Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 70 Born Again

'I am back.....'

I said as i feel my body blending to the atmosphere i am accustomed with.

that was a dreadful memory of mine, but not one I intend on letting it keep me down.

[welcome back master]

'this voice?...., Known-knowledge?'

[I am referred to as Oracle now master]

'Ora what now?.....'

[Oracle master. It is my evolved form from Known-knowledge].

'evolved?...., okay now you are getting me really confused'.

'when and how did you evolve?...., last time I checked, you were still at Lv7 with three more levels to go before your evolution, so how come?'.

[a forced evolution was triggered following master's ascension to an half spiritual entity].


'hate to break it to you Known-knowledge, but you are losing me here with no explanation of the sorts'.

[when master absorbed the fire Guardian energy, your body went into a state of shock due to the energy overload and your body being too weak to accommodate the fire Guardian's energy].

[you were on the verge of dying when I forcefully took control to prevent your death from happening].

'wait you what?..., I thought you said you couldn't take control of my body but only a part of my body, and even for that, you said my consent was needed'.

[it is as master said, however the situation was dire and you were in no position to give consent].

[seeing master in a near death state ignited a desire in me, the desire to be of help to master, and that desire is what triggered my forced evolution].

[with my evolution, I had the awareness that I could help master out of the dire situation you were in].

[I dispersed the Fire Guardian's energy that was killing you from the insides and used it to instead rebuild your body's constitution with it].

[the only reason why the Fire Guardian's energy was killing you instead of helping you was because your body wasn't compatible with it, so I figured why do I not make it compatible by using that very energy itself to rebuild a compatible body].

'stoppppp....., hold it right there, shush and rewind a little'.

'you did what with the what again?'.

[i rebui..]

'enough. That was a rhetorical question. When you said rebuild my body, do you mean rebuild as in rebuild, rebuild, or rebuild as in metaphorically'.

[no master, i mean rebuilding it realistically.....]

'are you making fun of me right now'.

[I would never dare do that to you master].

'sigh. You know what, just continue with your explanation'.

[yes master. What I rebuilt was the constitution making your body from an ordinary Goblin to an half spiritual Goblin].

[when I was done with that, I then directed the remaining Fire Guardian's energy into your mana core that has now become a fire core].

'wow...., you really did make a lot of changes to my body I see, and without even consulting me first'.

'its a lot of changes to the point that I do not even feel the need to be surprised'.

'i wonder what level I am at now after absorbing the Fire Guardian's energy?...'


[one more thing master, I have extended my authority to taking over the system and replacing it. Your status display will now be my doing from now on].

'you know what you sound like just now?.....'


'like how does sci-fi robots talk. You earthlings, we have come to take over your world and possess your brain...'

'you get what I am saying right?..., and if you don't, well here is a break down on what I am trying to say. You, sounded real fucking scary and bossy back there, so don't do it again'.

[I apologize master, I will change my tone of spe...]

'the tone isn't what I am talking about, I am talking about the words you spilled out, the one about extending your authority,

It felt like you were trying to slowly take over me'.

[that will not ever happen master, as I am a part of the master and exist solely because master exists. Taking over you is the same as asking me to kill myself master].

'I know all that, it just felt creepy to me is all'.


'now I have gone and made it even more weird. You know what, just show me my status already'.

[understood master].

●Name :?

●Race : Infernal Goblin (Half Spiritual Entity)

●Job : Inferno Guardian

●Rank : Disaster

●Existential value : 100,000

[All Skills Display]

​ [Alpha Skill > Oracle]

[Unique Skill > Vine Elemental, soil Elemental, Inferno Elemental].

[Normal Skill > Specie Devour Lv1, Fire immunity Lv1].


'okay, is it just me or does it feel like my skills have somehow gotten lower?....'

[it is as master said].

[skills like Meta Strength, Mana Materialization, mana gathering core, perception, pain resistance, and poison resistance. Has been integrated into the master's body as an half spiritual entity].

'does that mean I don't have to say the skill before I can use it'.

[yes master. The skills I mentioned are a natural ability of all spiritual entity. Master being an half spiritual entity is also subjected to have them].

'that is great to hear. What about the side effects that comes with using them, especially for the mana gathering core?,

' will I still be having it despite not directly having the skill'.

[there will be no such side effects master. The only reason why master had those side effects to begin with is because master's body is not built to use them].

[like I said before master, those skills are the natural abilities of all spiritual lifeforms. Master then wasn't a spiritual lifeform but an ordinary Goblin, and having access to them as a ordinary Goblin is something that wasn't supposed to happen].

'i see, I get it now. My body being a goblin was too low for the skills effectiveness and thus the reasons for the side effects'.

'lile a two year old putting on a cloth belonging to a twenty year old, even if he can wear it does not necessarily mean it will fit to his body size, isn't that right known-knowledge, sorry I meant Oracle'.

[yes master, that is correct].

'great, now that I know that now, let's move on to a question I find very disturbing to ask'.

[and what would that be master].

'one question, just one',

'You mind explaining to me why, is my body like this....'

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