After the Groom Ran Off, I Convinced a Military Commander to Marry Me

Chapter 735: you are not that familiar

  Chapter 735 You are not that familiar

  This night, no one is destined to sleep well.

  Although the reporter was arrested.

  However, Lin Lian committed suicide on the live broadcast!

  After seeing the news on the Internet, Su Wan shook her head, "It's a good thing she didn't marry Xiao Luo, otherwise, my mother and the others would be depressed from now on."

  This girl is really capable of doing it!

   With such a comparison, Su Wan felt that her daughter was much cuter and more sensible.

  Gu Yan didn't sleep either, how could she sleep.

  The little girl said worriedly, "Mom, she won't really commit suicide, will she?"

"No." Su Wan said very firmly, "She just hopes to win back Xiao Luo's heart. She should really want to marry Xiao Luo, but whether she is sincere to Xiao Luo or is trying to do something else, she Once this kind of thing is done, there is absolutely no room for maneuver.”

  Before, Lin Ranyue didn't care much about her son's marriage. She was more democratic and supported her son's free love.

   But now, this Lin Liantai Zuo, Lin Ranyue will not let her son marry her.

  Now, even if Lin Ranyue agrees, Su Wan will stop them.

  Those people who fished in troubled waters were indeed found by the Lin family. They didn't actually know who posted this post, but such a good opportunity could just cause public opinion pressure on the palace.

  Once Gu Ruanruan sits on the throne, they don't have to wait for Lin Lian to marry Lin Luo.

   But things got serious, those who posted were all dug out, at first glance they seemed to have no connection, but once an answer was released... the Lin family or the Luo family.

   In other words, for Su Wan and the others, it is enough to directly target the Lin family.

   Then push backwards to dig out all those intertwined relationships.

   Sure enough, it didn't take long for these people to be arrested. Those Lin family members who were in a good position, whoever participated in this incident, were affected.

  Ms. Lin was stunned, and came to Lin Yu in a panic.

  Because Lin Yu had a quarrel with Chen Nuan, the two slept in separate rooms that night, and it was almost dawn at this time, Lin Yu raised his eyebrows after hearing what Mrs. Lin said.

  Old lady Lin begged, "Xiaoyu, you can save the Lin family this time! Now many members of our Lin family have been arrested, and our Lin family is going to end!"

Lin Yu sighed depressingly, "I told you a long time ago that you don't want to have ideas about Su Wan's family! Not only are you planning to deceive them, but you are even blackmailing them online? Forcing Gu Chen to abdicate? Don't you understand this yet? Whoever sits on the throne depends on what the Gu family says, Gu Ruanruan has no intention of sitting in this position at all, didn't Xiaorui tell you all before?"

  Old lady Lin cried and said, "But isn't it too late to say this now?"

  Lin Yu took a deep breath, he really couldn't watch the Lin family die.

   "What's going on now?"

   "Now, many of them have been captured..."

  Lin Yu turned around, picked up his coat, "I'll go out and find someone to ask about the situation, and then check out Su Wan's tone."

  Actually, he didn't want to look for Su Wan again.

   But today's incident may be unavoidable.

  Hearing the noise, Chen Nuan came out with clothes on, and immediately frowned after hearing their conversation, "Are you going to find Su Wan?"

  Lin Yu: "Is there any other way?"

  Old lady Lin felt relieved when she saw that Lin Yu was going to find Su Wan. After all, Lin Yu was Su Wan's classmate before.

   But Chen Nuan wanted to stop Lin Yu, she was not happy, "Xiao Nuan, what do you mean, don't let Lin Yu save our Lin family?"

   "Auntie, that's not what I meant."

   "Then what do you mean? Let me tell you, if the person Xiaoyu married was that Su Wan, our Lin family would have lived a good life long ago. Do we still have to make such a fuss today?"

  Hearing this, Chen Nuan's face was very ugly.

  Lin Yu also has no intention to appease Chen Nuan, because he feels a little bit overwhelmed now, no matter what, let the Lin family turn the crisis into peace first, so I am hungry.

   After all, this incident has not caused any substantive and irreparable things.

  Here Lin Yu changed his clothes, turned around and went out, got on the aircraft, and didn't care what Chen Nuan behind him said.

  He boarded the aircraft, hesitated for a long time, and then dialed the main signal of the communication to the mastermind Bai Ze.

  Lin Yu: Bai Ze, I have something urgent to get through to Commander Su Wan, can you get me through?

  Before they deleted each other's contact information, Lin Yu had to apply again if he wanted to contact Su Wan.

  If Su Wan doesn't want to answer...then Bai Ze will tell Lin Yu the answer directly.

  Of course, not everyone is qualified, and can be transferred through Bai Ze.

  The aircraft flew for a long time, and Lin Yu had already arrived at the gate of Commander Gu's mansion. He parked the aircraft and waited quietly.

  Here Su Wan has received a message from Bai Ze.

  She yawned lazily.

   "Ah Jue, can I pick it up?"

   "Take it," Gu Jue said seriously, "I didn't pay attention to Lin Yu back then, but now he is old and ugly, and he is even worse than me."

  Su Wan couldn't laugh or cry.

  This man, at such an old age, is still so jealous. Most importantly, the older he gets, the colder his tongue becomes.

  Possessiveness has not diminished at all.

  Su Wan directly connected to Lin Yu's call, or directly released it. She was not in a hurry to speak, and waited for the other party to speak.

  Lin Yu didn't expect Su Wan to get connected so quickly.

He took a few deep breaths nervously, and then said, "Su Wan, long time no see. I think you must know that I took the liberty to contact you today because of the Lin family. Of course, they did all this wrong. I just hope that , you can open the net."

  Su Wan: "I didn't intend to punish them severely. At most, if they do this, it will not be certain whether they will be affected in the field of their work in the future."

   Those working in various departments of the Lin family were investigated with great fanfare overnight. Even if the investigation is over and they are released without charge, some of them may not be able to keep their jobs.

   There are still some people who should still have jobs, but they will definitely have a negative impression in front of their leaders in the future.

   Seriously, um, you don’t have to think about promotions in the future.

  Lin Yu also understands this long-term impact. He knows that if that is the case, the Lin family is completely over, unless one day in the future, there will be a very good person who can turn the tide.

  He said bitterly, "In this way, the Lin family will also be ruined. Can you tell the leaders of those people that they were just bewitched and made mistakes at the moment, so they shouldn't be given a chance to correct themselves."

"It's okay for them to let people say bad things about me, but they encouraged people to force Xiao Chen to abdicate and give up his seat to Ruan Ruan. This matter itself, when it gets bigger, can even be judged as a group of them for plotting to commit crimes, right? Alien forces intend to overthrow our planet Landis! I have already given them a face, what else do you want to do? This is not the first time they have done this, Lin Yu, you know it well, and repeatedly, Again and again, when my family and I are all clay figurines and have no temper? It is already kind of us not to drive all of your Lin family out of Landis Planet!"

   "Xiaowan, you, how did you become like this?" Lin Yu's voice was very painful.

  He didn't know if the pain family was about to encounter a catastrophe, or if Su Wan was different from what he remembered, and he felt very sad and uncomfortable.

  But at this time, before Su Wan said anything, a man's cold voice sounded slowly.

   "Either call Commander Su, or Boss Su, don't call Xiaowan, you don't know my wife that well!"

  (end of this chapter)

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