Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 579: The matter of the past

Chapter 579: The matter of the past

Aegir on the other hand had sit down under the shade with his tribe people. 

He tended to the wound of his people, calm down the young and ask for advices from the old

Everyone was satisfied with him and even though they have lost their loved ones, they did not lose hope.

They now believe in the promise of the Divine. Last night, something they could not explain had happened to them

They saw the White Hart. They bear witness to the miracle of travelling a distance that would take them months to only a few minutes.

How then could they not believe? The prophecy of the past, the lore and stories they were brought up with, now, they could not deny it.

They then believe that their loved one had gone to a better place. They are sad. But they were not broken.

The Arakian tribe was fortunate compared to those people that they saw that is riding and walking toward the Gate

They did not need to ask the people that is driving toward the gate what happened to know the tragic fate that befell them. 

Even though they were resting under the shade of the Godstree and eating upon the red sweet lychee, they could hear the screams and the sobbing of the people inside the carriage and the eyes of the tear soaked riders of the warhorses.

They could even hear their conversation. 

Some spoke of the tragic thing that happens to their tribe a few weeks ago. Some people are the last survivor of their village. 

But the Arakian, those who come from the ancestral lands of the Arakian, most of them revived. 

Like they were blessed by the deities.

Some of the old men believed that the Old Gods smiles upon them for they were devoted in protecting the Orb of Fire and that fortune had now manifested and protect them 

The young believe the prophecy of the Seers of the tribe, of the supposed great destiny of Aegir, to won honor above all Arakian

Whatever the case, they were fortunate. 

Their tribe is united even more than before. 

As they rest their bodies upon the green grass and smell the flowers that brings them a calm of mind and while eating the red sweet lychee, nourishing their body and calming their heart, some of them went to Aegir

'Chief' they asked

'Could we invite those people to eat with us?' As one of the youth asked Aegir. 

Aegir look toward the group of people in the distance. They all seem dejected but they are going fast toward the opened Gate.

Aegir himself felt pity for those people. 

He looks upwards and saw that they were many of the red sweet lychee. He was about to approve of it when suddenly the wind whispers words to him

It did not speak of human words. It blows and inside his heart enter an instinct. 

'No' he said. The youth was about to insist when suddenly the tree shakes. Then it glows a powerful light that seems to cover everything around the area

It even spread light to the furthest corner they could see. 

Everyone saw it. 

But to those people not under the shade of the tree, none of them seems able to see anything different.

They did not reach which make the people of the Arakian tribe suspicious. And then the youth shut his mouth

He then knew that it is not Aegir that says no. 

But it is the Goddess Amara. 

Only then some of the old man suddenly notice something after they saw that the blinding light spread out

That other people other than their tribe did not react

Like they did not see such scene. 

What they noticed, Aegir also notices.

They were thinking of sharing some food with the other tribes. 

But since they could see that there is so many fruits in this tree, why could the others before them not see it and take shelter under it? 

Why could they not see that there is many red sweet lychee fruit for the taking?

Only then that they realize this bizarre fact. Could it be that only they could see it? One of the old men among the people then got up and shouted

'Hei!' He shouted toward the people of that caravan. 

But none of that people on that caravan even look toward his area. Only then everyone become silent and some of them gulped in fear. 

Some of the young one then said

'They could not see us?' His sentence is a bit worded like a question. They all notices it and Aegir nodded

'This is probably the blessing of the Goddess toward us' The other understood. Since Aegir had said so, they calm down.

They eat the red sweet lychee but they no longer ask about trying to give the red sweet lychee to the others

They must be a reason why the Goddess only give it to them. Some of them take a nap. Others sing lullaby song to let their child go to sleep.

It only now many realize the peculiarities of resting under the large tree. The babies did not cry and they were calm.

They felt breezy wind. 

They were not feeling too hot even as the shine of the sun went to their area and they did not feel it to cold that they have to wear even more clothing

Like a piece of Heaven sliced for them.

Aegir also lay down on the grass. It felt comfy like a bed. The grass did not give him any discomfort and the soil is just smooth enough and hard enough. 

Hours passes and it is already afternoon. 

Aegir was awakened form his sleep by a breezy wind. 

The moment he got up, he takes a deep breath. 

He looks toward the Gate. And there is still many of them. He thought that at least at this moment, people that have been lining up would already decrease.

But it seems that for every moment of every second, there is someone who is entering the gate to go to the three kingdom.

Endless and unending. 

That is the feeling he felt after looking the line that stretched out. 

He did not think this is the right time for him to move the tribe to the Gate. 

For some reason, he did not feel it is the right time. He knew this is the guidance of the Goddess.

Instinct. He heard about this in the lore. Some deities would plant instinct on the one they wanted. It would guide that person. Since, he did not yet feel the feeling of having to go toward the gate, he should use this time wisely.

'Since I have to enter it, it is better to talk to some people about the Three Kingdoms' Aegir himself had a lot of knowledge about the Three Kingdoms.

That is because he had read a lot. But never underestimate the knowledge of those who were more experienced.

He got up and went to the Pancadongeng. He asks the Pancadongeng to tell him about the three kingdoms and what he should expect.

Then after finished listening to Pancadongeng stories about the Three Kingdoms, he went to the other old people of his tribe.

He was humble in his conduct as he asks these people their knowledge about the Three Kingdoms. 

Some of them know in details, while some of them know only a few things about it.

Regardless how much they know, Aegir treated them with respect. After a few hours, Aegir had a rough ideas of the Three Kingdoms. 

Thanking these people, Aegir went back to his place of resting.

There was Axum waiting for him. He come reporting things to him and after finished reporting he went back to supervise the people of the tribe.

Aegir could not help but admire Axum. 

This person is very experienced and it is because he had Axum he could rest easy. He sat down once again under the tree, his body leaning back to the trunk of the tree.

He is now organizing his thoughts

'It seems the matters of the Three Kingdoms is quite complicated' he thought to himself.

He thought about the Three Kingdoms. 

The Land of Strife. In the past, before today happened, before the Darkness began their spread, the land of the Three Kingdoms is full of darkness.

However, it is not like they live in a city full of dark mist. It is that their place seems like an eternal winter day

The clouds are hard to be seen and when the night comes its darkness is deeper. The Sun does shine toward the cities of the Three kingdoms

They planted food and hunted animals and they live like a lot of normal people. But the sunshine did not come all the way through.

It is always a bit darker, always a bit cloudy. But the people inside it endured the darkness

The three tribes that occupied most of the land inside this area of Darkness is very militaristic. 

They fought the Dark beings and they would take their core and uses it. 

Some them uses it to create weapons, craft armors and some they eat strengthening their bodies and their abilities.

None could best a great warrior of the Three Great Tribes in one on one battle. 


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