Apocalypse Cheater

Chapter 127 Bella Powerlessness

Chapter 127 Bella Powerlessness

[: Daniel POV :]

[: You have completed the quest of Safeguarding Viston Territory(Ex) :]

- Kill all the monsters that have been bordering his territory -

- Number of monsters alive: 0 -

[: You have received the reqard: 1 Unique Class Selection Coupon :]

Eventually, after receiving the reward, we left Scott's household, making our way to the next destination.

However, I couldn't help but sense that something was weighing heavily on Bella's mind.

Her shoulders slumped, and there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"What's wrong? You don't seem that all happy after the meeting"

"Is something bothering you?"

I walked up beside her and asked, concerned for her well-being.

"Nothing... it's just that I feel conflicted,"

Bella confessed, her downcast mood becoming apparent.

"Conflicted? Why?"

I inquired, wanting to understand what was troubling her.

"I can't help but feel that as a Princess, the strength I possess doesn't deserve to be called by such a title"

"If it wasn't for you, Daniel, I would have been helpless as I watched my city crumble and my people suffer,"

She expressed, frustration evident in her voice and the way she clenched her clothing.

"I felt powerless and useless"

"Even now, everything that has happened is because you were by my side"

" I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if you hadn't been there in that alley"

"Would I have been taken captive?"

"Would the Continent have fallen under my uncle's rule?"

"All these questions have made me realize how weak and useless I am,"

Bella poured out her true feelings, and I watched her as she let her emotions flow.

I know and I could understand what she felt.

Weakness was something that I hated about myself, and because of my weakness, I lost everyone that I held dear.

I know where she was coming from and perhaps at this moment, I was the only person who understood her more than anybody else.

Her questions, her frustration, her sadness, I understood all of it, especially when knowing that the outcome of Jake becoming the King was disastrous.

But I can't let her know about that.

I could see that both of us were struggling with our weaknesses.

The only difference lay in the fact that I had been given an opportunity, while Bella had not.

I had an innate desire to offer comfort and soothing words to ease her feelings.

However, I couldn't bring myself to provide false reassurance.

I couldn't bear to make empty promises about always being there for her or guaranteeing protection from any potential harm.

Deep down, I knew that all of this was merely a temporary solution, particularly considering her status.

Our partnership for this mission at some point would come to an end, and it wouldn't compare to the deep connections I shared with my mother or Cecilia.

While our journey would undoubtedly be filled with surprises, it would eventually reach its end.

Consequently, I realized that instead of offering words that might mend her heart, there was something else I could do for her.

"If you feel frustrated because you perceive yourself as weak or powerless, then the only solution is to become stronger,"

I stated firmly, capturing Bella's attention.

"But I'm not like you, Daniel,"

Bella said softly, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

I could see her expression crumbling, revealing her vulnerability at that moment.

She continued, "I don't possess any of your powers that can effortlessly slay millions like they were mere butter."

Her words hung in the air, heavy and laden with both awe and disbelief.

It seemed that witnessing my strength had only deepened her sense of inadequacy.

I let out a sigh, a twinge of heaviness settling in my heart.

I understood where she was coming from, I really do, and I couldn't blame her for feeling this way.

In these moments, I'm glad for the advantages that the Players have in Modern Fantasia.

It wasn't something I could change, but it allowed me to offer something to Bella.

"If you request me, Bella, I promise to do everything in my power to nurture you into one of the greatest hunters to ever exist"

"You can trust my words on that,"

I assured her, my voice brimming with determination and sincerity.

In truth, helping her become a formidable hunter wouldn't be difficult for me.

With the treasures and knowledge I possessed, aiding her on this journey was well within my capabilities.

And, perhaps, it was also a part of my desire to see her grow and thrive.

The future I knew of was filled with catastrophe.

The Human continent was laid to waste due to the Players' failure to complete the Global Missions.

This is why, I couldn't help but wonder what would be the outcome this time.

