapon can damage the undead and soul, but when Tang Dynasty used the sickle of the undead, it destroyed the target's body together. Why is Tang Qi's body intact and only the soul dissipated?

Tang Dynasty gave the answer, "the weapon of the undead is in the hand, it is the entity, in the hand of the ghost, it is the virtual body. The virtual body can't hurt the body, it can only destroy the soul. It's very dangerous. "

Tang Qi dares to make a deal with such two dangerous people, but he is still playing tricks. It is inevitable that he will lose his life.

So many bodies can't be taken back in Tang Dynasty. We can only take Tang Qi's body back first.

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