American: Native Empire

Chapter 94: The Death of a Friend.

Chapter 94: The Death of a Friend.

Tsk tsk.

Kim Kiwoo clicked his tongue inwardly.

The face of the man in front of him had become so haggard that it was incomparable to the first time he saw him.

How are you feeling?

Yes, Your Majesty. Im fine.

The voice of the industrial director, Black Feather, was weak.

You dont have to rush things, you know. Youre not young anymore.

Ill keep that in mind, Your Majesty.


He answered promptly, but Kim Kiwoo did not believe Black Feathers words.

Recently, the health of the industrial director had deteriorated rapidly and Black Feather had taken over his position.

Black Feather was a bit different from the previous industrial directors.

Of course, he must have studied hard about the empires industry as an industrial director, but he had never experienced the field in his life.

The route to becoming an industrial director had been like this until now.

First, they achieved great achievements in the field.

Then, they entered the industrial department and learned the practical skills.

One of them would become the industrial director.

But Black Feather had entered the industrial department as soon as he became an adult and spent his whole life learning only the practical skills.

Thanks to that, there was a lot of opposition.

At the meeting to appoint the next industrial director.

There were many voices opposing Black Feathers appointment as the industrial director.

The reason was that the industrial director should be someone who had been verified enough in the field.

Of course, because of Black Feathers unparalleled practical skills, he eventually got the position of the next industrial director.

Black Feather had quickly grasped the work after becoming an industrial director.

If it had been normal times, he would have easily settled into his role as an industrial director.

But now is a special time.

There were signs of this before Black Feather became an industrial director.

The workload of the industrial department had suddenly increased.

But looking back on it now, that was just a drop in the bucket.

The real start was from around the time when Black Feather started working.

The cause was very clear.

The explosive increase in steel production.

This was what made the industrial department struggle with hellish work.

The management of steam engines and various steel products was mostly done by the industrial department.

It was also the industrial department that distributed these major products to various factories, universities, research institutes, and so on.

Moreover, due to the hot anvil, more and more precise steel products were made, and as a boom occurred in the industry, many new factories and research institutes emerged and the industrial department became busier day by day.

The problem was not over yet.

And that was why the industrial director came to Kim Kiwoos office in person despite being busy without a moments rest.

Kim Kiwoo organized his thoughts and opened his mouth.

Ive seen the report. The construction of the northern industrial complex is sluggish, right?

Yes. Of course, compared to before, the north of the mainland has developed a lot, but people in the empire dont want to go up there.


As the population exploded, people with adventurous spirit in the empire steadily pioneered the north.

For this purpose, Kim Kiwoo had worked hard to make ondol (floor heating system) from the palace research complex in the past.

But there were only a limited number of people who wanted to go to the north.

The biggest problem was that the north was too backward.

In the north, everything that can be enjoyed in the cities of the empire is limited.

There was no hope for sewerage facilities that were already laid out like spider webs, and things that could be easily found in cities were very hard to find in the north.

Simply put, it was almost like looking at a third world country from a developed countrys perspective.

Its not looking good. He hasnt regained consciousness yet.

I have to see him myself. Get ready quickly.


As he headed to where his old friend was being treated, Kim Kiwoos mind was in turmoil.

He knew this day would come someday.

With the current technology, there was no way to extend his lifespan. 

The death of his old friend, who was already old and frail, was inevitable.

But when his longtime companion and family, the closest person to him besides his family, was facing death, he felt numb.

Meanwhile, Kim Kiwoo arrived at the place where his old friend had collapsed.

Your Majesty!

Kim Kiwoos sudden visit caused a strong reaction from the direct family members of his old friend who were guarding the place.

Kim Kiwoo raised his hand to show them that he would skip the formalities.

And he looked straight at the bed.


On the bed, an old man who looked like he was about to die was breathing quietly.

If it werent for the blanket that moved periodically, he would have mistaken him for dead. His breathing was so weak.

Huff, huff.

Kim Kiwoo walked straight to his old friends bed.

Then the family members each gave way to him.

And Kim Kiwoo held his old friends wrinkled hand with both hands.

Was it because of poor blood circulation?

His old friends hand was cold.

That coldness made Kim Kiwoos chest feel chilly.

Open your eyes, my friend. How can you leave without saying a word?

Kim Kiwoo murmured softly as he rubbed his hand.

Then something surprising happened.


As if he had heard Kim Kiwoos words, his old friends thumb twitched, and then his eyelids slowly opened.

Are you awake?

Your Majesty

Yes. Its me.


As soon as Kim Kiwoo finished speaking, tears flowed from his old friends eyes.

Kim Kiwoos eyes also became moist at the sight.

It didnt take long.

His old friend, who looked like he had trouble speaking, gradually regained his color.

Dont strain yourself.

Kim Kiwoo knew at a glance.

It was similar to what they called the last glow before death.

But his old friend didnt seem to care.

He looked around at his family and said,

Everyone, go out. I want to talk to His Majesty.

No. You should spend time with your family.

No, please. Have a comfortable conversation.

Kim Kiwoo tried to dissuade him, but as soon as his eldest son spoke, all the family members left the room.


Judging by his condition, this might be their last conversation, so Kim Kiwoo felt sorry for his friends family.

But his old friend didnt seem to mind.

He shed tears again and said in a trembling voice,

I wanted to serve you longer and longer Im really sorry

Kim Kiwoo wiped his tears with a handkerchief and opened his mouth.

Dont blame yourself. Its thanks to you that the Wakan Tanka Empire is what it is today. Youve worked really hard until now.

Your Majesty

Kim Kiwoos voice was filled with deep sincerity.

The Straight Tree felt greatly moved by his words.

The Straight Tree then expressed his gratitude to Kim Kiwoo for everything he had done for him.

But as time passed, the Straight Trees complexion worsened.

The shadow of death was slowly creeping over him.

The Straight Tree sensed his condition and spoke out the words he had kept in his heart.

I know very well that Your Majesty has been troubled lately.

Having watched Kim Kiwoo closely for his whole life, the Straight Tree could feel it too well.

The fact that Kim Kiwoos inner conflict had intensified recently.

The Straight Tree continued.

I do not know what it is, as a humble servant. But, as Your Majestys loyal subordinate, I would like to offer you some advice. Will you allow me?

Speak your mind.

Do not hesitate to do what you think is right, Your Majesty. Even if it provokes the opposition of many people, most of the imperial citizens will always trust and follow you.

Kim Kiwoo opened his eyes wide and gave a bitter laugh.

Haha. I cant escape your eyes, can I? Very well. I should listen to the words of my friend.

Kim Kiwoo felt a sense of clarity in his head that had been dizzy for a while.

But soon, the time given to the Straight Tree came to an end.

Kim Kiwoo did not let go of the Straight Trees hand and looked silently into his eyes.

And the Straight Trees last words followed.

I was truly happy to serve you, Your Majesty

With those words, the Straight Trees head drooped down.

It was the moment when a huge star that had built the current Wakan Tanka Empire with Kim Kiwoo went out.

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