American: Native Empire

Chapter 96: Moving.

Chapter 96: Moving.

The chiefs hunch was right.

As soon as the news about the capital relocation was announced, the empire was turned upside down.

What? The current capital is already livable enough Why do they want to move the capital to that barren countryside?

I heard that the north has less disasters.

Maybe so, but you have to see it for yourself.

His Majesty said it himself, so it must be true.

Hmm. Even so, moving to the north for that reason alone is not right.

Most of the imperial citizens had never heard of the fact that the northern region was safer from natural disasters.

They had lived in the south for their whole lives.

But no matter how advantageous it was for the disaster problem The people, especially those who lived in and around the capital and major cities, reacted sensitively to the capital relocation.

If the capital moved, their living areas would become distant provinces, which was understandable.

On the other hand, those who wanted to live in the capital welcomed this news.

If I participate in the northern development, I can live in the future capital? Then I have to apply right away!

Countless imperial citizens had longed for it.

To live in the capital where Kim Kiwoo breathed.

But since the area of the capital was limited, they could not achieve their dreams.

In this situation, Kim Kiwoos proposal was very attractive to them.

Of course, they had to endure the cold that they had never experienced before in an undeveloped area, but the hope of living in the future capital led them to the northern development.

I wonder why His Majesty decided to move the capital at this time?

Everything His Majesty has done so far had a reason, right?

Those who gave meaning to everything Kim Kiwoo did also wondered about the relocation of the capital.

And they came to one conclusion.

Could it be that a huge disaster will hit the southern region, including the capital, soon?

Thats right, thats it! A calamity that we have never experienced will sweep over the capital soon!

They believed that Kim Kiwoo had detected a huge-scale disaster with his amazing insight.

And this belief quickly spread to ordinary imperial citizens.

The rumor grew bigger and bigger as it followed one after another.

And it became more exaggerated and serious.

We have to flee! If we dont leave here with His Majesty, we will surely face a great calamity!

As this ominous rumor swept through the empire once, the anxiety of the imperial citizens increased.

But Kim Kiwoo did not suppress this rumor early.

He didnt know what kind of disaster would hit the southern region near the capital at this time.

I cant give a definitive answer if Im not sure.

The rumor was not true, and he thought that a disaster as big as they imagined would not happen. 

But what if he said so and a huge disaster actually occurred?

It could damage his image that he had built up with great care.

Besides, this rumor was not a hindrance to what Kim Kiwoo wanted to do either.

So Kim Kiwoo did not give any answer to this ominous rumor.

Then this ominous rumor gained more strength.

Look! His Majesty doesnt deny it either!

The imperial citizens thought that Kim Kiwoos silence was an implicit agreement.

Damn. Im going to go north!

Yeah. Its much better to move north first and get a residence permit for the future capital than to stay here and lose your life in a big calamity!

Of course, there were still many imperial citizens who were reluctant to leave the warm south, but the number of people who wanted to move north increased incomparably compared to before.


While the empire was noisy with this news, the meeting continued.

The capital relocation was a sensitive issue, so many opinions came out, but in the end Kim Kiwoos will prevailed again.

Then Ill confirm moving the capital to the north.

As His Majesty wishes!

There was a lot of pain before this decision was made, but it was supported by the surge of people who wanted to migrate to the north because of the rumors.

Ha ha. I guess even bad rumors can be helpful sometimes.

It was not what Kim Kiwoo had intended.

But the process did not matter much, did it? 

He was satisfied with the good outcome.

After that, a large-scale investigation of the northern region began.

There was some information already, as the northern exploration had been going on for a long time, but it was not enough to be satisfied with.

I have to be more careful. The imperial capital will surely become the center of the world.

If industrialization continued like this, it would exert more powerful influence than the United States before the advent.

Of course, he did not intend to stay still in the meantime.

I will recruit people who want to explore the north from now on.

The capital had not been decided yet, but he had to do some groundwork before that.

The most important thing was to create an industrial zone in the north.

That way, he could easily supply the raw materials needed for city construction.

As soon as the northern exploration began in earnest, the applications of those who wanted to migrate to the north poured out like crazy.

Kim Kiwoo was slightly surprised by this.

Are these all people who want to go to the north?

Yes, Your Majesty.

It used to be a problem that no one wanted to go to the northern industrial zone, but now it was a problem that there were too many applicants.

Kim Kiwoo immediately called the Minister of Internal Affairs.

Did you call me?

Um, yes.

Kim Kiwoo looked at the Minister of Internal Affairs who sat down.

The Red Wolf had not been in charge of internal affairs for long, but he looked several years older.

It could not be helped.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs was like a battlefield now, as they had to arrange the budget for the capital relocation.

