AK - The Alchemy Kingdom

Chapter 135: Welcome

Chapter 135: Welcome

Year 3, Winter, Third Month, First Week.

Master, I like the challenge, but staying here is a little Too much.

Oliver struggled to put on a pitiful expression. He had been extremely grateful to be accompanying Karl in this mission, it wouldnt be an exaggeration to say that he learned more on this month than in the past year, being able to monopolize his Masters attention was a big deal. Karl wanted to laugh at the situation, the boy was only three years younger than him, but he was acting like a spoiled child.

Its only for a few months and I already gave you a gift as compensation Are you willing to give it back?

How can I No way Ill stay

Karl didnt dwell on the boys actions and continued giving instructions to the magic operator, who would stay to help with the mining operation and in the Adventurers point. Oliver greatly surprised him by being the first disciple to grasp a Rune. Although he had been taught the easiest Rune (Sharpness), the boy was behind his peers in terms of energy and talent, so mastering the Rune first was impressive.

Since they had already installed the basic structure for the mining operation and A. Point was working just fine, Karls mission had been completed, and was finally time to return. A few days ago, Diana escorted the operator to the magic tunnel to get some reports from the CC. They were used to send daily reports, but to get a reply they had to go to the tunnel. Fortunately, she came back with only good news and a request for Karl to return as soon as possible. Apparently, they needed him to solve a problem. Though the report looked more like a designing order since they even sent the requirements for the tool.

So, it was time to go back. However, they couldnt leave this side of the mountains Alchemyless, so Oliver would stay until they sent a replacement. All that said, Karl wouldnt leave him behind without giving some benefits, so he taught the boy the Stimulus Rune, even though he just grasped his first Rune and not mastered it.

Karl would also use this opportunity to transport some of the materials they got from Keller to the Capital. Unfortunately, between him, Diana and Johann they couldnt take all. The rest of their team would stay here and keep things going until further notice. Of course, they would need to send more people back to help kick start all their plans.


Two weeks traveling on horseback isnt a pleasant experience, but once the trio reached the Path, all tiredness and pains disappeared. Surprisingly, their reception was a little more exciting than they were expecting. People cheered when they passed through the production section. Farmers, crafters, builders, basically everyone stopped their work and cheered for their return. As their lives improved, they started to find joy in everything that allowed them to express their freedom.

The Council reception, on the other hand, was much more pragmatical. They barely had time to refresh themselves before the Councils aides came for them. As soon as word of their arrival spread, the Councilors were summoned for an emergency meeting.

Ten minutes of questioning and hugs was the time Karls parents were given before the meeting officially started. Although some Councillors were in a hurry, they still allowed Karl to report everything that happened in the mission. Karl hadnt reported the information about the energy vein and the magma environment that he found in the Green Mountains, so when they heard about it, they almost forgot about their problems.

The discovery was surprising and fantastic, to put it simply, but didnt have an immediate impact on their plans. The only change was that they would have to treat the mountains with even more care since they could be an important strategic resource. Before, the place was already important because of the mine and their tunnel, but now, it had the potential to become an additional power source and an elemental environment under their control.

Even so, they had pressing matters to deal with. The deadline to start their monetary system and the other projects was actually set by themselves. However, they had already spread the word about the launching, so delaying it could put their abilities into question. Also, these organizational but also symbolic changes would help their citizens to finally get a sense of common life and strive to accomplish their dreams, thus strengthening their feeling of belonging to a nation.

So, we dont have enough crystal to establish our internal commerce and financial system...

Marlen decided to speak some thoughts about commerce and trade, as they were amongst her favorite subjects taught by the Democracy.

Initially, I was against using the crystals because they might be too valuable to be used as currency, and they already have an established market value in other countries. But, when Karl explained his idea, I changed my mind. Not only because of the practical value but because its an opportunity. For one crystal here the Kingdom has 200 copper coins, but so what? We just have to make one AK citizen worth for our country, more than 200 of their citizens are worth for them.

Although most didnt comprehend what she was saying, they got a general idea. It was all about how much value they could generate individually and as a group. Karl was pleased to see the other Councilors had similar thoughts for their Kingdom. If it was up to him, Alchemy would make up for their lack of numbers and everything else. Even if they couldnt match the other nations in terms of numbers, one day they would be able to stand tall despite it.

Fortunately, you mentioned the tool in your report, so I had the last two weeks to think about it. I already have a design in mind With the strength of the Alchemy Department, we should be able to complete it in two weeks

Karl didnt forget to blink at his mother, as he knew the idea of informing him ahead of time could only have come from her. The Councilors felt relieved after his statement, they all had things to arrange before Spring, but the currency problem driving them crazy. Before they could extract more details from Karl, he added:

With that out of the way, I propose we send a bigger group to the other side of the mountains Its impossible to maintain the operations there without enough hands. In my opinion, we should keep a group on the tunnel both to transfer our replies and organize the missions on the other side. Also, a team to set up the mining operation, and officially start continuos transportation between here and the tunnel.

The Councilors started to feel headaches coming, sending people outside wasnt easy, even though they planned for it. But, Karl wouldnt back down from it.

We might have escaped the Kingdom, but they still exist and they know were in the forest Its better to keep any possible engagements at the other side of the mountain than waiting for them to come here I dont think theyll attack us here, but what do we know? We also didnt think they would be on to us so fast, nor that the new Wind Lord would send someone to look for us.

Omero, who still had thoughts about fighting the Kingdom, decided to support Karl, discretely.

I agree with Karl At least we should keep an eye on the mountains since we found so many useful resources there.

So, who should we send?

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