Against Heaven's Will

Chapter 237.1 Blessing in Disguise - Part 1

Looking back at Jiao’s past, luck wasn’t entirely on her side. Her life wasn’t as smooth sailing, having many ups and downs.

"Is this a blessing in disguise?" Jiao asked in wonder while looking ahead with her eyes blinking in disbelief. For a second she thought the toxic fumes were messing with her eyesight.

When the boulder turned, Jiao saw a massive door made out of a single piece of golden crystal. It looked exactly like the Fate Stones she saw in Hellhole City but the sheer size of it was uncomparable.

The door was beautifully engraved with multiple designs as if someone didn’t care they are carving in one of the most sought crystals in the Heaven Realm. Jiao didn’t hesitate and launched herself onto the platform in front of the door only to be surprised once again.

I was a crypt!

She peeked through the translucent door as saw a Fate Stone coffin with a human inside. Jiao couldn’t discern the person’s features but it was most definitely a woman with how long her hair was.

"Did I actually find burial grounds?" Jiao questioned excitedly. Only a powerful Cultivator would be able to afford such an expensive burial.

She recalled Dandan’s words on how many experts used the Hellhole as their final resting place and she finally believed it. The only question was, how would that help her in saving her life? Could she get some inheritance from this woman?

She pondered deeply while grazing the surface of the door with her palm. She tried pushing it but the door was locked shut. The thought of cracking it open came to her mind and Jiao didn’t think twice before she drew her sword.

"I’m sorry Miss for ruining your crypt but I’m desperate..." Jiao apologized in advance, raising her sword to strike at the door. "I can’t die here! I have to meet him once again!"

Her ice sword covered in Qi slammed against the golden door but it only bounced with a dull sound.

Nothing. Jiao didn’t even create a small scratch.

"How is this possible...? Aren’t Fate Stones fragile? How come it is so hard?" Jiao wondered as she cut multiple times, even using her most powerful Sword Art yet her efforts were fruitless.

"Nooo!" Jiao shouted desperately as the platform covered with Ice. She bombarded the door with countless Ice Spears but the crypt was too tough.


Jiao collapsed on the ground, her face blank as if she lost all hope. Just when she thought that fate smiled at her and she would be able to escape, it all collapsed just as quickly.

"I guess we are going down together..." Jiao muttered as she watched the lake of toxic liquids surrounding them. Sooner or later the corrosion will dissolve the rock surrounding the crypt and they would both follow right after.

Even if she tried her previous option, Jiao exhausted too much of her Qi already to succeed.

"It was nice meeting you Miss..." Jiao said as she gazed inside the crypt. "To think we will die together in such a place. Well, you are already dead so it probably doesn’t matter for you."

For some reason, Jiao felt much better knowing she wasn’t alone.

"It was a good run..." Jiao commented as she looked back at her whole life. Although she wasn’t proud of her many decisions, it made her who she was today.

Jiao closed her eyes as she leaned against the crypt and watched the favorite scenes of her life. Strangely, they all included Xuefeng.

Their first meeting in the Aurora Country. Their travel across the Earth Realm. All of his advice and care. His lovely touch and handsome face.

All of those sweet moments put a smile on Jiao’s face until she finally reached the dark side. Tears fell on her cheeks when she imagined their last meeting.

"What was I thinking...?" Jiao asked herself as regret filled her heart. "Why didn’t I stay with him? Why was I so stubborn?"

She could still remember Xuefeng’s desperate try to stop her from leaving to the Heaven Realm. She already regretted it at that moment but now it was eating her from inside.

Jiao opened her eyes and released her Qi. Xuefeng’s face formed in front of her, causing her to smile again. She hugged her legs and supported her chin in between, simply watching the man she loved.

Her Qi was running out, but she wanted to see him for the last time. Who didn’t dream to die with the person they loved. She stared at him like in trance when the sound of bubbles snapped her back to reality.

The boulder was slowly sinking as toxic liquid came ashore, getting closer and closer to her. Even though Jiao would die any time soon, her survival instinct activated. If she climbed on top of the crypt, she could at least buy some more time for herself.

She kissed Xuefeng’s hologram in the lips and peeked inside the crypt once again as if to say her goodbyes to the unknown lady as well.

"I’m sorry we have to end like this. If I was strong enough I would get us out of here and find you a better place for your rest. Too bad I’m a failure..." Jiao lamented as she stood up.

"How much do you love him?"

Jiao shook her head in surprise at the sudden female voice. For a second she thought she was hallucinating when she heard it again, much clearer than before.

"How much are you willing to sacrifice to meet him again?"

"Is that you talking?" Jiao asked as she gazed at the coffin. The lady didn’t move an inch from her previous position.

There was no way that expert was still alive, right?

"Answer." The female voice called out again. "You don’t have much time."

Jiao saw the toxic liquid creeping up to her from behind and replied without hesitation, "Everything! I would give up everything to be with him again."

"What if I told you that I can make it happen?"

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