After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 112:

Chapter 112:

The most brilliant hunter always assumed the appearance of its prey!

Cheng Yaojin set a trap for Su Li, hoping to provoke him into losing control and showcasing his strength. On the one hand, he wanted to verify the true prowess of the legendary warrior mentioned by Li Er.

On the other hand, Cheng Yaojin wanted to assure his subordinates that he remained a fair and honorable general, preserving his reputation within the army.

However, Cheng Yaojin didnt anticipate his words being too presumptuous, allowing Su Li to turn the tables with a counterplan. While walking towards the training grounds, Cheng Yaojin still looked somewhat puzzled.

Since when did I declare that might make right? Did I convey that message?

Su Li wasnt concerned about that.

Even if Cheng Yaojin didnt assert his authority, Su Li was ready to find a way to display his strength. He wanted his future comrades to understand that, in the battlefield, knowing how to coordinate and clean up was all that mattered.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin handed him the opportunity on a silver platter. Su Li wasted no time in taking advantage of it. In no time, the two arrived at the training grounds.

In the early autumn, the morning was quite chilly. The soldiers practicing their combat skills were bare-chested, displaying their muscular bodies.

Observing the scene, Su Li nodded inwardly, impressed by the elite soldiers dedicated solely to training. Indeed, these Right Martial Guards were as disciplined and rigorous as Cheng Yaojin had described.

As the great general arrived, none of the soldiers practicing came over to converse with him except for the officer overseeing the training.

Go and summon the most capable unit leaders, team captains, and lieutenants, Cheng Yaojin ordered the supervisor without any unnecessary words. Before long, three individuals approached.

We greet the general, they said to Cheng Yaojin, but their gazes were drawn to Su Li, who stood by the side, wondering about the identity of this elegantly dressed young man.

Cheng Yaojins eyes flicked towards Su Li, asking, So, is everything ready?

Su Li responded with a faint smile.

No one surpassed others in literature, and no one surpassed others in martial prowess.

Cheng Yaojin had called upon the best fighters, and these three individuals represented the pinnacle of combat skills within the camp to some extent. These three soldiers were sturdy and exuded a sense of readiness for battle, clearly seasoned veterans.

Whoever defeats him will be rewarded with twenty taels of silver and a promotion! Cheng Yaojin calmly announced to the three. The three immediately grew excited.

Without hesitation, the lowest-ranking of the three stepped forward.

He gestured towards Su Li and said, Sir, well be merciful later!

His words carried a hint of disdain towards Su Li. This soldier had the lowest rank and thus was the first to confront Su Li.

Consort, you can still back out now if you want. Im not like those ignorant fools. Can I really arrange for you to become a common soldier? Cheng Yaojin chuckled, appearing concerned, but he took a few steps back, creating some space.

No need. Su Li shook his head and stepped into the cleared space.

Young master, please make your move. If we attack first, can you, an elegant young man, endure a few punches and kicks?

The corporal licked his lips, squinted his eyes, and casually addressed Su Li.

Su Li smiled.


Su Li sprang into action before the words had even fully left his mouth.

Cheng Yaojin and the others felt disoriented, and suddenly, Su Li was right in front of the corporal.

The corporals face showed alarm, and in his haste, he raised his arm to shield his chest! However, it was futile.

With just a single kick, Su Li sent the corporal flying, and he landed heavily on the ground. With strength attributes of 200 and an additional 95 agility attributes, Su Li had long surpassed the limits of human capabilities. Battlefield elites were no match for him in his eyes.

Both of you, come at me together.

Su Li looked at the remaining two, his tone as calm as ever. The two exchanged glances, seeing the profound seriousness in each others eyes.

Neither of them rejected Su Lis proposition.

For seasoned battlefield veterans, their only pursuit had always been victory. In a life-and-death situation, talk of honor was meaningless.

The two silently arched their hands to Su Li and dared not wait for him to strike first. They positioned themselves on his left and right and attacked simultaneously.



Another plain and unadorned series of kicks, and the two remaining opponents were sent flying. As the corporal hit the ground, Cheng Yaojins eyes gleamed.

His position as a high-ranking general had been earned through countless battles. Naturally, Cheng Yaojin had a discerning eye. He could instantly see that Su Lis combat skills were shockingly advanced.

Is Su Li the peerless warrior Li Er mentioned? Cheng Yaojin was uncertain.

After all, he hadnt witnessed Su Lis full power in these two sparring matches. However, on the battlefield, Su Li was undoubtedly capable of single-handedly taking on a hundred foes.

Su Li once again knocked down the other two opponents with his feet, further exciting Cheng Yaojin. Even Qin Qiong and Weichi Gong might not accomplish this as effortlessly.

Found a treasure! Cheng Yaojin was overjoyed, considering getting closer to Su Li.

At that moment, Su Li turned his head to look at him.

After some movement, I feel even more eager to fight. Ive heard that youre unbeatable on the battlefield. Could you give me some pointers?

Cheng Yaojins smile froze on his face.

I treated you as a treasure, and you want to treat me as a punching bag? Cheng Yaojins face turned dark.

Su Lis smile was even brighter than before.

You said if I defeat you, youd willingly give up your position as a general and make way for me, right?

I dont care about being a general, but I have to tell you, in the Right Martial Guards right now, Im the one with the strongest fist.

Consort, punches, and kicks have no eyes. If we really start fighting, and I accidentally hurt you, how could I explain it to His Majesty? Cheng Yaojins face turned black as he tried to find an excuse.

Dont worry, General, Ill be careful.

Cheng Yaojins eyes widened, and then he grew furious.

How could he, Cheng Yaojin, a battlefield veteran, be manipulated by a youngster like this in front of everyone?

His anger surged, and Cheng Yaojin no longer hesitated.

Consort, be careful!

Cheng Yaojin, being sneaky, only reminded him after he had already attacked.

He wanted to create a time difference, but


Another kick!

Immediately afterward, Cheng Yaojin felt as if he would be kicked in the chest by an elephant. He flew backward and fell into a messy heap. Su Li walked up to Cheng Yaojin and helped him up.

General, it seems my fist is the mightiest here. According to you, will I be calling the shots from now on? Su Li asked with a grin.

Cheng Yaojin felt embarrassed. He had considered the possibility of being unable to beat Su Li, but he didnt expect to be comparable with a mere chief in front of Su Li.

In the end, it was all about a kick

But upon hearing Su Lis words, Cheng Yaojin threw his embarrassment aside.

Would Su Li be in charge from now on?

Would he, a grand general, become nothing more than an ornament?

Absolutely not!

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