American: Native Empire

Chapter 111: Railroad Operation Rights.

Chapter 111: Railroad Operation Rights.


What am I seeing right now?

The first steam locomotive experiment running on the railroad was witnessed by many people.

It was because of the symbolism of Sharp Teeths research that it received a lot of spotlight, and it was natural since the space was so open.

And everyone who saw it was shocked.


Even those who were near the railroad fell to their knees in fear, thinking that the steam locomotive was coming at them.

How can that iron lump move by itself?

I know steam engines are amazing, but is this even possible?

Most of the people who gathered here were craftsmen, since the area near Sharp Teeths research place was Black Sky, and even if they were not, they were people who were friendly to industry.

But on land, not on sea, most people could not even imagine a huge steam locomotive moving forward like this.

At least steamships had something similar to ships, but steam locomotives had nothing like that.

As a result, after this day, at least in Black Sky, steam locomotives became a hot issue.


After that, Sharp Teeth and the researchers repeated numerous experiments and fixed the defects little by little.

They became more motivated after hearing the news that Kim Ki-woo would visit soon for the opening ceremony.

His Majesty is coming all this way to see this steam locomotive.

Huh. Is the steam locomotive really that great?

Cant you tell by looking at it? I think its enough to understand.

The news of Kim Ki-woos visit increased the curiosity about the steam locomotive.

As a result, as the experiments continued, more and more spectators increased.

Even people who lived far away from Black Sky started to come.

And merchants did not miss this opportunity.

Every merchant group of decent size sent their representatives without fail.

Some even took time out of their busy schedules and came personally, and Yellow Footsteps was one of them.

I didnt expect the famous Flame Merchant Groups leader to come in person. Is Flame Merchant Group also interested in that steam locomotive?

Well, Im just passing by on my way back to the capital.

Haha. I see.

Yellow Footsteps was quite a celebrity in the empire.

He had made a great contribution to raising Lightning Merchant Group to the top rank in the country at a young age, and he left Lightning Merchant Group and created his own merchant group, which he grew into a giant one in a short time.

He had a lot of talk because of his tobacco business, but there was no merchant who disparaged his ability and insight.

Thats why the merchants showed interest when he came here in person.

Of course, Yellow Footsteps didnt care much about the surrounding eyes.

His attention was all focused on the railroad that stretched out coolly and the steam locomotive that sat heavily on it.

If the rumor is true

Then that railroad would surely cause a paradigm shift in the current upper world.

Change is an opportunity.

No matter how well a merchant house did, if it fell behind the current, it would be overtaken by the latecomers.

That was the cold reality.

On the other hand, this meant a golden opportunity to surpass the merchant houses that were bigger than his own.

The Firework Merchant House that Yellow Footsteps created was already big enough to be counted among the giant merchant houses.

But he was not satisfied with that.

His goal was to become the owner of the empires best merchant house!

He wanted to surpass the Lightning Merchant House or the Gale Merchant House and become the leader of the upper world.

And Yellow Footsteps smelled a thick scent of money from the steam locomotive he had received a report on.

While he was thinking about this and that.

Finally, the performance test of the steam locomotive began.


Its moving!


As the people who gathered around said, the steam locomotive moved forward with a loud noise.

Everyone, stay away from the railroad!

Dont come near!

There was a commotion as the personnel from the Security Agency stopped people from approaching the railroad.

But Yellow Footsteps eyes were fixed on the steam locomotive that was gradually gaining speed.

He nodded unconsciously.

Its certain. The steam locomotive will change the world.

He had guessed it before he came here, but as soon as he witnessed the steam locomotive, he was sure of it.

I think I know why they are experimenting here, not near the capital.

He saw through Kim Kiwoos intention to transport minerals, especially coal, as a priority.

His mind was spinning fast.

If the railroad is laid from the coal mine to the river, the price of coal will be very cheap.

Yellow Footsteps thought exactly the same as Kim Kiwoo.

That all products costs would drop drastically.

Even steamships, which were questionable in terms of practicality, will become economical.

Steamships were constantly being improved, but there were still many merchants who doubted them.

Steamships were certainly much faster than sailing ships.

However, they ate up too much coal, so they were not sure if they could be popularized.

Yellow Footsteps had also thought it was premature, but his mind changed after seeing the steam locomotive.

If the price of coal went down, it would be sooner for operating steamships to be profitable.

The same would apply to coal used in steam locomotives.

His eyes sparkled like stars as he planned.


After countless experiments, the day of the opening ceremony of the steam locomotive dawned.

