Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 551: The ancestral lands of the thirteen tribe i

Chapter 551: The ancestral lands of the thirteen tribe i


A barrier was erected that covers the entire continent of the New World, appearing like the continent suddenly disappeared.

Nothing could come in and nothing could come out from the continent until the battle between Asrana and Vasir concluded.

Rhyssa is in Kingdom of Iathus and rule the area of Dorsea, given the title of Marquis of Dorsea. Rhyssa ruled like a Queen in the region of Dorsea

Enter the Proclamation of Warriors List. She is also known as the Scarlet General. She still did not know the location of Arial.

Somewhere on the Emerald Sea, there is a youth coming toward the Shadowlands, coming to tell the stories of hatred and love of the generations, from the time of Carlingians, then Mont, then Vermont's, of how the Artagnan, the Blanc, and the Montblanc, of how all of these connected

On the Human Continent, a bishop had uncovered a vial in which there is the blood of Levitia in it.

On one of the caves in the one hundred and eight islands around the Dark Sea to reach the New World, there is Gaveror who is also going to the New World.

In the Human Continent, the War of Two Flowers had begun with the First princes Ariadne and her aunt, Grand Princess Adriana, the younger sister of the Emperor forces clashes with each other.

Great Renasia riase her armies and guarded the borders as call of war echoes in the Imperial Palace of Renasia

On the land of the Empire, Nur Aci, oen of the general of the desert had come to answer the call of the First princess and clash with the forces of Aetherland and of the Grand Princess Adriana.

On the north of the Empire, the two kingdoms of Eastian watched this matter intently. This is the current situation right now. 

Now on the Land of Shadows, the characters that would play a part in Arial journey would be introduced one by one.



That night was a night that nobody would ever forget. It was natural in the beginning but then it turns into a terror filled night

As Arial went back to his castle and went to Ana room and then went to sleep, something happened that night

The moment Arial went to sleep, the forces of dark seems to have found power and began to spread its dark tentacles all over the New World.

It started in the land covered by the dark miasma, the land of the Ten Tribes that lives outside the Shadowland.

Thousands of miles away, near the Red Shore, something happened

The Red Shore is a place where most of Leviathan tribe would live in. It is a name for that place because the Leviathan tribe lives near the sea.

And the shore of that area is red because the sand is red. 

Some of them even created hut on the hard shores of the sea as they could jump into the sea whenever they wanted

They live around the sea and they love the sea. 

While others might fear the beast of the seas that would roam around the four corners of the continent, the tribe of Leviathan did not fear these monsters.

Those who are Gifted could even ride these sea monsters into battle. But mostly, most of them had a relationship of giving with each other.

Some of these tribespeople of Leviathan live in houseboats and they anchor at some of common mooring points near the Red Shore. 

Because of the ability of the Leviathan tribe, they could easily live in the ocean for months and even years as they could breathe underwater like fish.

Some of the travelers that have the luck to go to see this tribe refers them as Sea People. 

That night as most of the Leviathan tribespeople dive into the sea, they felt a disturbance. 

When they went up, they could see dark mist flow up from the red sand, flowing upwards to the Heavens, like it is about to fill the entire land with darkness

Many people were afraid and they went to their houseboat. Then storms fill the area of the seas. 

Thunder and lightning fight each other for dominance in the sky.

Wind picked up power and tornado that sucks away the water rises up to the sky, pulling everything toward its

Those who were near the shore is lucky as they ran deeper toward the land. 

Darkly Things appears from the dark mist. Their form is not yet solid but the hideous appearance of these creatures fill one heart with fears

The warriors of the Leviathan tribe shouted to each other

'Raise the weapon and kill the Darkly Things' They roars in the night as their spear was thrusted forward, killing these things before they could gain a true solid body.

A great battle erupted in the shore. Blood spilled down onto the Red Shore, dyeing the shore even more red.

The thunder and lightning up in the sky adds even more of a solemn feeling toward this battle. The Darkly things shrieks as it tries to eat these humans.

The warriors of the tribe manipulated the water around them, healing their wounds as they keep fighting these Darkly Things.

Those in the shore fight the things that appears in the dark. 

But those who were in the sea and saw the tornado coming towards them, they all jump from their houseboats bringing their family with them

Those who do not have families could easily dive down without worrying about anything. But to those who had, their movement is a little bit slower.


Explosion rocked the seas as thunder and lightning strikes the sea. Each time it strikes the sea, a large explosion would erupt in the sea.

There is chaos in the sea. Those who are not too far from land summons the wind and forces their boats to go to the shore.

They saw the dark thing from the distance but to them it is easier to fight against something that have a face instead of fighting nature itself.

As the thunder and lightning grows louder, the stronger the storm become, as it pulling power also multiplied.

With the abilities of the Leviathan tribespeople, it was not long before they arrived at the shore. 

The moment they arrived at the shore, the men protect the woman as they charged against the Darkly Thing.

This is the sign of the End. 

More Darkly Things would appear in the New World. In the land that is not protected by the divine glow of the Godstree, the night turns into day

But, unlike the brightness of the yellow sun that bring about the feeling of calmness and safety, this night-changing-day event, fills all of the heart of the Ten Tribes that stay in their land with fear.

Green and purple aurora fills the sky. 

This mist also began to enroach upon the land. Death aura rises up and resentment and killing intent appears out of nowhere.

Nobody could sense this. 

But it affects the people negatively. But this event, this matter did not happen in the area beyond the Crystal Wall.

On the place where the Godstree is consecrated, no darkness could touch it. 

When this dark mist wanted to pass the Crystal Wall, there is an invisible force that forces it to go back

Like a wave of a water that could not break a tall wall that reached the Heavens. 

This killing intent, this resentment that seems to be stored inside the dark mist could not find ways to pass the walls and it dissipated each time it touches the wall

Learning from it, it receded from the area around the Wall. And these dark mist brings about the winds of winter

It spreads and blows all over. 

Not all of the tribespeople of the ten tribes chose to go to the three kingdoms. 

Of course, majority of the people decided to brave the dangers and answer the call and went to the Three Kingdoms to seek shelter and others to seek a destiny

Those who stay in their land, staying in their forest and ruins of the ancients, all of these brave men and women that rejected the call toward the Three kingdoms, all of them are not ordinary people

Ordinary people would not be able to do what they did, to stay brave even as dark mist covers the entire land that is populated by the ten tribes

All of these people had certain knowledge. They know of some old stories. And they know how to protect themselves

The Three Kingdom is the promised kingdom. Those who were able to conquer it would be Asrana.

And to that person, these people would give their allegiance.

Those who have ambitions, those who wanted to change the destiny written in the stars would go to the Three Kingdoms

This is what those in Ming would say the tribulation of Heavens. The secret of fate and destiny would be destroyed and nothing could be easily seen during this moment.

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