Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 647: The conclusion of the duel (2)

Chapter 647: The conclusion of the duel (2)

The thunder and lightning under the sky also rains down. 

Only it did not rain down on Arial but instead it falls onto Varnikar body. Arial in that brief moment does not understand why Varnikar direct the lightning bolt toward his own body

But when his fourth move of the Dragon Palm collided with Varnikar palm that is shrouded with thunder and fire, he finally understood.

In that moment as Varnikar attracted the lightning bolt from the sky to strike him down, the power of the lightning bolt was directed to his palm. 

he became a conduit, a medium of the lightning to release itself.

And the target of that release is him.

The two palms collided. Even before it collided it causes the space around them to distort.

The space between them tears and breaks. 

The bank of the river exploded, sending the stream of water jetting into the sky like some exploding geyser of hot water. 

The clouds above them seems to shakes and almost opened up.

The entire bridge exploded, the dust rises with the water and those in the distance could not see clearly 

The thunder, the lightning, the explosion of dirt and the streams of water that jets upwards to the sky like an exploding geyser, all of this covers their vision

The soldiers on the wall who saw that these two warrior fighting like some reincarnated gods all tremble in their hearts.

Some even felt that they were lucky that they did not come down the wall and fight that old man. 

If that old man had been serious against them, this old man could easily have overwhelmed the walls and take over the outer city with him alone

That is how powerful Varnikar is. 

But even though the soldiers on the walls and on the gate had given up trying to see the battle, not everyone have stop trying

There are some other people in the outer city that have inner energy. Some have other methods to see far away.

And some have abilities like the Gifted of the tribes. But even then, they could barely see anything but chaos 

Their eyes could not see through the thunder and lightning. The explosion causes dust to rise up into the sky like some kind an all-enveloping smog.

Then there is the water of the stream. 

When the two palm collided, the shockwave generated from the impact of their palm spreads everywhere. And by everywhere it means everywhere as the clouds above seem to almost opened up.

And the force that went downward smash upon the calm stream water like a hammer smashing down onto fragile glass

Such impact and such power causes the stream water to be rebounded, the bottom of the stream depressed five feet deep and the water jettisoned to the air like some kind of water attack

And now it is falling down. But if the thunder and lightning arcs and the dust is not enough to block their eyes, then there is also the roaring and spreading fire. 

Varnikar combined the power of lightning and fire on his palm. the fact that he could manipulate the elements like that is shocking enough

But to combine two elements, two destructive elements that would have been burden to anyone else and use it as an attack, even the hidden Gifted looking at this battle could not help but think that the reputation of Varnikar as one of the strongest people in the Three Kingdoms is not in vain. 

Now the field around the battle area is ravaged by a roaring fire. The fire rose to the sky following the wild gust of wind that comes after the palm collided. 

The arcs of lightning slither around the scorched lands, spreading more destruction. It was like someone lit a fire on a fertile field.

Above, the clouds are dark and below fire is roaring. The scene is very. dismal and dark. But it also forms a contrast with the people inside the outer city

It is only the five kilometer radius of the battlefield that there are dark clouds, thunder roaring in the sky, lightning bolts striking the ground and ravaging fire scorching the lands.

But the area around the outer city is sunny, the breezy wind is unlike the harsh sharp winds that is below the dark clouds.

The soldiers from Eden was shocked to see such scene. They have never seen such battle that is full of magic like this

Clouds gathers, thunder roars and lightning strikes, dragon soars and the world trembles. 

The battle from the beginning have this odd charm of the mystical realm. 

Magic is not something that the Human Continent did not know. 

But it is rare to see it. And while in the Conquest War, the Zettel did bring out some mages out who they hire from a distant land, none of their magic is like this

Fire and thunder shrouding one palms without harming the user, summoning dark clouds and controlling thunders and lightning.

This kind of magic seems to trump any magic that the soldiers of Eden had ever saw. But this scene that shock the Edenian soldiers also shocked the tribespeople.

