After Being Bent by Reader

Chapter 38: Pt.2

Chapter 38: Pt.2

Five minutes later, Xu Xiangxiang returned from the washroom and came across a strange sight.

Murong Shi wore a gloomy expression on her face as she finished her cup of tea. And upon noticing the cup was empty, Xu Chuanchuan would immediately lean forward and refill the cup, acting no different than a lackey trying to please her boss. Afterward, Murong Shi would empty her cup once more. After repeating this three times, Murong Shi unhappily interrupted Xu Chuanchuan's attempt to please her as she said, "I'm full."

Looking at Murong Shi, Xu Chuanchuan asked in trepidation, "Do you want to eat some more meat?"

With indifference on her face, Murong Shi replied, "No, you two go ahead."

Xu Chuanchuan then timidly set down the teapot.

Confused by the situation, Xu Xiangxiang asked, "Big Sis Shishi, did something happen?"

"It's nothing."

Xu Xiangxiang then looked toward Xu Chuanchuan.

In turn, Xu Chuanchuan sheepishly lowered her head. While doing so, she snuck a glance at the bowl in front of Murong Shi.

Apart from a stalk of fish mint, the bowl held nothing else. Previously, Murong Shi had spat out the fish mint as soon as she took a bite out of it, probably because she couldn't stand the taste. Afterward, she completely and utterly refused to eat anything.

Even until the end of the meal, Xu Chuanchuan saw that Murong Shi's expression remained gloomy and twisted. While Murong Shi was going to retrieve the car, Xu Chuanchuan used this opportunity to buy a bottle of cultured milk from a nearby convenience store.

"I want to drink it as well."

Slapping her little sister's thieving hand away, Xu Chuanchuan said, "I bought this for Miss Murong."

While rubbing the back of her hand, Xu Xiangxiang leaned closer to her elder sister and said, "Now that's right. You should work hard to form good relations with Big Sis Shishi. That way, you'll have a better future in that company of yours."

Xu Chuanchuan was rendered speechless.

After getting into the car, Xu Chuanchuan handed the cultured milk to Murong Shi and said awkwardly, "It won't feel as disgusting anymore once you drink this."

Turning around, Murong Shi looked Xu Chuanchuan in the eye for a moment before accepting the cultured milk. "Thank you."

Xu Xiangxiang was a talkative person, so she occupied the passenger seat and chatted with Murong Shi throughout the entire trip home.

Finding the noise to be too much, Xu Chuanchuan gently reprimanded Xu Xiangxiang, "Miss Murong is driving. Don't bother her."

Xu Xiangxiang nudged her mouth for a moment before falling silent. However, after a moment, she started feeling suffocated by the silence, so she turned around and asked Xu Chuanchuan, "Are you still looking for a house?"

"Of course. I still haven't found one yet," Xu Chuanchuan replied. Although the lecherous man no longer stalked her, nobody could guarantee that he wouldn't reappear in the future. Not to mention, her rental contract was close to expiring already.

After pondering for a moment, Xu Xiangxiang said, "Finding a house to rent by yourself won't be easy. It's also unsafe for you to stay alone. Why don't you find a two-person apartment that's close to my school? I'll also have an easier time visiting you that way."

Without even pondering on the idea, Xu Chuanchuan said, "It's convenient for you, but what about me? How am I supposed to get to work?"

"Take the subway, duh. There's a subway station right outside my school. You don't get nauseous from riding the subway, either."

"We'll see," Xu Chuanchuan said, ending the conversation. She didn't find it comfortable to discuss such a topic in front of Murong Shi.

However, to Xu Chuanchuan's surprise, Murong Shi suddenly asked, "You're moving?"

"Ah, yes."

Murong Shi pondered for a moment and said, "The place you're living in now is indeed unsafe."

Xu Chuanchuan fell silent.

At this time, Xu Xiangxiang said, "That's right. A man has been stalking her for the past few days."

