All-rounder Artist

Chapter 261 - 245: Gourmet Comics_1

Chapter 261: Chapter 245: Gourmet Comics_1

“August 25.

Inside Shadow’s studio.

Jin Mu said to Lin Yuan, “The Tribe wants to conduct an interview with comic artists who are about to publish their works on the new website. The idea is a bit of promotion for their new works. You don’t have to show up in person, it’s just a text-based interview. Are you willing?”


Lin Yuan answered.

Jin Mu nodded, and soon after, a Tribe Comics’ editor added Lin Yuan’s Shadow account on their contact list.

The editor was very polite, “We have already discussed with Teacher Shadow’s manager, can the interview be started now?”

Shadow: “Yep.”

Editor: “I’m also a fan of ‘King of the Net’, and I’m really reluctant to see it end.

But I’m looking forward to your upcoming comic. Can you reveal some information about the new comic to your fans?”

Shadow: “The new comic is called ‘Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma’, and it’s a food-themed comic.”

Editor: “Just hearing about it makes me hungry! We know that ‘King of the Net’ is a work by novelist Chu Kuang. So, is the story of the new comic created by Teacher Shadow yourself?”

Shadow: “Yes.”

Editor: “Is writing your own story for the first time stressful?”

Shadow: “Not really.”

Editor: “Teacher Shadow, you are very confident. As our website is newly founded, what are your expectations for the performance of your new work?”

The interview lasted about fifteen minutes.

The editor’s questions were all standard ones, so it didn’t take too much effort for Lin Yuan to answer.

But then the editor started to gossip, “[Mischievous]Actually, I have a personal question. What is your gender, Teacher Shadow?”

Shadow: “Male.”

Editor: “Gossip one more time, absolutely the last one, you seem to have a good relationship with Admirable Fish and Chu Kuang. What are their genders?”

Shadow: “That’s two questions.”

Editor: “Ha ha ha, sorry sorry[Cute].”

Shadow: “Both male.”

Editor: “Successful gossip[Grin]! Thank you for your answers, Teacher Shadow. It’s a buy one, get one free, n(*^*)n!”

Shadow: “Why buy, you clearly didn’t pay.”

Editor stammered for a few seconds before replying, “…Teacher Shadow has quite a sense of humor.”

Shadow: “My friends say the same thing.”

Twenty minutes in.

The text interview finally ended.

Jin Mu took a look and confirmed that there were no issues, then nodded, “The interview will be published tonight. Other comic writers also have text interviews.”

Lin Yuan nodded.

He didn’t take this to heart.

However, Lin Yuan underestimated the gossipy nature of netizens.

That night.

As the interviews with the comic artists appeared online, the comment section in Admirable Fish and Chu Kuang’s Tribe became lively:

“I knew it, the three of them are together!”

“So, all three are boys-”

“Actually, it’s not too surprising. Although Chu Kuang’s writing style varies, he always seems to be a man.”

“I wasn’t sure about Admirable Fish’s gender before because he has a song with lyrics written from a female’s perspective. Now I get it, Admirable Fish has the heart of a young girl.”

“The three of them are indeed good bros!”

“Congratulations to Teacher Shadow on the success of his new work. If not, he might be left behind by Admirable Fish and Chu Kuang.”

“The underdog needs to keep going!”

Many fans don’t really understand comics, so they mostly tease.

For these people, the most significant value of this interview is revealing Admirable Fish and Chu Kuang’s genders.

However, the same interview, viewed by some industry insiders, actually sparked a different reaction.

“Shadow is going for a self-created comic?”

“Isn’t he a pure artist?”

“Looks like another comic artist who is not content with being a pure artist.

Every pure artist seems to have the idea of individual creation…”

“Isn’t the focus food?”

“If Shadow’s new work is not on food, I think his new comic might have a glimmer of hope. But the food-themed comic killed 99% of the suspense!”

“Yeah, why choose food?”

“The food-themed comic was once very popular, but now no one is interested in it. Simply put, this theme is out of date.”

“I suggest Shadow continue to work with Chu Kuang, or it would be a waste of a very impressive pure artist.”

It’s not just the industry insiders who find this unconvincing, even Shadow’s fans are a little stunned upon learning that Shadow wants to go for an original creation.


“Does Teacher Shadow not want to be a pure artist anymore?”

“I think being a pure artist is quite nice. You can focus more energy on drawing and leave the story to the scriptwriter…”

“Wake up, Teacher Shadow, food is out of date!”

“Absolutely. If Teacher Shadow insists on creating his own original, why not go for a sports theme?”

“Strongly suggest going with the sports genre!”

“In the field of comics, sports still have some potential and ‘King of the Net’ has proven that Teacher Shadow is best at it.”

“Though I’m not optimistic, I will try my best to support Teacher Shadow.” “I’ve seen comics drawn by original artists before, there’s no doubt about their drawing style, yet the story is a bit lackluster.”

Both industry insiders and Shadow’s fans don’t care about the gossip about Admirable Fish and Chu Kuang. They all care about Shadow’s new work.


Finding out that Shadow’s new work is actually going along the original creation line, and even choosing the food theme, many fans felt a bucket of cold water being poured on them.

It’s not Shadow’s problem.

Many pure artists tried to go for original creation before Shadow, but most of them failed.

Of course, nothing is absolute.

There are also those who didn’t fail while going along the original creation line, but their works’ popularity can’t be compared to when they were pure artists!

‘King of the Net’ is the most popular comic on Tribe!

It’s going to be tough for Shadow to achieve the same height with his original creation. Let alone the fact that he has chosen food, which is relatively less popular in the market.

However, clearly.

The outside world’s thoughts can’t affect Shadow’s resolution.

Even though many people posted comments under Shadow’s Tribe, it was useless.

On the other hand, Luo Wei, as Shadow’s assistant, was slowly changing her view on ‘Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma’


As ‘King of the Net’ came to an end.

Lin Yuan had already started on the creation of ‘Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma’ with Luo Wei!

The creative process was tough, and it was a time-consuming project. Because Lin Yuan intended to create a full-color comic this time! Only a full-color comic can showcase the characteristics of ‘Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma’!

What is glowing fried rice exactly?

How can grayscale lines make readers instinctively see how tempting the food in ‘Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma’ is?

In this process, Luo Wei was attracted by ‘Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma’. With the storyboard and story provided by Lin Yuan in clear sight, Luo Wei suddenly felt that this comic might set off a food trend!

Her passion for drawing seemed to be inspired by the delicious food in the story, and she worked even harder!

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