But it was inevitable.

That was the sorrow of the department that managed the national finances.

I need to reorganize the administrative system when this turbulent period is over.

Now one department handled many fields, but it had reached its limit.

He needed to divide and specialize the departments more.

But he did not have enough energy to worry about that until industrialization, medicine, biology, and the rapid changes and development of imperial society were over.

Kim Kiwoo put aside his thoughts and started a conversation with the Minister of Internal Affairs.

As you know, there are too many people who want to explore the north. Is it possible to maintain them with our current financial situation?

It depends on the conditions.


Kim Kiwoo realized what he meant.

Do you mean the wages given to the northern explorers?

Yes. As you know, they are currently receiving excessively high wages compared to the average.

Kim Kiwoo nodded at that.

If not, they would not have wanted to go in the first place

Thanks to his efforts so far, quite a lot of people had been dispatched for the construction of the northern industrial zone.

And they were guaranteed high wages as he had discussed with the Minister of Industry before.

Otherwise, they would not have wanted to endure the cold that was unfamiliar to them and go to barren land.

I had to do that back then. But I cant do that anymore.

What do you mean

I mean I wont pay more wages under the pretext of exploring the north. Of course, those who are already exploring the north with high wages are exceptions.

But then there will surely be complaints.

How could there be such a difference in wages for doing the same work?

There was bound to be some noise.

Of course, there has to be a deadline. Im planning to pay them for the agreed period, and then let them choose what they want to do afterwards. Whether they want to return to the south, or stay in the north. If they choose the former, they can earn some money and come back. If they choose the latter, they will be granted residency rights.

Kim Kiwoo thought that this was a fair offer for those who were currently in the north.

It was not an easy task to build an industrial zone in a barren area, even if he paid them a lot of money.

Anyway, the budget wont be shaken by the people who are in the north right now, right?

Thats right. As long as the wages of the imperial citizens who go to the north are similar to those in the south The budget wont collapse. But it will certainly reduce our financial leeway.

That cant be helped.

At present, the government of the Wakan Tanka Empire had a tight grip on the continents wealth.

The scale and business areas of the giant corporations had also grown day by day, but they were nothing compared to the governments projects.

The government had monopolized most of the iron and raw material production, and most of the imperial-made industrial products were produced in state-owned factories.

However, the budget was continuously spent on civil engineering, welfare for childbirth and education, and recently on things like steam engines and vaccines.

And now, he was planning to pour a huge amount of money into the northern development.

The labor costs for the immigrants, as well as the transportation costs for food and goods, were daunting.

But it will get better soon.

Thanks to the hot anvil, the foundation for mass production using steam engines was gradually being established.

That meant that over time, the national budget would improve, and the raw material prices would drop.

After that, Kim Kiwoo and the Minister of Internal Affairs continued to have a long discussion about the budget allocation for the northern development.


The various corporations had been busy since the relocation of the capital was confirmed.

If they failed to cope properly with such a huge event as the change of capital, they could be eliminated from the competition with other corporations.

It smells like money. A strong smell of money!

And many merchants eagerly looked for opportunities to make more money.

As always, they thought that there would be a chance to make a fortune depending on the governments policy.

And this soon came true.

The first measure that Kim Kiwoo took was food transportation to the north.

I have to secure enough food first.

He could get most other things locally, but not food.

He could achieve some self-sufficiency, but not enough to sustain an unprecedented large-scale migration.

Kim Kiwoo ordered food transportation to the northern industrial zone and other development sites, even at a high cost.

Thats how food gradually piled up in the north.

And when time passed and the weather warmed up, the migration to the north finally began.

Please take good care of yourself in the north.

Yes. I will do my best.

There were countless farewells in many regions.

The scale was unprecedented in Wakan Tanka continent.

It could be described as a national migration.

As a result, for a while, the administrative capacity of the empire was concentrated on escorting and managing them.

Thats how many people set foot on unfamiliar land.

Huh, really. I heard it from words, but its really underdeveloped.

I miss home already.

The immigrants were stunned by the scenery they saw as they headed north.

Most of the north was either preserved in its natural state or undeveloped.

For those who had enjoyed the benefits of civilization, it was a sight that made them sigh involuntarily.

But it was their own choice to go to the north, so they pushed back their anxiety and moved towards their destination.

Everything that has a beginning has an end.

The first immigrants finally arrived at their destination.

Hmm Are those supposed to be houses?

What they saw when they arrived at the northern industrial zone under construction were shabby houses built temporarily.

They were built by stopping the construction of the industrial complex for the sake of immigrants.

The immigrants sensed it.

They would have a hard life for a while.

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