Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 82 Push And Pull

"this is your final warning, leave now or stay to regret your actions".

Said the Goblin with a soulless and lifeless expression.

The four Goblin generals, had no plan of leaving the Goblin alone, they couldn't.

Thier king gave them an order, and they are to carry it out regardless of what may come.

It is a fact that they did feel threatened by the presence of this new Goblin,

The threat however wasn't to an extent where they have to take to their heels, it was within the realm of combatable.

They had no reason to fear as long as they kept their guard up and are observant to any movements from the Goblin.

The Second Goblin general made the first move by fixing his bow and releasing the arrow.

The speed at which he sets the arrow with the bow and letting go of It, was astounding as it was impressive.

The Goblin was also not dull as he was quick to move out of the way.

Moving to the sides, he was met with an unexpected anomaly who had followed through with his movements the moment the second Goblin general drew his bow.

The fourth general from the side, swung his double edge axe at the Goblin.

The Goblin had no intention of dodging the axe and stopped the axe's momentum with his palm.

The Goblin having stopped the axe, immediately shifted his attention to his other side and thrust out his second hand.

What his palm caught, was the fist of the first Goblin general that was about to pummel him down.

When the Goblin had stopped all assaults aimed at him, he executed his own counterattack.

The bladed part of the axe of the fourth Goblin general that was stuck between his tiny fingers broke into pieces as the Goblin applied his strength on it.

He turned his attention to the first Goblin general whose hand is still attached to his fist, and attempted to punch him with his other fist.

The Goblin about to hit the first Goblin general who had taken to defend using only one hand to raise his guard up, was interrupted by another arrow coming from the second general.

The Goblin halted his attack and moved his head to the side to evade the arrow.

That wasn't all he did, as he thrust his hand forward to tank the third general who charged at him like a bull with his shield immediately after the second Goblin general had taken the second shot.

The Goblin, let go of his hold on the first general's fist and took on the third Goblin's shield head on, with his two palms resting on the shield.

The third Goblin general and the Goblin, engaged in a push and pull fight before the Goblin took control and was able to stop the third Goblin general from pushing him back.

The third Goblin general swung down his hammer when he saw that he could no longer overwhelm the Goblin with his strength.

The Goblin, with his tiny body and strength packed in his fist, punched the shield of the third Goblin general before his hammer cound reach him.

Taking advantage of the third Goblin general's distraction, is the first Goblin general who aimes for the Goblin by jumping above the third Goblin general.

The Goblin also jumped up and met with the first Goblin general before he could land.

Being right at the top of the first Goblin general's head, the Goblin twisted his body in midair and landed a direct kick to the head of the first Goblin general.

The impact of the small leg that did not even take up to a quarter of the first general's head, had him falling to the ground and on his knee.

The Goblin coming down, once again twisted his body before he got to the ground, and thrust it at the first general aiming for his eyes.

The first general quickly raised his guard up and successfully protected his eyes from the small but destructive leg.

The impact however, pushed the first general away from the Goblin.

Now surrounded on all four sides by the Goblin general waiting for an opportunity to continue their assault on the Goblin.

"first general, are you really sure we have the right Goblin" (second general).

The second general with his eyes still focused on the Goblin, asked the first general.

The first Goblin general was just as shocked as the second Goblin general and the rest of them are.

The situation had gone beyond the Goblin becoming stronger, to the Goblin standing his grounds against the coordinated attack of all four Generals.

The four Generals were droughted in doubts and refused to believe that they were facing the same Goblin they all knew.

even the first Goblin general who took extreme pride in his tracking ability started having doubts.

How is it possible that in such a short period of time, the Goblin that could not even amount to one strike of the fourth Goblin general, is the same Goblin that is now facing all four Goblin generals without battling an eye.

The four Goblin generals refused to believe it and denied all assumptions related to it.

"sniff, sniff" (first general).

The first Goblin general thinking he might have made a mistake sniffed the air, and inhaled it deeply for traces of the Goblin their king ordered them to capture.

The result of his inhaling greatly perplexed the first Goblin general, because the scent of the Goblin he had registered and traced all the way down here, is the same scent currently oozing out from the Goblin before him.

There was no questioning it any longer, it was now obviously confirmed that this is the same Goblin, unless...,

This Goblin had also escaped from the prison the same Goblin was in, and had also followed that same Goblin up till this point.

Such assumptions seemed even more far fetched coming from him, he thought.

On the basis that he is indeed right, and the two Goblins had been locked up together and escaped together, how is he going to explain the scent coming off of him, despite there being only one Goblin before them?...

Regardless of what he thinks, he needed to accept that somehow and In some way,

During the time the Goblin had made his escape, he came into something that elevated his strength this far.

He also has it at the back of his mind, the possibility that his king might know the reason for why and how the Goblin is what he is now.

"you have disregarded my warnings and openly bared your fangs against my master..."

"on behalf of Master, Oracle will now begin working towards eliminating all threats in the perimeter".

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