All Stat Slayer

Chapter 28: (1): Season 1: Preparation

Chapter 28: (1): Season 1: Preparation


This novel is a work of fiction. While real place names such as Seoul, Gyeonggi Province, and Gangwon Province are mentioned, the majority of the content is fictional. The names of mountains where monsters appear and other locations are mostly fictional as well.


The most challenging aspect of dealing with monsters was their shield. Shields possessed significant resistance to the physical force of modern weapons, making it nearly impossible to deplete their gauge with ordinary attacks. That was the crux of the problem.

In the case of the Cyclops that appeared in Hwaeumsan Mountain, Gyeonggi Province, its resilience was so tremendous that it didnt even flinch at rocket attacks from helicopters. Furthermore, its leaping ability was beyond imagination, causing unfortunate incidents where helicopters crashed while attempting a close approach. People began speculating that the Cyclops was a monster surpassing the standards of normal mode. Modern weapons could somehow inflict damage on monsters in normal mode, as long as firepower equivalent to heavy machine guns or greater was poured onto them. However, rockets proved futile against the Cyclops. Some cautiously hypothesized that weapons of the modern era might be entirely useless against monsters of a higher caliber than normal mode.

With helicopter attacks rendered futile, the remaining option was to mobilize fighter jets, but that too was far from easy. Hwaeumsan was a terrain characterized by towering, sturdy trees and dense thickets. It wasnt easy to intercept with missiles, and even detonating at night wasnt a preferable choice. A forest fire could potentially result in greater damage than that caused by the Cyclops.

Hyun-seok muttered, Fortunately, this creature doesnt display abnormal patterns.

Sometimes there were monsters that exhibited abnormal patterns. One such creature was the Twin-headed Orc that IUET had encountered before. It kept approaching the village, preventing IUET from properly retreating or engaging in combat.

Fortunately, it was determined that creatures like Cyclops had a tendency to stay within the vicinity of Mount Hwaeumsan. Despite their seemingly aimless wandering, they didnt pose a threat as long as they were not approached.

The numerical evaluation is inconceivable

Currently, many Slayers had entered Normal Mode. However, that creature seemed to be a monster that deviated from the expectations of Normal Mode. There was an occasion when a video aired showing the Cyclops fighting against a helicopter, and Hyun-seok also felt a tingling thrill. Judging from its fighting prowess and strength, one could roughly estimate its power. But that creature was truly formidable, surpassing what one would expect from Normal Mode. This wasnt a mere thought but a firm conviction. Its immense leaping ability, the power to tear a helicopter apart like tissue paper, its incredible speed, and even an astonishing shieldit was a creature that had no place in Normal Mode.

In fact, even the top-tier Slayers in Korea werent daring to challenge it. Of course, challenges were exciting. The wealth, reputation, and honor gained through them were undoubtedly enticing. However, all of those things would only matter if one survived.

Determining its magical power level was impossible. Even observing its strength was difficult using a Combat dummy. Approaching the target itself was dangerous due to its incredible speed.

Ultimately, there had to be a more accurate means of assessing its strength, but currently, no such method existed. The best course of action was to avoid provoking that monster. Both Min-seo and Jong-won, who loved slaying monsters, didnt even urge to engage in this one. Such was the danger it posed.


Deep within his heart, there exists a desire to capture that thing, albeit a minuscule desire confined to a small corner. Its truly remarkable that such a desire has emerged at all.

And so, on one fateful day, Cyclops suddenly vanished without a trace. People felt a sense of relief, as they meticulously searched the vicinity of Hwaeumsan Mountain only to find it completely gone. It appeared out of nowhere, and just as abruptly disappeared.

Min-seo is currently a third-year high school student. She diligently studies, following Hyun-seoks advice. When shes lucky enough to encounter a small monster, she quickly activates the battlefield and studies using her increased intelligence stat. Apparently, its quite effective. Although its best when dealing with daily life monsters, she must mentally prepare herself to extract blood when facing mosquito monsters. Nevertheless, she is an exemplary student who studies diligently and happens to be the only Slayer in Wonju High School.

