After the Marriage, I Hid Commander Gao Leng Privately

Chapter 109: I can do this figure

  Chapter 109 I can do this figure

   "Now, everyone receives weapons and equipment."

  After the tactical thinking class is over, the Marine War College uniformly distributes basic equipment to new students. A ion gun that Lin Fu couldn't put it down, and a high-energy sword that fully satisfied her fantasy. Made of special metal, inlaid with A-level energy, it contains extremely lethal special energy.

   Every time he swung, a dazzling light flashed across.

  In the battle royale in the rainforest, she was only focused on fighting, and didn't pay attention to the weapon in her hand at all. The feeling of holding it in her hand now made Lin Fu's heart ecstatic.

   "So happy?" Mervin walked over with his equipment bag on his back and asked in surprise.

   "Hmm! Of course I'm happy."

   Such an advanced weapon, she never dreamed of owning it in her previous life.

  Merwen can see that she really likes it, and her performance deserves better equipment.

   "It's a pity that you can only use A-level, and you will suffer a lot if you fight against people who are above your level." Mervin was rarely willing to finish speaking, and other team members nodded in agreement.

  Their entire team received S-level knives according to their personal physique, and some even had 2S and 3S levels.

   Only Lin Fu is A-level, and the hidden energy of the weapon itself will be lower by one level, or even several levels, and the lethality will naturally be reduced.

  This is why StarCraft pays so much attention to physical talent.

  Your physique is not enough, even if you are given advanced weapons, you will not be able to use them. Leapfrog use of weapons, huge energy will bring unimaginable damage to the body, often before the enemy is killed, he himself dies first.

  Of course, the same is true for spiritual power. Many equipment in the military command system have requirements for the level of spiritual power.

   Lin Fu knew about this a long time ago, but she was not discouraged.

  In the battle royale in the rainforest, she had an idea and entered a very special state, as if everything around her had slowed down, and the actions that she could not do before became easier.

  Using the words of her former master, this is called entering the martial arts.

  She has already touched the threshold by entering the martial arts, and she will be able to master it as long as she practices diligently.


  After receiving the equipment, Lin Fu followed the team members to the cafeteria for dinner. It was still her favorite cafeteria numbered 003, and it was the buffet on the third floor as usual.

  A group of twelve people walked together, and the effect was instantly full.

  Especially Lin Fu, who was walking side by side with Mervin, attracted countless gazes along the way. No matter male or female students, they couldn't help but stop and take a second look.

  Now, no one dares to question Lin Fu.

   "Look, it's Lin Fu."

   "I am more beautiful than what I saw in the video."

   "And Mervyn."

   "Wow, it is indeed the Marine War Academy with the best looks and body. I can do this figure. The average is 190, and the shortest cannot be less than 1.85 meters. Wait...why is there a fat man in it?"

   "If it weren't for my poor physique, I would have joined the Marine War Academy."

   As soon as a group of people walked in, a whirlwind set off on the huge third floor, becoming the focus of everyone's discussion, and countless people looked at it with burning eyes.

  If you were an ordinary person, you would have been seen as stage fright.

  But Mervin didn't even move his brows, and found an empty seat to sit down as if no one else was around.

  Lin Fu smiled slightly, and her calm eyes swept across the third floor casually. The girl's eyes were as clear as water, but they gave people softness and firmness.

   People unconsciously think of her calm and crazy eyes when fighting.

   Some people even avoided her gaze unconsciously, subconsciously daring not to look at her.

  (end of this chapter)

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