Maybe, just maybe, guiding Bella to become a deserving queen could change the outcome.

With that thought in mind, I was ready to assist her in levelling up.

Simultaneously, Bella pondered my words, contemplating the offer before her.

Her trust in me and her belief in my abilities shone through.

With resolution evident in her clenched fist and a soft smile, she accepted my proposition.

"Then, please help me, Daniel," she implored, her voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and hope.

[: You have been offered an Ex Rank Quest: Queen Conquest. Reward: 1 Chosable reward from the Imperial Treasury :]

[: Queen Conquest :]

- Nurture the Princess to Level 999 -

- Time Limit: None -

As I accepted the quest, I couldn't help but playfully joke, "Of course, my Queen, I would be honoured to assist you."

Bella's laughter filled the air, a sweet melody that warmed my heart.

Studying the details of the quest, I found myself pleasantly surprised by the reward.

The Imperial Treasury was something that I had heard before but never had the chance to explore.

Even in the future, I know of, there hasn't been any player who managed to get their hands on this.

It was a treasure shrouded in mystery, a treasure that no players had ever discovered.

I wonder what kind of treasure it has?

The prospect of discovering its secrets piqued my curiosity and anticipation.

I couldn't help but be excited about it since the King of the Human Continent, the Hero, was a legend and he possessed treasures that were beyond transcendent.

Still, even without the allure of rewards, I was determined to help Bella become the strongest hunter.

She had already bestowed upon me immeasurable benefits, from the formidable power of the Divine Dividing Core to chains of mission.

It was thanks to our so-called fateful encounter that such opportunities had come my way.

In many ways, I felt indebted to Bella, and I yearned to show my gratitude by standing by her side.

"Shall we proceed to the next faction?"

I asked a genuine eagerness shining in my eyes.

Her smile in return was a balm to my soul.

"Of course," Bella replied, her voice filled with warmth and determination.

Eventually, we finally arrived at our destination in the East District, ready to enter the household of the Wilbert noble family.

"State your name and the reason for your visit,"

However, the guards protecting the gates demanded as they spotted us approaching.

But, as soon as they recognized Bella's face, fear washed over them.

They had heard stories about her, tales of a fearsome princess and her bloodthirsty bodyguard who had slaughtered countless individuals.

Her fame spread far and wide, and the people admired and even worshipped her for it.

Although it was not accurate, I didn't intend to correct it.

Moreover, sooner or later, she would be able to achieve this feat without a doubt.

But at the same time, I understand their reactions and why they feared her.

"I-It's the Princess! Quickly inform the Head!"

The captain of the guards stammered, panic overtaking his features.

With the fame that she has now and given Bella's noble status, she didn't need a reason to visit.

The news of her arrival spread like wildfire in an instant.

And because of the media and news, she had garnered an enormous following and widespread recognition for her actions.

She had gained millions of support and fans and even as we were speaking, her fame was rising.

No doubt that her position as a queen would be more secure with this, and if she managed to gather more achievements and factions, the throne would be within her grasp.

"I apologize for the wait, Princess"

"Please allow me to escort you to the guest room while we wait for the Head to arrive,"

The captain said, his voice laced with a respectful tone yet fear of offending the princess.

"Thank you," she replied with a gentle smile, graciously accepting his gesture.

"Having the title of Princess can truly be advantageous,"

I whispered to Bella jokingly.

"Then, why don't you consider becoming a part of it?"

She suggested, her gaze fixed on me, hinting at something deeper.

"Me? No way. It's a tiresome role, and I have other aspirations that I want to pursue,"

I thought to myself, mistakenly assuming she was joking.

It was something that I never expected and attempting to play along, I chuckled softly.

Little did I realize that Bella was being completely serious.

The sparkle faded from her eyes ever so slightly as my rejection registered with her.

And as I walked further for her, I didn't realize that her gaze was fixated on my back.

Her eyes became dark and her smile disappeared.

It was as if, she had changed into an entirely different person.

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