"Is it still that pervert?"

Xu Chuanchuan grew embarrassed when she heard Xu Xiangxiang babble away about the stalker incident. However, since Murong Shi had asked, she couldn't bring herself to remain silent. "Actually, I'm not sure if he intended to hurt me. When I saw his sleazy look, I justWait, what did you say?"

Xu Chuanchuan had a subtle feeling when she heard Murong Shi's words. Unfortunately, she couldn't see Murong Shi's expression right now, and she only heard the other party calmly responding, "I said, the person stalking you must be mentally ill or a pervert. In any case, you need to be careful."

At this time, Xu Xiangxiang interjected, "It's not like that. That person watches my streams, and he mistook my sister for me. He's not some bad guy."

"Xu Xiangxiang, stop being so naive," Xu Chuanchuan said, rolling her eyes.

Xu Xiangxiang then stopped speaking.

A moment later, Murong Shi suggested, "How about moving into the company dormitory?"

Xu Chuanchuan had been asked this question several times before. Putting on an awkward look, she said, "I prefer to live alone."

"Have you ever visited the dorms?"

"No. Didn't Linda say they look like standard hotel rooms?"

After remaining silent for a moment, Murong Shi said, "There's a unit with two separate rooms. If you wish to move in, you can go look for Linda."


Murong Shi's description of the dorm tempted Xu Chuanchuan. Hence, she decided to find Linda on Monday.

At her request, Linda immediately brought her to the third floor for a tour and said, "It's this one. This unit has two separate rooms, and I'm currently staying in one of them."

Hearing Linda's words, Xu Chuanchuan inwardly thought to herself, Being the vice president's assistant sure is great. Even the dorm she's staying in is more special than others.

While biting on a big apple, Linda pointed at the other room and said, "This room was originally intended for Miss Murong's afternoon naps, but she prefers to stay in her office, so this room has been left empty all this time. If you wish to move in, you can have this room."

Surprised, Xu Chuanchuan asked, "I can?"

Still biting on the apple, Linda said, "Since Miss Murong doesn't have any opinions about it, so, of course, you can. It's unoccupied anyway."

However, while Linda had said so to Xu Chuanchuan, inwardly, she wondered, What kind of background does this Xu Chuanchuan have exactly? Why is Miss Murong taking such good care of her?

What Xu Chuanchuan needed was a confined space to herself. Linda also wasn't a stranger to her, so when she saw that there was such a room available, she couldn't hide the joy in her heart at all.

Without hesitation, Xu Chuanchuan decided to conclude her contract with her landlord next week and then begin moving her things to her new home.

The day Fang Qin returned happened to be a weekend, so Murong Shi drove to the airport alone to pick her up.

Despite losing contact for three years, Fang Qin's appearance hardly changed from Murong Shi's perspective. She wore a large pair of sunglasses atop of her head, and her tall figure stood out like a sore thumb in the crowd. Murong Shi spotted her right away and waved at her.

Fang Qin approached Murong Shi while pulling along two large and heavy suitcases. After staring at Murong Shi's face for some time, she shook her head and sighed. "You truly are a femme fatale. Not entering the film industry is a waste of your beauty."

Ignoring Fang Qin's words, Murong Shi helped her with one of her suitcases.

Meanwhile, Fang Qin spread her arms and said, "It's been so long since we've seen each other. Gimme a hug first."

However, Murong Shi cruelly pushed her friend away and said, "Stop being so embarrassing. Hurry up, and let's go. We're blocking the way."

Rolling her eyes, Fang Qin said, "You're neither gentle nor considerate. This is why you're still single after all these years."

Murong Shi initially thought to retaliate with her own words, but when she recalled that a certain someone had just been dumped, she decided to endure this slight.

After the two women moved the two large suitcases onto the car, Fang Qin wiped the sweat on her forehead and said, "Did Jiang Shaohua die in a ditch somewhere? I return home after such a long time, and that bastard couldn't be bothered to receive me?"