While the number of Slayers is gradually increasing, the awakened Slayers account for only about 0.01 to 0.02 percent of the total population. Therefore, Min-seo enjoyed great popularity within the school. Slayers were regarded as objects of admiration by ordinary people, especially among teenagers. And among them, she could be considered a romantic figure for boys. She was always popular, but now even more so.

The problem lies in Min-seos high standards. Since childhood, she has regarded Hyun-seok as her role model. For Min-seo, Hyun-seok was not just an older brother figure but more like a guardian, someone she almost idolized. The image of Hyun-seok in her mind has become infinitely grand, so much so that it would be hard for an average man to even look at.

Min-seo turned and said,

It seems you have no interest in romance either.

Interest is not completely absent. Min-seo is 19 years old, an age when she wants to experience love. However, she dislikes you. You dont meet the qualifications. Thats why she claims to have no interest in dating. As Min-seo kicked away one boy, he fell to the ground and Min-seo felt a sudden pang of guilt, tilting her head slightly in apology. She thought to herself,

Isnt there someone like an older brother for me?

Even though she possessed incredible abilities at this moment, she never flaunted them or looked down on others. She always maintained humility and courtesy, a trait not commonly found among the teenagers around her. In Min-seos presence, other boys her age always tried their best to appear impressive, often exhibiting behavior similar to showing off, which she despised the most. She preferred modesty and good manners over bravado or boasting.

Rather than words, she appreciated actions that were solid and unassuming, silently supporting her from behind, occasionally providing inspiration and amusement without being frivolous. That kind of man, strong yet gentle, was Min-seos ideal, but it was a rare occurrence among teenagers to find such a mature individual. Her standards had unnecessarily risen due to having Hyun-seok as an older brother figure.

The classroom had become noisy today, filled with discussions about whether Min-seo would accept or reject confessions. Eventually, Min-seo remained a selective solo once again. However, sirens began to blare. At first, no one paid much attention to the sound. Most people didnt bother much with civil defense drills either. Who would be concerned about a slightly louder siren?

But then, the situation took an ominous turn.

The teachers started moving hastily. Wonju High School had an underground auditorium, and they began evacuating the entire student body there.

The physical education teacher, always carrying a whistle, raised his voice.

Maintain order and move slowly towards the underground auditorium!

Its not yet a dangerous situation, so dont panic and move slowly!

Despite speaking in such a manner, the leading teachers appeared even more bewildered. The students, who followed along while complaining about not understanding what was going on, were at a level of annoyance. However, news spread.

Hey, guess what! A Cyclops appeared near the terminal!

A Cyclops? That cant be true! You mean that one from back then!

The enormous monster that appeared in Gyeonggi Province? They say it disappeared on its own!

In an instant, the underground hideout became abuzz with excitement. This place and Wonju Terminal were approximately 1km apart in a straight line. Although it might seem like a long distance, considering the speed of the Cyclops, it was a reachable distance in no time. Monsters naturally held a great animosity towards humans, so staying inconspicuous was the best option at present.

Amazing! The Wonju Air Force Squadron has deployed fighter jets!

Indeed, fighter jets were scrambled. To prove the statement,

A thunderous roar erupted. Despite being inside the underground hideout, the deafening sound of the fighter jet engines reached their ears, as if thunder was striking. It seemed as though they were conducting low-altitude flights.

This is insane. Hey, look at this. Fighter jets are really here.

No matter how strong the monster is, wouldnt it be over with a machine gun? If fighter jets are here, its game over.

Hey, still, rockets were useless against the Cyclops, remember? Dont you watch the news?

Well, if fighter jets are here, somehow it will work out.

Thats true.

The students, without fully grasping the seriousness of the situation, laughed and cheered while looking at their smartphones. However, with a little thought, it was clear that this was by no means a simple problem.

Normally, it was possible to hunt monsters using intermediate weapons. But fighter jets had appeared. Moreover, they were in Wonju Terminal, not some open field. Wonju Terminal was in an urban area. Surely there were many people and numerous buildings.

Conducting combat utilizing fighter jets in an urban area, not even helicopters? This was definitely not a straightforward matter.

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