And Kim Kiwoo came to the opening ceremony site as planned.

Good. Very good.

Kim Kiwoo couldnt hide his smile as he watched the steam locomotive filled with coal in its cargo car run along the railroad.

Unlike before he arrived, they had already made a railroad with steel, so there was no disaster caused by damage to the railroad.

It can be deployed to the site right away.

Haha. I think so too. I hope you keep an eye on it as an industrial director.

Yes. I will do my best.

Im counting on you.

Kim Kiwoo encouraged the industrial director.

At that moment,

The inner minister whispered to Kim Kiwoo.

Your Majesty. The Yellow Footprint has arrived.

Is that so? Please guide him this way.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Kim Kiwoo had already planned to meet the Yellow Footprint before he came to the opening ceremony.

He had heard of the Yellow Footprints achievements and wanted to meet him once, so he agreed to his request to see him at the ceremony.

Soon, the Yellow Footprint approached Kim Kiwoo with the guidance of the inner minister.

Greetings to the great emperor of the Wakan Tanka Empire!

Nice to meet you, Yellow Footprint.

It is an honor that you call me by my name, Your Majesty.

Haha. I have known you well since you led the sugar business. Its a pity about the bank incident.

It was my fault for not understanding your intentions, Your Majesty.

The Yellow Footprint said calmly.

At that time, he felt bitter about Kim Kiwoo, who had blocked his masterstroke, but it was already a thing of the past.

Besides, he knew Kim Kiwoos intentions, so he understood them well.

Well. What is the reason why you wanted to see me?

As a direct question popped out, the Yellow Footprint cautiously opened his mouth.

I am confident that steam engines will change the economy and lifestyle of the empire completely. Heavy raw materials will be easily transported to their destinations, and people will be able to travel quickly to distant places by riding steam engines.

Haha. You and I think alike. I also think so.

But this is only possible after enough railways are laid on the mainland, isnt it?

I suppose so.

The Yellow Footprints voice became more subtle.

Your Majesty, I would like to help with the popularization of steam engines, even if it is a little bit.


As expected.

He had expected it somewhat since he wanted to see him at the opening ceremony.

There would be many people who were still hesitant, but railways were a lucrative business.

He thought that the Yellow Footprint, who had an excellent eye for business, might be interested in railway projects.

And this expectation was right.

How do you want to help?

Our Flame Merchant Group has a short history, but we have made a lot of money from various businesses, including tobacco. If you allow me, I would like to lay railways with this fund.

Your merchant group doesnt have the technology to lay railways and make steam engines, does it?

If you transfer the technology to us, we will pay the patent fees faithfully.


Kim Kiwoo stroked his chin and thought.

It would be nice if railways could grow faster.

From Kim Kiwoos point of view, he wanted railways to expand quickly.

These industrial projects would eventually lead to the development of the empire.

In this respect, the Yellow Footprint could be a good partner.

The Yellow Footprints outstanding business skills were very famous in the upper class, and if he joined the railway project, there would be quite a few merchant groups following him.

But since it was an industrial project, he had to leave a clear precedent.

If he gave too much power carelessly, he could suffer from headaches later.

Thats a good idea. But as you know, you cant lay railways in the empire without my permission.

The land of the empire belonged to the state.

In the end, he had to get permission to lay railways.

Kim Kiwoo continued his words.

If you accept two conditions, I will grant your wish.

Please tell me your commands.

First, do not charge more than the fare of the future national railway.

The face of the Yellow Footsteps hardened.

It was a very unfavorable condition from the first one.

You dont have to worry too much. I have no intention of running the railway at a loss.


Let me tell you in advance, dont try to negotiate with me. Just accept it or reject it. Thats all Im saying.

Kim Ki-woo cut off his words firmly.

Of course, it would have been great if the private capitalists had laid the railway themselves.

But anyway, the railway business was a goose that laid golden eggs.

It would take a long time, but it was not bad for the government to monopolize the railway business.

Kim Ki-woo was determined not to let this happen.

What do you think? Will you accept both conditions?

Even with Kim Ki-woos question, the Yellow Footsteps could not answer immediately.

If he accepted this, his plan to grab both wealth and power would be ruined.

He is indeed a formidable person. Its as if he can see through my thoughts.

Thanks to him, the best option was gone.

But he is not a liar The railway will surely make money.

It was very attractive to have a stable source of income.

After a long deliberation, the Yellow Footsteps finally made a decision.

I will accept all of your conditions.

Good thinking. Well do the detailed contract after we return to the capital.

I understand.

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