After closing the trunk, Murong Shi said, "He's busy picking up girls."

Snorting, Fang Qin said, "This horny bastard."

"Do your parents know you're back?"

Fang Qin's expression changed slightly upon hearing Murong Shi's question. She then said, "I still haven't figured out how I should face them, so keep them in the dark for now. I might have to stay in your place for a few days as well. Will that be a problem?"

Shaking her head, Murong Shi said, "As you wish. You can stay as long as you want."

Despite not having seen each other for three years, the two of them behaved very plainly. When they arrived back home, and Murong Mingshu saw Fang Qin, the older woman's eyes immediately reddened. Murong Mingshu then cried while hugging Fang Qin.

"It's good that you're back. It's good that you're back. Don't go away from now on."

Fang Qin, in a rare moment of sentimentality, sniffled and hugged Murong Mingshu tightly. "Mhm, I won't go anywhere anymore."

After Aunt Lian prepared the guest room for Fang Qin, Murong Shi moved Fang Qin's luggage into the room.

After Fang Qin took a shower, she promptly collapsed onto her bed and fell asleep.

Thinking that her friend had jet lag, Murong Shi decided not to bother her for now.

When night arrived, even Sun An had come home early for dinner after hearing about Fang Qin's return.

When Sun An asked if Fang Qin had found a boyfriend yet, Murong Shi noticed a hint of sadness flashing across her friend's eyes. The next moment, though, Fang Qin smiled and said, "I haven't. Do you have someone to introduce me to, Uncle?"

Laughing merrily, Sun An said, "Okay! Uncle will find a good one for you!"

However, Murong Shi found Fang Qin's fake smile a little unpleasant to look at.

Fang Qin came in.

Seeing that it was Fang Qin, Murong Shi left the balcony and signaled her friend to close the door. Now that the two of them were finally alone, Murong Shi asked, "Is everything okay with you?"

"What's wrong with me?"

"You asked my father to help you find a boyfriend?"

Pretending to be relaxed, Fang Qin said, "If girls don't want me,

"Are you bi?"

Sighing, Fang Qin said, "No."

Frowning, Murong Shi said, "You only experienced one failed relationship. Don't write yourself off as hopeless and act recklessly."

In Murong Shi's opinion, although Fang Qin wasn't a stunning beauty, there was nothing to complain about her facial features and temperament. She also had a wild personality and was open to trying anything. However, when Fang Qin returned this time, Murong Shi had noticed the addition of some vicissitudes of life on her face. Whether these vicissitudes were caused by her break up or some other reason, Murong Shi did not know.

Fang Qin was roughly as tall as Murong Shi. Placing a hand on the latter's shoulder, she said, "If things don't work out, I'll just settle with you."

Her expression unfazed, Murong Shi coolly said, "I don't have any feelings for you."

"In my opinion, you don't have any feelings for anyone. Are you perhaps sexually unresponsive?"

Murong Shi's mouth twitched as she said, "You're staying in my house. Watch what you say."

"Okay, okay, no more nonsense. I couldn't find my charger. Do you have a spare that you can lend me?"

Hearing this, Murong Shi approached her bedside cabinet and opened the lowermost drawer, revealing many random items inside.

While crouching down to search for a spare charger, Murong Shi suddenly heard the person behind her asking, "You read novels as well?"

Murong Shi promptly turned around and snatched the book out of Fang Qin's hands. She then stuffed the book under her pillow.

"Hey, let me take a look. I think I know this author."

Murong Shi's expression stalled for a moment before asking, "Do you know each other?"

"No, I don't know her personally." Taking advantage of Murong Shi's brief moment of inattentiveness, Fang Qin snatched back the book and flipped through the pages. She then pointed at a picture and said, "These are all her drawings."

"Which 'her'?"

"The one who dumped me."

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