Many of the tribe people that is native to the Three Kingdoms knows Varnikar and knows of his feat. 

But whether they were the native tribe of the three kingdoms, or the tribes that come from the New World, they both did not expect that there exists such a man that could control nature and the elements like this. 

For the native people of the Three Kingdom, they have long heard that Varnikar is a great warrior, that he alone could suppresses the mountain tribes to the north

But even then, they did not know what methods he uses. 

Today, seeing such powerful methods of lighting, now they could understand why those mountain tribes could be handled easily by him

And as for the tribes that came from the New World, they have heard sometime the resounding names of Varnikar from the tales about the great warriors that fought against the Darkspawn. 

But of course not every tribespeople of the New World knows about Varnikar, a warrior of the Three Kingdoms

But today, everyone would know. 

As everyone was still in a mood of disbelief, someone suddenly shouted from the top of the wall, pointing toward the field

They all look toward the field and they could saw with their naked eyes, something seems to waves in the air. 

The commander of the wall looking at that wavy things that is approaching the city gate widened his eyes.

'What in the name of Light?!' he shouted in shock 

The shockwave of the palm colliding is coming toward the city gate. Who could believe such absurd thing? 

How powerful an impact it must be to create a shockwave that could travel such a distance from the area of the bridge to the city gate?

They could see a wave in the air like the waves that has always crashed onto the shore of a beach

But this one is in the air and the velocity and the height of the waves is high. The fact that it is visible shows how much power was condensed


Those on the walls could all feel the city walls trembling and some parts of the walls even cracked. 

Fortunately, that is the only effect of the shockwave. 

One shudders to think that if those two warrior fight closer to the city wall, such impact might break some of the wall structure.

After all, the wall of the outer city is not made of stones but of wood. But the shockwave did not only reach the walls, it also reaches the gate

And there are two warriors that was fighting near the gate. The fluctuation of the shockwave caught them off guard.

The spear clash with the blade, sparks fly, the waves comes and both of them lost balance, one of them somersaulted backward in the air, other glides backward like a feather blown by the wind

The two landed on the ground, a considerable distance from each other, the tip of the spear pointed downward, the blade pushed forward, the force of the waves around the spear user directed to the ground, the force of the waves around the blade user was cut.

Their intense fight stopped. They look at each other with complicated expression.

They were affected but not by much. But even then it shocks both of them 

They look toward the distance and they could not believe that the shockwave come from such a distance

The spear user is Santiago and the blade user is Giovanni.

Giovanni had gone to stop Santiago. The Emperor had decreed and so if Santiago was still insisting, Giovanni fear that if the emperor wins the battle he would punish Santiago.

Santiago on the other hand believes it is better to interfere before it is too late. 

To him, the death of the Emperor would basically mean the death of them both unless they return back to the Empire and stage a revolt.

Santiago regardless of his murderous and cruel reputation did not want to bear the treasonous label.

He already had to betray a lot of people. But while he could serve two or three lords, he could not serve a fourth lord. 

He would rather die than serving another lord and leaving such a stinky reputation in the world. 

They clashed, the blade and spear exchanges strikes and thrust. 

Who would have thought in their critical moment of determining victory and loss that shockwave would sweep over them causing them to lose their balance and had to separate from each other?

But it also shocks them. 

They quickly understood what happens after looking at that battle area between their lord the old man. A palm attack had created this shockwave.

They finally hear the shouts on the top of the wall and they frowned.

The fact was that the shockwave generated by two palm clashing is able to affect their battle from a distance away is remarkable enough

But when you take into consideration that it is merely the after effect and the distance travelled which already weakened the shockwave, both of them understood in that moment, if it were they that accepted such an attack, they would probably not survive another strike

They then look back at each other

There is now an understanding. Santiago understood then that even if he rushes to the Emperor right now, he would not be able to come between the battle

And Giovanni seeing that Santiago had understood, sheathe his blade. Santiago closes his eyes, shakes his head and sighed. 

They both stop fighting. 

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